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Are We Living Inside a Brain?

Neural Architecture of the Akashic Records


In the 1930s and onwards, neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield developed a surgical procedure for epileptics in which he operated on a patient’s exposed brain while the patient remained fully conscious. When an electrode was placed on the patient’s temporal lobe, the patient had a complete flashback to an episode from earlier in his life. (Applying the electrode to other parts of the brain did not produce this.) The scenes always moved forward, and only forward. If music was involved, this followed the precise original tempo; the full score of which the patients would be able to hum with total accuracy – much as an autistic savant would be able to reproduce music with almost complete accuracy – like a recording on a video or compact disc.

Penfield in his book The Mystery of the Mind, recounted, “They were electrical activations of the sequential record of consciousness, a record that had been laid down during the patient’s earlier experience. The patient ‘re-lived’ all that he had been aware of in that earlier period of time as in a moving-picture ‘flashback’.” He said, “Each time I re-stimulated, she heard the melody again. It began at the same place and went on from chorus to verse.”

Penfield concluded that the brain stores everything its owner has ever experienced in its original form. The flash-backs seemed to play themselves out in their proper order like scenes in a movie. “Since the electrode may activate a random sample of this strip from the distant past,” he reasoned, “and since the most unimportant and completely forgotten periods of time may appear in this sampling, it seems reasonable to suppose that the record is complete and that it does include all periods of each individual’s waking conscious life.”

One is only micrometers wide. The other is billions of light years across. One shows neurons in a mouse brain. The other is a simulated image of the universe. Together they suggest the surprisingly similar patterns found in vastly different natural phenomena.” – David Constantine, New York Times, August 15, 2006.

The brain’s temporal lobe (particularly in the right hemisphere) has also been implicated in near-death experiences where “life reviews” occur. Life reviews have been described as viewing a movie, a video, a vivid 3D colour display of a person’s entire life or segments of it. Some have described it as viewing a 3D hologram of a person’s life in full colour, sound, and scent. The scenes can go into a preview mode, viewing scenes in little bursts; at random, skipping from one scene to another; in fast-forward mode, viewing scenes at a tremendous speed; or in slow-motion or paused, in order to focus on a particular detail. This is similar to the “Penfield movies” described above.

The movie-like record of experiences that Penfield observed is also identical to what has been observed and recounted by readers of the “Akashic records,” including metaphysicists and mediums. These records include the autobiographical memories of others and accumulated knowledge on specific subject matters. Metaphysicists hold the view that the Akashic records are memories encoded in space. (“Akasha” in Sanskrit means “space.”) But how exactly could these memories be encoded in space? The purpose of this article is to provide a physical model of how this can happen.


There is mounting evidence the “ordinary matter” that is currently familiar to physicists makes up less than 5% of the universe. More than 25% of the matter in the universe is composed of what is called “dark” (or invisible) matter. Astronomers have detected a vast network or web of filaments, composed of dark matter, which provides the scaffolding for the large-scale structure of the Universe. Using NASA’s X-ray satellite observatory, Chandra, these filaments were found stretching for millions of light years through space, with one passing through our own galaxy. These invisible filaments of dark matter are detected only because higher density ordinary matter tends to accumulate and condense in them through gravitational attraction. The ordinary matter generates ordinary electromagnetic radiation that can be measured by scientists.

The visible galaxies in the universe are therefore not isolated and disconnected but appear as nodes (with embedded vortexes) at the junctions where filaments cross. According to the European Southern Observatory (ESO), “All recent computer-simulations of the early universe have one prediction in common: the first large-scale structures to form in the young universe are long filaments connected at their ends in nodes. The models typically look like a three-dimensional spider’s web, and resemble the neural structure of a brain.” The appearance of this web bears an uncanny resemblance to a cross-section of the brain packed with networks of neurons (see illustration on previous page).


There are more than a 100 billion neurons in the human brain. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body in many ways, but there is one key difference: Unlike other cells, neurons have specialised extensions emanating from their cell bodies, called axons and dendrites, which are designed to transmit and receive information. Neurons maintain different concentrations of positive ions (charged particles) across their cell membranes giving rise to potential differences (and resulting voltages) which change with chemical activities. A cycle of electrical depolarisation, hyper-polarisation and then repolarisation allows neurons to fire action potentials in rapid bursts in a specific direction along the axon.

