A Conspiracy to Selectively Withhold Science Information by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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F =M1M Gr2

Lets put the mathematical formula into a practical context.

By reducing r would bring about the same result as enlarging the mass factor of the cosmic objects i.e. the Sun and the planets. It is a very drastic implication that will cause much more than just seasons
changing. It must bring about that gravity changes through out the year…yet the radius does constantly change, therefore…

The closer any two cosmic objects come the stronger the force should be, with eventually no force in the Universe being able too keep them apart. This is just not happening!!!

There is no indication of truth about a contracting solar system as Newton proposed and as Newton’s followers promote and or a contracting Universe as seen from the Hubble as he introduced has Hubble Constant…and not from any other evidence seen through the Hubble Telescope.


PROVE ME TO BE INCORRECT IN ANYTHING I SAY! What you see in the picture above is gravity opposing gravity and by using the four cosmic pillars, which builds the Universe, that is how the cosmos comes about.

I say gravity and the sound barrier is the very same thing where it indicates opposing movement of the earth and some other object within the earth that moves apart from the earth. Allow me to very briefly explain the sound barrier as it was never explained before by applying relevancy.


Science in the present and for the last three centuries placed all their focus on material. In placing the focus on mass while mass does not exist as a cosmic entity, science has been running around like a chicken without a head and the truth eludes them even after three centuries of lying and corrupting science. You think that this is harsh words, read and you will see those in science

deserves much more that just that.


00068.jpgThose in science concentrates on the material

filling the space but gravity is about the movement of the space and not of the object in the space, but of the space the object takes with as the object moves faster than the other space. That is why objects all fall equal because the space the objects fill is the same, unconditional of what forms the material. All objects fall at an equal pace without size or mass becoming a factor. That is why I introduce gravity by a very new set of principles that no one ever heard of. When an aircraft goes through the sound barrier, the object fills more space per time unit by going faster through space in time. The object then in accordance with the space it holds stretches because it holds more space than when it went slower or when it stood still. Since the aircraft is solid and does shrink a little but not much, it has to concentrate the space around the aircraft and by concentrating it reduces the space. As the space concentrates through the movement of the aircraft a cloud appears around the aircraft because the water vapour in that space concentrates into a cloud that forms. All movement is part of the sound barrier because the sound barrier is the movement of space. However the sonic boom is confused with the sound barrier but the sonic boom is a small part of the entire sound barrier and only fills the centre spot or the middle in the sound barrier. If mass is anything then show me the role that mass plays in the sound barrier and how does mass conform

into what we think of in terms of the sound barrier.


00069.jpgGravity forms as not by the

mass of what any object presumes to have, which I prove in this book and in all my other books, is clearly not present as a cosmic factor. There is no such a thing as mass in the entire Universe and the conspirers that conspire to keep Newton’s fraud disclosed, cover up this reality with all they have. I challenge anyone to prove where do they find proof of a factor such as mass. I found the place! It is in the imagination of physicists while they try to conceal that mass is only a product of Newton’s imagination. They conspire to confuse everyone with the implication of weight. Weight there is but things pulling other things by the measure of their mass is a daydream and the thought could be funny if it wasn’t that crooked. Gravity forms by redirecting the movement of space in circular flow by the spin of any cosmic structure that has the ability to do so. The aircraft goes straight while it also circles the earth and that forms movement within the earth’s confinement by the earth’s movement, which is what forms the sound barrier. The sound barrier is gravity and sciences present way of going on about the “Doppler effect” and “Mach’s principles” shows how incredibly little those incompetent physicists know about physics. I challenge the lot to prove Newton by showing that the Universe contracts or where mass plays a part in cosmic physics. Show how the planets hold their positions according to the mass they have.

All objects move straight while at the same time circle around some other object. The object moves in a straight line while the spin the object hold diverts the space in which the object is into a circle. This circle brings the value of gravity to Π. By diverting the space in which the object is as well as the space surrounding the object, gravity concentrates space into becoming denser by circling and also hotter.

