Practical Handbook Of Zoology
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Author: Dr. Jawale C.S. Dr. Supriya Singh Gupta.
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Pages: 176
Published: 4 years agoRating: Rated: 1 times Rate It
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This book is designed to guide and orient students of S.P.Pune University, Pune First year B.Sc. Program in their Zoology Practical course. Here all the practical from semester I and semester II are covered in detail with supporting diagrams and appropriate text information. After an extensive peer review system, this manual is configured to cater to the needs of students and demand of the SPPune University CBCS syllabus. This book is divided into four distinct parts as per the sub-topics such as Animal diversity I and animal ecology for the first term and Animal diversity II and Cell biology for the second term. At end, supporting chapters for the field visit is also provided with detail information. Colored images/ photographs and illustrations will help the student to understand the subject in depth.