Beside neurons, there are also ten times more “glial cells” in the human brain. These cells provide the scaffolding in which neurons are held together. According to Peter Russell, these cells act as liquid crystals which resonate with ambient electrical fields. This allows them to detect faint electrical currents and amplify them several thousand times in the same way that transistors do.

The current most popular theory of memory formation in neuroscience states that networks of neurons forming different patterns provide the physical basis for memory. This theory was provided by Donald Hebb, who explains memory as a process of reactivating the same pattern of neurons that were activated at the time of the original experience. Thinking of ice cream activates one network of neurons in the brain, while thinking of rats fires up an entirely different network with a different pattern or structure. Experiences change the anatomy or structure of these neural networks. Different structures represent different memories. According to “Hebb’s rule,” the repeated activation of the same network strengthens the connections between the neurons in the network. These strengthened networks form the biological substrate of memories. If there are infrequent firings, the connections weaken from the lack of stimulation and gradually disappear. In other words, repeated stimulation of the same networks is necessary for memories to form.

While this explains the experiences of “ordinary memory” for most of us, we know from the study of autistic savants that they are able to spontaneously recall prodigious amounts of information from just one encounter with the stimulus, even decades after the event, with photographic clarity. There appears to be no need for rehearsal, reinforcement or repeated stimulation to strengthen synapses. How does Hebb’s rule fit into all this? This suggests a different type of memory mechanism or a different substrate which allows for almost immediate long term potentiation to take place alongside “ordinary memory.” This rapidity could fit better with the workings of an “electronic brain.”


According to the author’s Dark Plasma Theory, much of the dark matter is in the form of magnetic plasmas of exotic particles, i.e. dark plasma. A filamentary network is both a signature feature of invisible dark matter and magnetic plasma. Mitua Uehara and his colleagues have suggested that plasma physics should be considered a part of biological investigation, stating that, “Plasma physics can be useful in the investigation of the physical properties of living cells. Concepts like charge neutrality, Debye length, and double layer are very useful to explain the electrical properties of a cellular membrane.” The concept of “plasma biology” and the recent finding of a web of dark matter filaments in space then allow us to think of a filamentary network of currents that could serve as a substrate for the encoding of memories in space.

According to Dark Plasma Theory, dark matter filaments in space are the result of plasma dynamics. This would mean that currents of charged dark matter particles are coursing through these filaments. (This charge is a feature of dark, not ordinary, electromagnetism. Dark electromagnetism is a counterpart of ordinary electro-magnetism and is allowed in modern physical theories. Dark matter, in itself, does not interact with ordinary electromagnetism.) Furthermore, these currents form patterned networks, just like neural networks in the brain.

Spiked increases and decreases in current flow would serve as signals through the network. Over time, tiny filamentary currents grow into larger filaments if signals are sent through these channels more frequently, strengthening the connections in the network. In others, where activation is less frequent, the current decreases and the connections cease. This activity generates Hebbian-like networks (much like in human brains) to form in dark plasma.

Negative currents are inhibitory and positive currents are excitatory. The summation of these currents at the nodes provides a net charge which will “f re” to propagate a positive or negative charge forwards to alter the structure of the network. Furthermore, when output currents are fed back as input currents over various timeframes, causing loops to occur, they construct associative memories in the network which self-organises through adaptive resonance and learns. In this way memories are encoded in the dark matter in the space around us as in the gray and white matter within our brains, in the different patterns of filaments and nodes in specific networks. Human brains which intercept and link to these networks generate images and sounds associated with the memories.

The human brain contains mainly chemical synapses with few electrical synapses. Signalling at electrical synapses is much more rapid than across chemical synapses. These synapses are often found in neural systems that require the fastest possible response, such as in defensive ref exes. It is hypothesised that the neural networks in dark plasma terminate at electrical synapses. We would therefore expect memories to be encoded much more rapidly in dark plasma, allowing rapid long term potentiation and encoding of photographic-like memories.


Teilhard de Chardin views the noosphere as the “collective consciousness” of human beings which emerges from the interaction of human minds on Earth, and is enriched as the population of human beings on Earth increases. According to Dark Plasma Theory, the visible Earth sits inside a Jupiter-sized dark plasma sphere which is similar in size and shape to Earth’s magnetosphere. The dark magnetic plasma generates filaments which synapse at nodes (with embedded vortexes) which are the analogues of the axons/dendrites and cell bodies in a human brain. These filaments in Earth’s brain have also been identified as “ley lines” and the vortexes as “sacred sites” or portals in the general metaphysical literature.