I return to this explanation later on in this book and then bring the applicable my arguments. Meet the Newtonian. This Newtonian says on the Internet no less that Master Newton and Master Galileo shared the same opinion. This Newtonian says that things fall equal as Galileo said and things fall by mass as Newton said. How much double standard are they allowed to maintain and never get questioned by the public?
When out Newtonian falls our Newtonian would fall at the speed as anything else would fall. This

evidence we see on TV everyday in advertisements and on reality shows. We see blokes jump out of aeroplanes with rug sacks and tennis balls and the lot through each other with the balls and catch the balls while putting on the rug sacks and tasking off the rug sack all the while the lot is getting in and out of a car as

they please.

We have all seen this. The car drops evenly paced with the rug sack, the humans and the tennis balls. Then the Newtonian tells the student that according to science everything is dragged down by gravity in accordance with

mass. See the Newtonian fall. This Newtonian is the only one that falls by mass

The latest is that there is some little particle undetected as yet or as this goes to print (just to cover my arse in case they discover this particle in the meantime) scientifically named and called “graviton” that “pulls” other things that “pulls” back. Science rumours their profession that science only work on established facts and nothing but facts proven to the point of no contest could other wise be good enough.

This expression is so burned into the minds of everyone that science can say any rumour and because it is science everyone believes and never disputes. One good example is this Global Warming by carbon immersions. They take two truths and make one lie to convince people the lie is true. People take what they say as undisputed truths because science is renowned for only working with facts. What a lot of horseshit that expression is, that science only work with proven facts and that they use this idea to convince persons in the public that that is why the lot are atheists. They use this expression to convince people they are atheists because God is not a proven quantity but then they propagate the graviton as the measurable quantity, It is because they only work with facts! I can much easier prove God by using physics that they can prove mass by using physics.


Gravity forms by the dual directional movement of objects going according to the speed of movement. An astronomer will hang suspended in space and high above the earth if the circular movement is high enough to keep him there. If he spins slower he will start to drop. It is not gravitons grabbing him by pulling him closer to the earth. If his circular momentum can sustain the rotation his linear distance will maintain his orbit but as soon as the circular rotation become maintain the orbit the linear reduce and then the “gravitons” are called into action. How ridiculous can they get!

Gravity is the sound barrier because the sound barrier forms by four cosmic principles that form gravity and therefore gravity and the sound barrier are the same principles in conflict because of movement differences. The sound barrier applies by movement in space in space shared.

Everything I am about to show Newtonians say is nothing new. Newtonians say they are aware of everything that I show and then they turn around and simplify physics by putting the entirety of their physics down to the pulling power of mass that forms gravity. The sound barrier is gravity and to understand gravity is to understand the sound barrier. They say that I bring nothing new to the table and they say they apply every aspect I indicate that forms gravity. When I ask them to explain the sound barrier they use the Mach principle and Doppler’s effect, which both dates from a time when no one was insufficient to

distance will aware anything man-made could fly let alone go faster than sound can. Doppler made his contribution to science at a time when the train he measured was slower than a horse. The statistics he left to science applies to going as fast as a man on a horse could ride. That is a far cry from a jet breaking the cosmic boom. They can claim what they like because they never have to prove anything and they never have to listen since they know everything while their shortcomings makes science more the jesting of a buffoon. That annoys me to my guts because all of that comes down to the conspiracy whereby they whitewash their stupidity from the brainwashing they inherited from their predecessors and pass the brainwashing on to their students. Their ignominious stupidity makes me want to shout to the mountains in agony and unbelievable frustration. When a cloak of arrogant self-righteousness hides their incomprehensible stupidity under a cloud filled by their belief in self-importance it becomes hideously loathing.

