6 Ways to Sunday, How to Cope with Relathionship Breakups by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Adopting a Positive Point of View


Ending a relationship is highly likely to cause a crisis in your life. It is natural for you to feel sad, anxious and angry and to have low expectations for the future. However, it is perfectly possible for you to cope with a relationship break-up and come out of this crisis as a better and happier person. You just need to follow the simple ancient wisdom that time heals all wounds.

You need to look on the bright side of life and realize that you can and will recover. Use the following tips to analyze each seemingly adverse circumstance in your life after the relationship break-up and to find out all the positive opportunities it presents to you. Just remember that you have to have the willpower to turn everything in your favor.


You do not have a person next to you to support you and to love you. This is certainly true, but you should definitely ask yourself whether your ex partner was giving you all this. The answer to this question will most certainly be "no". Hence, there is nothing you should feel sorry about. Quite the opposite, you now have the perfect opportunity to find a person who will truly appreciate you for who you are and give you all the love, care and support that you need.


You feel a total lack of confidence in yourself. It is natural to feel that way after a relationship break-up, but you really have to ask yourself why this is happening and what valid reasons you have for this. If your partner was angry with you, they might have said awful things that have made you feel bad about yourself.


However, this does not mean that they are true. In fact, your partner most certainly does not think that way. That is why you have to see yourself for who you truly are in order to cope with your relationship-break up. You have a variety of great qualities plus you are free to express your wonderful personality.


You feel hopeless about the future given that all your plans with your partner have failed. Just think about it. Now you are free to make all these plans a reality with someone who will truly love you and cherish your relationship. More importantly, now you can do all the things that you have always wanted to do, but your ex opposed.


Now you can really cope with a relationship break-up because you can see what wonderful opportunities you have in front of you.


Are You Desperate to Get Your Ex Back?


Many people find it hard to accept the fact that everything is over. In turn, they do not accept the relationship break-up as the end. Naturally, they experience a strong desire to get their ex back. Are you in this kind of situat