As in the cosmic brain, the Earth’s (dark electromagnetic) brain provides a suitable infrastructure for the rapid encoding of memories. Dark plasma, unlike ordinary plasma, is long-lived even at room temperatures. This is due to several factors, including the observation that the exotic particles making up the magnetic plasma, as theorised in Dark Plasma Theory, are of similar mass. This allows the ionisation energy of the particles to be much lower.

The Akashic records that have been accessed by various readers of the human species are fairly recent memories encoded in Earth’s brain. According to metaphysicist Charles Leadbeater, when the observer is not focusing on them, the Akashic records simply form the background to whatever is going on – “reflecting the mental activity of a greater consciousness on a far higher plane which is accessible to us.” Observing the dynamic and visual Akashic records would be like watching a larger brain’s movie from a distance.

We inhabit this much larger brain and are encoding memories not only within our own biochemical brain but within this dark noosphere. This encoding process in Earth’s brain may be taking place during REM (Rapid Eye Motion) sleep via the left hemisphere of the brain and through the bioplasma body interface when our carbon-based body undergoes paralysis allowing our bioplasma body to decouple from it to communicate more freely with the dark neural networks that we are embedded in. This facilitates long term memory consolidation. Resonance between similar circuits in the human brain and Earth’s brain may also play a part in reinforcing memories.

Most of the memories of the human species are encoded within a few kilometres of the Earth’s crust, i.e. within what can be described as the “geocortex.” These include autobiographical memories of individuals and various cognitive maps. In the wider space, memories of body maps of life forms, which play an important role in morphogenesis and the evolution of the species, may also be encoded. Associative memory ensures that thoughts relating to the same subject matter are agglutinated – resulting in libraries, databases and specific types of environments – as recounted by readers of the Akashic records and ensures that “like attracts like.” Both heaven and hell may be accessed through association pathways in Earth’s brain. No doubt, this is also the physical substrate which forms the basis of Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious” and the Buddhist “alaya” or storehouse of memories.


At this point the reader may be justified in asking, “Is there really a need to hypothesise another brain for the encoding of memories when the biochemical brain itself can provide sufficient complexity to encode practically all memories, given its billions of neurons and trillions of connections?”

Firstly, a theory of a larger brain is required because Hebb’s rule does not explain the immediate encoding of prodigious amounts of information in the absence of repeated stimulation and the automated, photographic quality of the memories during recall episodes in humans. A non-biochemical substrate is therefore suspected.

Secondly, the biochemical brain cannot account for certain types of memories, principally detailed memories of remote places and autobiographical memories of other persons which are routinely uncovered by forensic psychics, mediums, sensitives and remote viewers.

Thirdly, recent experiments have shown that correlated neural signals may be detected by fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans and EEG (ElectroEncephaloGram) readings in the brains of subjects who are physically isolated from each other.

Fourthly, the source of human genius is currently still not very well understood in scientific studies. It is often ascribed to an external source by the geniuses themselves.

Fifthly, intelligence is routinely exhibited by life forms with either no brains or very little “gray matter.” How is that possible if the biochemical brain is the sole provider of intelligence and storehouse of our memories?


Experiments have been conducted which show correlations between EEG readings of human experimental subjects who act as “senders” and “receivers.” More recently these correlations were also observed using fMRI brain scans. There are now six published fMRI psi studies, five of which report significant findings. In one experiment, discussed by Dean Radin, light was flashed at the sender on one end. The receiver, who was inside a noisy fMRI machine, showed activity in the occipital lobe (in the primary and secondary visual cortex) which correlated with the flashes of light. 20 studies of EEG and fMRI correlations have been discussed by Robert Charman. He concludes that there is evidence that direct communication between physically separated human brains can and does occur.

Furthermore, Radin’s analysis of RNG (Random Number Generator) experiments showed strong evidence for attenuation due to distance between sender and receiver. He therefore believes that psi is not completely independent of distance. He cites Fiona Steinkamp’s analysis of ESP card guessing tests which also found a decline in effect sizes with increasing distance. The effect of distance on effect sizes cannot be accounted for by “quantum entanglement” models of telepathy which require immediate correlations and would be unaffected by distance. Furthermore, these models, strictly speaking, do not allow actual information transfer.