In the earth’s atmosphere no object can move slower than the earth does. If it moves slower than the earth does, it moves as fast as the earth does by receiving mass and being pinned onto the earth as being part of the earth. There is always movement because of the earth moves and all other movement goes in anticipation of moving above what the earth does. Movement is space that is duplicating filled space at a pace and in relation to other space within other unfilled space. That is why using parachutes slows the falling process of falling objects down because falling is a ratio between solids and liquids. This is proven in these photos about the sound barrier where the movement of the solid jet contracts the space of the liquid cloud. What happens in the photo is vivid proof of my theory and it proves the Coanda effect is what is forming gravity. The Coanda effect is a relation between material spinning and air or liquid compressing and that is what happens between the Earth and the atmosphere. This picture shows objects are always moving extraordinarily as they move in relation to the earth’s atmosphere that always moves in relation to the earth’s gravity compressing space into forming the atmosphere. But it also shows the movement of the aircraft compressing space in relation to the aircraft moving as well. That shows that all movement is gravity or time related. This shows objects moving is extraordinarily because everyone always forgets about that it is the earth that normally applies all of the movement while all else stands still in relevancy. There is always movement because of the earth moving and when anything moves above and beyond the movement the earth provides that then forms the sound barrier using a modified version of the Titius Bode law.

















Those that are of the opinion that it is mass that “pulls’ the object towards the earth might be a little wiser when reading the next part carefully as I explain the following:

Anything entering the earth from space it travels in a straight line. The mathematical formulating of this I do not provide at this stage but it is another“some simple algebraic relations” as Prof Friedrich W. Hehl from Annalen Der Physics put it (and I also explain this a in the following chapter). But using the law of Pythagoras and putting 7 in relation to 10 provides the value of Π. The value of Π has two different dimensional values where the one is Π and the other is 21.991°/7°


I have realized the extension of the Einstein hypothesis, and concluded the other part of the relativity theory. In short, the part of "gravity" that Newton saw, and the part of "gravity" that Einstein saw is not the same identical thing, but two different values to the same "gravity". That is why Einstein concluded his theory on a single dimensional Universe. The part of "gravity", which Newton related too, Einstein did not see. "Gravity" consist of a single dimension value (Newton's gravity), which is part of (not the same thing) the "gravity", that Einstein saw. These two values are contained in a balance in space-time. In this, the Universe is in a three-dimensional state of space (three dimensions) in time. Therefore, space is not flat, as EINSTEIN SAW IT, but has three dimensions, locked in singularity where singularity is single dimensioned but by directional relativity forms the fourth dimension of time. I am not going into spacetime in this book and I am steering clear by a country mile of any arguments about space –time in this book but Newtonians knows less about space-time than what my dog knows about communism.

In this, there is no force, but only an ever-altering balance, which forms the time component. Only the energy value we regard, as "life" is a force, because only "life" can inflict a change in the balance of space-time and this forms a force. That is why science has been unable to recognize the value of "life" as a separate energy form. If you regard the Universe driven by a force, the value of life has to disappear. The Universe is in a state of balance, and the scale of the balance is determined by time. In this aspect lies the reason why time has never been detected. Only life can upset the balance, but then life will run into upsetting time. When time is upset, we see it as an explosion. The more time is upset, the bigger the explosion will be. I have put everything into dimensions:
1. Newton's "GRAVITY" which is the single dimension. It is a single value, starting nowhere and

