Unidentified Flying Objects UFOs Documents of the U.S. Government by Michael Erbschloe - HTML preview

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In 1947, a rash of sightings of unexplained flying objects (UFOs) swept America. Although the newly formed U.S. Air Force was the primary investigator of these sightings, the FBI received many reports and worked for a time with the Air Force to investigate these matters between 1947 and 1954. (https://vault.fbi.gov/UFO)

Edwin Aldrin came out in a special on the Science Channel and stated that the astronauts abroad Apollo 11 all saw unidentified objects which seemed to have been following them.  He also mentions that they were briefed not to talk about what they had seen.  What does NASA have to say in response to this?  What were those objects they all saw?

David Morrison talked to Buzz Aldrin on the phone, and he notes that the quotations were taken out of context and did not convey the intended meaning.  After the Apollo 11 crew verified that the objects they were seeing was not the SIVB upper stage,  which was about 6000 miles away at that time, they concluded that they were probably seeing one of the panels from the separation of the spacecraft from the upper stage.  These panels were not tracked from Earth and were likely much closer to the Apollo spacecraft.  They chose no to discuss this on the open communications channel since they were concerned that their comments might be misinterpreted (as they are being now).  Apparently all of this discussion about the panels was cut from the broadcast interview, thus giving the impression that they had seen a UFO.

(Link: https://sservi.nasa.gov/?question=buzz-aldrins-ufo-sighting

Recently declassified records from the Aeronautical Systems Division, USAF (RG 342 – Records of United States Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations) reveal some surprising, perhaps never-before-seen images.

The following illustration was discovered in the pages of a document titled “Project 1794, Final Development Summary Report” (d.1956) The caption reads “USAF Project 1794”. However, the Air Force had contracted the work out to a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Limited in Ontario, to construct the disk-shaped craft. According to the same report, it was designed to be a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) plane designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4, with a ceiling of over 100,000 feet, and a range of over 1,000 nautical miles. (Link: https://declassification.blogs.archives.gov/2012/09/20/how-to-build-a-flying-saucer/)