However, the dark neural networks discussed in this article require that there be a time difference for signals to propagate and attenuation in effect sizes. If Earth’s brain was mediating the transfer of signals from one human brain to another, it will have to span a distance. The time taken for the transfer, although still fairly rapid, will take some time – possibly a fraction of a second for short distances and a longer time for signals travelling from one continent to another. The effect sizes would be expected to be attenuated. Unlike ordinary electromagnetic currents, the dark currents generated between senders and receivers will not be affected by electromagnetic shielding during an experiment as dark matter, in itself, will not electromagnetically interact with such a shield.

The Global Consciousness Project uses RNGs all over the world to record any apparently non-random movements during major news events. It was noted that prior to certain events, the RNG data would spike. The biggest spike was seen about two hours before the first 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre.

This provides some evidence of mass presentiment (i.e. unconscious precognition) indicating that human brains are tapping into a larger brain or neural network which processes time in a different and more expansive way.

These recent scientific studies provide persuasive evidence that there are deep invisible interconnections between human brains which are physically separated. This article proposes that Earth’s brain has been the silent and invisible intermediary between these physically separated human brains.

Lisa Williams

Dean Radin, researcher and author in the field of parapsychology.


The role of forensic psychics in fighting baffling crimes appears to be growing. These psychics (who are really acting as mediums) often feel the pain of the victim in specific parts of their body and in some cases viewed the crime scene from the victim’s or attacker’s point of view, i.e. through the “eyes” of the deceased victim or assailant. In other words they were retrieving the autobiographical memories of the victims and attackers from some unknown source.

Observing a medium like Lisa Williams during a “reading” shows her not only recalling the deceased’s intimate autobiographical memories as if she was somehow operating from within that individual’s brain but, most notably, also feeling the physical pain that the deceased suffered – whether it was due to a disease like cancer or a gun shot wound at specific sites in her body which correlates accurately with independent information.

Paramahansa Yogananda, a modern mystic, recounts how his consciousness, while in meditation, was transferred to a captain of a sinking ship far away. He lived the harrowing experiences of the captain for several minutes. Then, as the dying captain slipped into unconsciousness, consciousness was transferred back to Yogananda. In other words, he lived another person’s experience. Many cases like this have been routinely reported and documented.

These readings by mediums or psychics are similar in nature to readings of the Akashic records, the “Penfield movies” or the experience of undergoing a life review during a near-death experience. Persons undergoing a life review during a near death experience often feel the emotions of others who are affected by their actions (which would otherwise be unknown to them).

For example, a pilot during a war experienced the pain and anguish of a whole village when he unleashed his bombs on them. This can happen if the life review emanates from a higher brain centre which has access to the autobiographical memories of numerous other persons, many of whom may be unknown to the subject until the life review, but are linked in Earth’s brain through association pathways. Although “mirror neurons” in the brain allows us to experience the emotions of others, the detailed nature of these experiences and the new information generated would suggest a genuine extra-cranial process, mediated by Earth’s brain.


In “group consciousness,” telepathy and remote viewing, the Earth’s “neural networks” are actively used by participants (see above illustration).

According to Melvin Morse, “Remote viewing doesn’t involve actually seeing something as much as it involves processing information through our right temporal lobe from the patterns of information contained in the universe.” These patterns of information are the neuronal networks in dark plasma within which the visible Earth is embedded. This is one method that remote viewers may employ. Harman and Rheingold believe that the research on remote viewing suggests that “the creative/intuitive mind could be getting information in ways other than from the lifelong learning of the person.” Many discoveries, scientific and artistic ideas come about when scientists or artists are not actively thinking about them. Where does this intelligence emanating from below our conscious radar come from?


According to the paranormal literature, ghosts sometimes do not appear to be conscious. They are completely oblivious to observers, and always look and act the same – almost like in a “Penfield movie” – of a memory being replayed or relived over and over again. These are called “imprints” or “residual hauntings” in the paranormal literature. Events that trigger them include fights, murders, rapes, kidnappings, or wars. Famous examples of imprints include the many Civil War Battlefields across the United States. In the battlefields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the roar of cannon fire and the sounds of gunshots can often be heard in the evening hours. The smell of gun powder can also sometimes be detected in and around the road where fierce fighting took place for many hours during the Battle of Antietam in Sharpsburg, Maryland.