stopping nowhere.
2. Is Einstein's "gravity" which is a wave that is forever, circling forever by reducing and expanding.
3. These two values above are combined in the third dimension of space, the third dimension we, and everything in the universe, find ourselves in. In this, the first and second dimensions form an inseparable combination.
4. Everything in the Universe is moving. Even the part we relate to as “NOTHING” moves. This movement forms the fourth dimension of time. Time contains the third dimension, which is formed by the combination of the first two dimensions, and dictates the tempo, or balance in the first two dimensions, and which forms the third dimension. As all things the Universe are part of the balance in movement all things stand equally and evenly effected in the third dimension every thing is connected by movement (time). Therefore, everything connects to time and by time, from the smallest part of matter to the Universe as a whole. When space becomes less, the movement becomes more therefore time becomes more.
5. As life are connected to the movement of time, but can also move independently from the balance of time, life is a separate energy value, and is in the fifth dimension, but part of the first four dimensions. Being part of the fifth dimension, life is subjected to the criteria dictated by the balance of the fourth dimension, and therefore has to abide by the laws of the fourth dimension, while it is part of the fourth dimension. In all of this is the outstanding factor that nothing happens by chance, except for the intervention of “life".
Everything I am about to show Newtonians say is nothing new. Newtonians say they are aware of everything that I show and then they turn around and simplify physics by putting the entirety of their physics down to the pulling power of mass that forms gravity. The sound barrier is gravity and to understand gravity is to understand the sound barrier. They say that I bring nothing new to the table and they say they apply every aspect I indicate that forms gravity. When I ask them to explain the sound barrier they use the Mach principle and Doppler’s effect, which both dates from a time when no one was aware anything man-made could fly let alone go faster than sound can. Doppler made his contribution to science at a time when the train he measured was slower than a horse. The statistics he left to science applies to going as fast as a man on a horse could ride. That is a far cry from a jet breaking the cosmic boom. They can claim what they like because they never have to prove anything and they never have to listen since they know everything while their shortcomings makes science more the jesting of a buffoon. That annoys me to my guts because all of that comes down to the conspiracy whereby they whitewash their stupidity from the brainwashing they inherited from their predecessors and pass the brainwashing on to their students. Their ignominious stupidity makes me want to shout to the mountains in agony and unbelievable frustration. When a cloak of arrogant self-righteousness hides their incomprehensible stupidity under a cloud filled by their belief in self-importance it becomes hideously loathing. When the object or aircraft stands motionless according to the earth centre the object moves only by the movement of the earth and therefore in cosmic terms the object and the earth is one whereby the object has weight and holds a value in mass. The object holds a relative position to the earth by the value of Π. This is because gravity then links to Π0 and this holds regard to singularity. When the object moves while being connected to the earth by singularity the earth holds space at Π3 while the object moves in terms of ΠΠ2. The earth represents Π and the object moves by Π2. When the object gets airborne the relation becomes 7(3Π2) but I will not go into that. As the speed increases the relevancy of linking Π2breaks when the Roche limit is exceeded. The Roche limit is Π2or movement divided by the four quadrants of the circle making it Π2/4. However while the aircraft shares the atmosphere one half is still within the earth making the Roche limit Π2/2. In the Theses I prove these values extensively.


Thinking in terms of gravity we all think according to going in a straight line. The car is going skew but is going straight ahead following a straight line. That is thinking very Newtonian and backwards. Those preaching Newton try to convey the idea that Newton thought the earth was round but this fact as a science proven conclusion was established long after the days of Newton.

We see the car going straight as the car is following the curve of the earth. The car is following a circle by just going straight. In Newton’s concept on gravity there is no mention and therefore there is no admitting to the curve of the earth playing a role in the forming of gravity by

using the formula F = GM1M2 The formula indicate gravity going by mass going in a straight line. Thisr2


idea is as Neanderthal as F = GM1M2 is.r2

The following is the simplest and the easiest I ever attempted to explain gravity. When a car moves at high-speed engineers say a car lift up into the air because air moves in underneath the car and that forces the car to lift up. That is


Newtonian rubbish! When a car speeds forward there will always be more air flowing over the car then air could flow underneath the car and with more air

above it is impossible to have the air underneath the car lift the car.

The air pushing the car down will always be much more than the air can be that lifts the car up. This is how gravity applies to a speeding car and this is why a speeding car starts to lift into the air at a high speed. The earth rotates at 7o. The curve of the earth holds the circle value of Π by which it rotates.

