Ambition: Steps to boost up Your Ambition, Climb up the Dream Ladder and be Successful


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Published: 7 years ago

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Book Description

On a bright Sunday morning, have you ever found interrogating yourself after reading about someone successful and felt demotivated? If all yes, then get aboard matey. If you tried to read and imply the steps before but couldn't, you saw the results in the beginning and couldn't be on the track then don't worry. THAT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.You must be thinking what if you get the same disappointment here and stuff, i would say that i totally understand your concern. But once i read quote that said, "Life is the summation of all the chances we take and it could have been the way we desired, by the chances we feared taking." You never know this may get you to the answers you were always searching for. So why not give it a read and take a chance ! This sounds too good to be true, but it's not.

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