7 Principles to Live a Champion Life by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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A champion is defined as a winner, victor, defender, advocate and protector. These powerful words fully describe the kind of speaker, mentor, and coach that John Di Lemme is to thousands worldwide. In this book, John has unselfishly shared the strategies and secrets to truly living a champion life. His ability to divulge this wisdom came from years of building his own life and career on a strong foundation of integrity and his commitment to changing lives around the globe. As an Olympian, I fully understand the hard work and determination it takes to achieve your goals in life, and I admire John Di Lemme's no holds barred approach to fulfill his ultimate destiny. I have absolutely no doubt that this book will radically improve your level of success and change your life forever.

Nikki Stone, Olympic Gold Medalist & Best Selling

Author of "When Turtles Fly"