The Green Millennium by Fritz Leiber - HTML preview

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Ace Publishing Corporation
 1120 Avenue of the Americas
 New York, N.Y. 10036

Copyright, 1953, by Fritz Leiber

An Ace Book, by arrangement with the Author.

All Rights Reserved

[Transcriber's Note: Extensive research did not uncover any
 evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]

Cover by John Schoenherr.


Printed in U.S.A.


The world Phil Gish lived in was not a pretty one, and Phil didn't enjoy living in it. He was disillusioned, purposeless, hopeless, and haunted by the fear that a robot would take over his job. But then Phil was a timid person, not much given to adventure seeking. If he hadn't been so mild he might have found his kicks at All Amusements, the syndicated playground where anyone could find fun, providing he had the proper sadistic and otherwise aberrated elements in his personality. But Phil was good—and bored.

And then one day a cat perched on his window—not an ordinary cat—a green cat. For the first time in years Phil was happy. He promptly named the cat Lucky because he somehow knew that as long as the cat stayed with him he'd feel fine. But Lucky didn't stay long. In a matter of minutes he had disappeared into All Amusements park. It was then that Phil became involved in a grotesque world, peopled with the most extraordinary personalities. Just what the cat is and its ultimate meaning is the secret of it all. You will be surprised.