When moving the circle value move from a point holding Π to where Π move next and that distance is Π2 and that is the value of gravity. The car moves around the curve at 7o holding a point at Π that align with gravityΠ2. That means following the curve of the earth Π moves to Π forming Π2and this forms a straight line that goes by a circle. Then when the car speeding exceeds 7o(ΠΠ2) = 217 km/h the line the car moves in starts to grow longer than the 7o that forms the earth curve. T

he car straightens the curve of the earth when it stretches the 7o the earth presents as the curve around which it spins. The car leaves the curve of the earth and gets airlift. It then needs “wings” to force the car down by creating more gravity because gravity is the space that pushes down on the earth and the wings produces more space that pushes the car down on the ground. As soon as the car lifts into the air not touching the ground surface the relevancy changes to 7o(3Π2) = 217 km/h as the relevancy changes to 7o(3Π2) = 217 km/h. When thew car is airborne the formula changes from 7o(ΠΠ2) = 217 km/h to

7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o 7o
Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2 Π2



This picture we have above shows why gravity forms as the space we call air pushes down onto the earth. The faster the car moves from one point to the next the more air it will generate to push it down. Gravity is the space above the earth that pushes down on the earth and that includes the space the car holds. But if the car exceeds the speed the earth retains to spin the car will exclude some space from the earth’s space and take this air along for the ride. This lump of air holding the car will stretch the 7o it retains to form a circle and this will extend the position where Π forms. This will then begin to lift the car when the point holding Π as radius becomes wider as the position where 7oforms is further apart.

This will come into affect when the projectile reaches Mach 1. I choose to use the accepted term Mach 1 at this point as to limit any confusion that may arise from the new arguments. I have to stress the fact that the Doppler effect is, once again, merely a co-incidental but duly related by product.

However, the Doppler effect, as such, plays no part in these phenomena, or in the outcome of the application. It must be seen in terms of cosmology and not from a human perspective. This is the principle applying when a newly formed star escapes the heat envelope within the centre of a galactica as a star is born. There now are two singularity factors within one space-time unit and the two goes into a battle of existing

Any object entering from space and that does not have direct contact with the surface of the earth, encounters gravity in terms of being directionally diverted from going straight to turning towards the earth by 7o. This then is what provides the “pulling of mass” and the other is having contact with the surface of the earth, which then puts Π in terms with the centre of the earth at Π0. What becomes clear from these two illustrations is the following: Where there is a direct entry by the spacecraft, the time factor is not sufficient in duration.

This will not allow the time-duration needed for this structure of the aircraft to revaluate its space occupation an therefore the space factor of the spacecraft cannot adopt to its new position in space-time occupation as it has to relate to a new value in accordance with the value that is determined by the earth’s concentration of space-time.

In the case of the second entry illustration, a lot more time lapse is allowed for the spacecraft to revalue its structural position in accordance to its new value of space-time occupation. This is the very reason why objects like “falling stars” burn out when they enter the earth’s atmosphere.


Forget about mass forming gravity it is a fool’s rhetoric. When an object holds a steady position to the earth while making a sound, the sound will go in all directions evenly. It will go left and right equally fast. The concept of gravity connects to roundness and to Π. Gravity is Π. Gravity is the movement in terms of Π by duplicating the position of Π per specific time units applying. Then the object making the sound moves left it will hasten the flow of sound in the direction it moves by moving towards the sound while it will increase the distance the sound has to travel by also moving away from the departing sound going to the right side. This means that gravity has two values one being linear and the other being circular and the linear affects the circular in movement as much as the circular affects the linear. This is not only connected to sound but is connected to everything applying to gravity as gravity. When an atom moves the size of the atom must shrink to compensate for the directional change of the orbit that decreases the electron’s orbit and therefore decreases the size of the moving atom where atoms form an object.

Π = 21.991



Π = Π 7 Π0