For nearly 20 years, I followed a fixed ritual – every Sunday morning, I gave a talk on success. A keen team – the Kempians – at my retail store Kidskemp would gather around me while I gave the talk. These sessions, known as “RVM's SOS”, focused only on one topic: “How to succeed”. For 20 years, I studied and researched the lives of successful people and discovered the secrets behind their success. This book is a collection of my talks and research done during those years. And now, you have in your hands a hundred of my time-tested Secrets of Success (SOS).
In fact, success is easy to achieve. It is well within the reach of each and every right-thinking person, yet it remains elusive and difficult for most people to achieve. There are no secrets to success, but there certainly are principles and set of rules to follow in order to succeed. When we sideline these necessary steps, success eludes us.
I have been tempted to call these sessions “Principles of Success”, but I settled on “Secrets of Success” because while these are actually principles, they were unknown to most of the people I spoke to at my retail store. These principles turned out to be interesting revelations to them. Hence, each week, I would take up one principle or Secret of Success and elaborate on it. At the end of the session, the techniques would no longer remain a secret; they would become success principles that could be used and implemented by the team in the days and weeks that followed.
In all humility, I must say that hundreds from my team and many others who attended these SOS sessions regularly have benefitted from them and moved up the ladder of success. I don't claim that these SOS are my own discoveries. Rather, they have been around for some time and used by many great achievers and successful people all over the world. I have just put them down in simple words and easy-to-follow steps. Each principle has been carefully thought out and put across, in such a way, that it is easy to remember and implement. If you look around, you will find that there are more than a hundred secrets of success available for just about anybody. However, this book is a compilation of 100 of the most important of these otherwise scattered secrets.
I can assure you that anyone who implements these principles can become successful. This book will motivate, inspire and guide you to be successful in everything. However, the choice to execute the plans and follow the principles is entirely yours. If there is no voluntary intention to succeed, do not expect anyone to push you towards success. In case of sheer lack of will, this book could just as well be another “time-pass” read for you.
However, if this book is taken seriously, it has the potential to become a magic formula or “mantra” for success. This guarantee is not just mine alone, but it is from all those hundreds of successful people who have implemented these principles in their everyday life and achieved success. These principles are not confined to gain success in a business or career alone, but can be applied to achieve success in everything.
The success mantras in this book can be used to achieve any career aspiration and short-term goals of our day-to-day life. Are you ready? If yes, continue reading, and then, do not forget to use 100 SOS by RVM in your life to guide you in the path to success!