Paranormal researchers believe that imprints occur when a vast amount of paranormal energy is left behind and is replayed time after time at the same location. However, it is still not clearly understood how these “energy imprints” take place. Some popular theories include the notions that the building materials “soak up the energy” of the location and replay these stored energies at a later time or it is energy stored in the atmosphere which is activated by changes in the atmosphere.

According to Dark Plasma Theory, “imprints” in the paranormal literature are memories encoded in Earth’s dark geocortex. They are triggered because of interactions between our brains and the Earth’s brain. When a person intrudes into a location in Earth’s brain in which a part of a memory is encoded, the associative memories are activated and replayed – much like what happened when memories were activated and replayed by Penfield when he applied an electrode to specific locations in his patients’ brains. However, most of the time these activated memories remain in our subconscious – only a powerful memory (usually endowed with strong emotions) in the Earth’s brain can surface in our conscious awareness making us see and hear the scenes. Genuine mediums and sensitives, however, may sense Earth’s memories and are conscious of the replays more often than others.


When a person prays, signals are sent from his or her brain to different parts of the “association cortex” in Earth’s brain depending to whom the prayer is directed to (see below illustration). If it is directed to a well-known deity, the relevant associative memories, generated by human brains over the ages and found in fairly localised regions in the Earth’s brain with respect to that deity, are activated. Signals are then projected out through the pathways in Earth’s brain and received by individuals who are also focusing on the same target and who may become participants of the intention of the prayer. Distant healing may also use such a process.

Close up of a butterfly’s head shows the photo-receptors on one of its eyes.


Butterflies have more photo-receptors in their visual system than we do, making their visual systems much better than ours in certain respects. However, while we have a big occipital lobe in our brains to process visual information, the butterfly does a superior job with brains that are mere specks two millimetres in size. Scientists have no clue as to how they do it. Plants and amoeba go about their complex activities without having brains. The brainless single-celled slime mould solves mazes every time it is tested. Where is this intelligence and information processing power coming from? Mother Earth? The life-forms lower down the evolutionary chain (with no or tiny brains) may often be using non-local intelligence to compensate for deficits in their biological cognitive system. Autistic savants, whose brains are impaired, may also use this non-local intelligence to compensate for deficits.


Neuroscientists believe that autistic savants have access to regions in the brain that function like supercomputers. But where is this supercomputer located… in our wet bio-molecular brain?

Across the world, there are hundreds of cases of people with hydrocephalus – a condition where large cavities form in the brain. There are also hundreds of cases where people have either been born with an underdeveloped brain, or have had large areas of their brain damaged in an accident or removed in surgery. Nevertheless, many of them function normally. Some scientists believe that the remaining cortex takes over the functions once provided by the removed cortex. However, this explanation becomes questionable especially in cases where hardly any brain is left in the cranium. There is cynicism even among neurologists.

Some neuroscientists claim that, perhaps, we have underestimated the work of the deep sub-cortical structures in the brain. However, neuroscientists have studied the sub-cortical structures intensively and there appears to be no evidence currently that these structures in a normal brain can actually perform the cognitive functions currently attributed to the cortex. Instead of sub-structures we have to turn our attention to super-structures. We need to look at the supercortical structures which interface with Earth’s dark noosphere.


Penfield noted, during his surgical experiments, that his patients, while reliving their memories, can distinguish between their current experience and the vivid memories that they were recalling. In other words, they experienced two “streams of consciousness” and knew that they were observing their memories. They firmly believed it was not them but the surgeon who was generating the flashbacks. This led Penfield, a highly experienced neurosurgeon, to come to the conclusion that the mind was separate from the brain and was supported by a “different form of energy.”

According to Dark Plasma Theory, our carbon-based bodies are intimately linked to a series of invisible bodies composed of dark plasma that co-evolved with our visible bodies over millions of years. These dark bioplasma bodies and their brains act as the interface between Earth’s brain and the biological brain. The biological brain is therefore supported by an invisible superstructure (see left illustration), composed of dark matter, which develops during life. This invisible superstructure comprises a complex of subtle (dark) electromagnetic bodies, which are capable of transmitting and receiving information from non-local sources within Earth’s brain. The study of these invisible structures and thei