Evolution and the Bible by Elum Mizell Russell, M.D. - HTML preview

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I submit this little volume to the reading public in the hope that it may be approved by all those who aspire to persist in the conscientious pursuit of Truth. The imperfections in what I have written are due, solely, to my own limitations of ability. And not to any lack of zealous aspirations to emphasize the legitimate worthwhileness of such an investigation. The brevity of the discussion is the result of the belief that enough has been said to stimulate in all who are interested, that spirit of thoughtful research and inquiry which will result in a logical and wholesome conclusion, and which cannot do otherwise than benefit mankind.

I feel that the idea that Evolution must extend into the spiritual, as naturally as it operates in the material, constitutes a very real contribution to science, and adds beauty to religion – clarifying the field of theological and scientific deduction.

Re-affirming my faith in God, I commend, to all, a careful perusal of the great books of nature which He has opened before us, and, on every page of which he declares that Evolution is His way of accomplishing all things. Truth is, verily a two-edged sword which cuts to the quick, but a little pruning, now and then, is necessary to the greatest progress.

Let all who feel so inclined, criticize, freely, what I have written herein, but please credit me with the most commendable yearning for knowledge of the plain and simple Truth, and a desire to perform a valuable service to my fellow man. If I have caused offence to any, may I hope that even such spiritual distress shall but stimulate better understanding, and generate nothing but good for future humanity. If I have set a token that will stimulate thought, and that will encourage the timid to break the shackles of superstition and misty tradition, resorting to reason rather than fear, then I shall be well repaid for this humble effort.


E. M. Russell

Gunnison, Colo.