22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Chapter 2 Collective Fears

Part 1 Collective Fears and How They Are Fed to You...

Most of us have a set of unique fears that relate to our own lives, like concerns about loved ones, financial worries and so on; but there are also many "universal" fears " or perhaps you might call them "collective" fears " that are communicated to us through our environment.

These fears often relate to situations and events that leave us feeling vulnerable and defenseless, such as worldwide 'pandemics' (...and 'vaccines'), 'terrorist' attacks, economic and financial crises, and so on.

Not only do we see and hear constant references to these frightening scenarios in the media and from the people around us...

...the energy of collective fears also seeps into the very fabric of our reality (the quantum field) and continues to resonate around and within us.

Since we are all connected to the collective consciousness, we can actually absorb this "fear energy" as we go about our daily lives " even  if  we  don‘t  pa y  a ttention to the media hype and mass hysteria.

In other words, if society's desire was to manipulate and control people by keeping them suppressed in a low vibratory state of fear ...this can affect everyone...

Have you ever felt nervous, edgy, tense, or vulnerable for no apparent reason? Even when everything in your own life was going fine, you may still have been affected by these collective fears and felt uncomfortable as a result...

...And to make it worse, the moment you begin focusing on these fearful feelings, the more you begin to magnify the collective fear energy without even knowing it...