Attaining Superstar Status the Super Smart Way by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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As a little boy many years back, I remember having pictures of some superstar actors, musicians and footballers whom I looked up to as my models. My friends and I drew the images of famous football players on the seats of our class room and we always wanted to be associated with their skills. It was great joy knowing that one of us had great goal keeping skills like Chilavert or amazing dribbling skills like Zidane.

As grownups, we’ve seen those stars we loved fade and we’ve moved on to find new stars that we hope to model our lives with. The reason we gave them up was because they no longer stayed at the height we knew they were at. There are some stars we celebrated then that we still celebrate today because they kept us gasping for more and we are still gasping for more.

On a cloudless evening, the sky stares at us with a plethora of stars twinkling. The stars don’t have equal intensity, some shine bright and others so dim. I’ve also seen some fade. One star that amazes scientists is the sun. The sun is not just another star, it is a super star. It controls everything around and in the earth.

It rocks to be a superstar, to have everything around you depend on you and to be the inspiration around which others find their status. A superstar shines so bright and forceful that it is impossible to outdo him. Like the sun that shines infinitesimal, in us is the capacity to shine brighter than we could imagine.

We always wish that we could be so and so superstar. We wish we could sing like that musical icon, preach like that superstar pastor, speak like that superstar mc, run like that superstar athlete, dance like that famous dancer, write like that famous author. Inside us is that crave to live the lifestyle of being famous, to be looked up to by others and to be able to help people find their own capacity too.

As attractive as being a superstar may be, the road to becoming one often isn’t as rosy as one would desire it to be. It could be a thorny path with some periods of challenges characterizing it. It’s so tough when you are thinking about becoming one and you don’t know how to get there.

Not everyone who has the wish have the capacity to get going accomplishing it. While some persons don’t expect the status, they get overwhelmed by the status when it arrives because they actually did not plan for it. They just discovered they had this capacity to shine. Some persons prepare for a long time for the moment to attain the status and when it arrives they grab it with both hands. Some other persons just wish for the status and do nothing.

When as a child, you were asked what you wished to be in the future, you looked up to the superstar who had the attributes you admired. However, not everyone who had that childhood wish achieved them. Some of them gave up en-route when they discovered the “how to becoming” and acknowledged that they lacked the capacity to carry on with their wish.

Becoming a superstar comes with a huge responsibility. You have to work hard towards it with all the zest you can garner. If you must become a doctor, you have to go through the rigorous training of the medical school. Being the best at anything means doing more work on a personal level than others are doing. The best teachers study more, the best authors write more, and the best dancers dance more. It seems that the huge responsibility at becoming a superstar will fall on your capacity to do much more than everyone will do.

This book reveals in details what characterizes a superstar, and the how to attaining the status.

Warning! This book is for those who want to become superstars. If you don’t want it, don’t read it. But for the hungry, this is a must read book.

You have the capacity to shine and attain superstar status. You don’t just have to be a star, you don’t just have to go far, you have to be the definition of shining, you have to be the definition of how far one can go.

That superstar you think you are worth is now in your hands, this book. Read it over and over and find that bit of knowledge to take you from where you are to that bright shining star that the world will celebrate.