Tantra Yoga is an ancient practice that intertwines physical, mental, and spiritual elements to achieve profound personal growth. Unlike many traditional forms of yoga, Tantra focuses not only on the body but also on awakening and channeling the subtle energies within. Whether you're new to the...
This novel is a sequel to my NOSTROMO LOST IN TIME and is the tenth novel in the Kostroma Series. It is continuing the adventures in Space of Captain Tina Forster and of her mighty cargo ship NOSTROMO and her crew in the year 2337. The threat from the monstrous Space Predators is now gone, with...
Catholic Answers on the afterlife, as revealed by St. Faustina in her Diary.
This is a book about alternative philosophy and beliefs. It covers both common and uncommon topics. It's about life and making life better. It is about a better world. It is a look into a different world that could be. It teaches things that you may never have learned elsewhere. This is a new and...
У маленькой Тори уже в пять лет началась череда бед. Эти несчастья, шедшие одни за другими, преследовали и семью девочки ещё до её рождения. Кажется, что будто бы...
Ever wonder what you would do if you woke up in a wreck only to find that every piece of electronics was fried? To make matters worse, almost everyone on the planet has disappeared. Meet Tom Stafford truck driver. Crawling out of a ravine that his rig went in, he finds that he must hike to the...
Ο «Σκοτεινός άγγελος» αποτελεί τη συναρπαστική συνέχεια του κατασκοπικού μυθιστορήματος, «Φύλακας άγγελος» (εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη).Η περίληψη παραλείπεται, λόγω...
When the Antichrist comes, the final hour will have struck, and Jesus will soon return. To the joy of all those who have been eagerly waiting for him, because they will be welcomed by Jesus and not condemned. We live in an age of misinformation. The New Testament is full of warnings about false...
Why do believers not enjoy the ‘peace joy and righteousness of the Kingdom of God.? What has gone wrong? The answer is in the sermon on the Mount as it reveals the ‘laws’ its citizens must observe to enjoy its life. But these all rest upon the Beatitudes found in the preamble to Jesus’...
David was under a financial strain. He was barely able to make it on his job. At lunch, he helps a lost boy back to the hotel that his father is staying at. He finds out the opportunity has fallen into his lap. His adventure is just starting.