The Filght of the Raven by Susanne Ashley - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Family Meeting

The Saffyre Starlight had almost completed its return journey from the Jatax galaxy.

It was one of two starships owned by the Travertine family that traveled at ‘astrospeed’. Professor Dexter Trav­ertine smiled at his dark haired wife as she joined him at the front viewer window. They both stared in silence at the vast expanse of stars and planets as they entered the Milky Way

“I still feel overwhelmed when I first see our solar system again,” said Professor Mia. “I do think it’s one of loveliest of all of the galaxies.”

“And I think you’re a little biased,” laughed the Professor. “Our return trip is going perfectly. We should arrive back in Star Fire City around lunch-time. I’ll just turn on the Informer and check our messages. I’m glad that our trip to RIST (Research into Science and Technology) headquarters was successful. Now there is nothing to stop us presenting our new invention at the Intergalactic Conference tomor­row.” The Informer began to beep rapidly. “Looks like we have a message and an urgent one too,” he commented.

Inspector Jazelle appeared on the Informer’s giant plasma screen. “I have grave news for both of you,” she began. “Pro­fessor Quartz, your former colleague has escaped from captivity, we are afraid that he may seek revenge against you.”

“Quartz has escaped?” cried Professor Dexter. “I’m astounded. When Malacite Towers was designed we ensured that every security aspect was incorporated. Escape should have been virtually impossible.”

“At the time he was being moved to a new section of Malacite,” explained Inspector Jazelle. “I don’t know all of the details yet, but it seems that one of our people helped him.”

Mia and Dexter both looked shocked. “But Inspec­tor Jazelle,” Mia spoke first. “We hand-picked all of the personnel with you, they all had top security clearance and our own personal trust.”

“Someone has betrayed that trust,” said Inspector Jazelle. “I’ll keep you informed of the details as they come to hand. Meanwhile, I’d like you to return home and stay there until further notice.”

“We will,” promised Dexter. “But we need to go to the Intergalactic Conference tomorrow. Mia and I are ready to present our new invention.”

“It would be best if you attend only if Quartz has been apprehended,” said Inspector Jazelle.

Mia looked horrified. “Dex and I have been working on this for months,” she protested. “Our new invention is needed urgently, especially to help the IFMU (Intergalactic Flying Medical Unit).

“Absolutely,” agreed Dexter. “I’m sorry Inspector Jazelle, but Mia and I are going and that’s final. I won’t let Quartz intimidate us; I won’t give him that power. Life will con­tinue as usual.”

“I won’t try to stop you,” said Inspector Jazelle. “But I would prefer that you both stay in Star Fire City for your own protection. At the very least, you should activate the tracking device on your starship, so IPU can keep an up­date on your position.”

“We will do that and thanks for your concern Inspector Jazelle,” said Dexter, “Now, I need to know, who was it that helped Quartz escape?”

Inspector Jazelle looked uncomfortable. “I’d rather wait until I have more information. It’s too soon to make accusations.”

“We won’t say anything,” promised Mia. “Please tell us now.”

“This must remain strictly confidential!”

“We promise,” said Mia and Dex.

‘We believe it was Ranni Ramayana. I’m sorry Dexter; I know that he is a personal friend of yours, but he was the main guard assigned to escort Quartz. Ranni had a high security device attached to Quartz. They disappeared together and my other people were found bound, gagged and under the affects of a stun-gun. Right now, I need to get to an urgent IPU meeting. Goodbye.” Inspector Jazelle vanished from the screen.

For a moment there was utter silence. “I couldn’t be more shocked than if she had said your name,” admitted Mia finally.

Professor Dexter looked ashen, “He’s been my colleague for almost twenty years,” he said. “And he’s a personal friend as well. It’s devastating!”

Mia put a comforting hand on Dexter’s shoulders. “Inspector Jazelle warned us that it was too soon to jump to conclusions.”

“I know, I’m just having trouble believing this,” replied Dexter. “Quartz must have had help to escape. I can’t believe it was Ranni though. I trust all of our people, but Ranni is like a member of our own family.”

For a while they discussed the implications of the infor­mation and agreed to protect the twins from Quartz at all costs.

“It’ll be easy where Amega and Lazar are concerned, they’re so responsible and will go along with whatever we decide to do,” said Mia.

Dexter agreed. “It’s Zavier that concerns me the most. He’s only fourteen years old but he’s already so headstrong and at times, just plainly reckless. I don’t know if we can count on him and Saffyre to do what we say. I think it’s best if I send a message to Inspector Jazelle and ask her to send a team to guard them.”

“Good idea,” agreed Mia.

Dexter sent the message. They then spent the next few hours guiding the Saffyre Starlight safely back to Earth. The giant hatch was raised over Star Fire City and soon the starship was hovering just above their 500 story apartment block, ready for landing. Professor Dexter directed the star-ship to the side of the apartment and brought her in close to level 150, while Mia operated the remote control that raised a levered door into the side of the building. Dexter brought the starship in smoothly and landed her close to the Amega Astrospeed, the starship they would be travelling in the next day to reach the Intergalactic Conference. As they landed, Mia pressed the main control button that folded the main panel neatly into the wall. Without it, the interior of the Saffyre Starlight looked just like the inside of any home. It had big comfortable chairs, a fully equipped bathroom and an area to relax and watch an in-flight movie. At the touch of another button, the relaxation area folded neatly into the wall and turned into three neatly divided bedrooms, for night travel.

Professor Dex and Mia made their way quickly to their apartment. As they opened the apartment door, Zavier’s loud voice could be heard clearly.

“If Mum and Dad go to that conference tomorrow, I’m going too, even if I have to stow away on board. If that snake Quartz tries anything, I’ll let him have it!” Zavier ran his hands through his short, chestnut hair as he spoke.

His parents looked at each other; it was precisely the kind of talk that often got Zavier into trouble. For a moment Mia contemplated cancelling the next day’s flight but she knew that the Intergalactic Conference was only held once a month because of the amount of travel involved for all par­ticipants. Attendance was necessary to get official approval for the testing of any new invention involving intergalactic travel.

“Mum, Dad, you’re back!” cried Saffyre, spotting them standing in the doorway observing Zavier’s outburst.

The teens rushed over to their parents and hugged them. Then everyone tried to speak at once.

“It’s great you’re back…” smiled Lazar.

“I’m glad you had a safe trip…” added Amega.

“Can I come tomorrow?” Zavier demanded.

“How did the test run go for the new invention?” asked Saffyre.

“Did you hear about Professor Quartz?” Lazar, Amega, Zavier and Saffyre all inquired at once.

“So many questions!” laughed Mia. “Let’s have lunch and then we’ll discuss everything.” She sent a quick message to Topaz through the intercom system. The robot imme­diately appeared and welcomed them back. They entered the main living area and Dexter pressed a button, at once a huge, mahogany dinner table appeared with six match­ing chairs and six silver trays. It was set with magnificent tableware. Each person took a seat as Topaz went firstly to Mia and Dexter.

“I’ll have a seafood platter,” said Mia.

“Make that two!” added Dex.

Topaz removed a bowl of dry powder from a cupboard near the table. He placed a small amount on the tray in front of Mia and closed the lid. When he opened it again, a huge platter of simulated prawns, fish and crayfish had appeared, he did the same for Dexter.

He then moved on to Lazar.

“Pasta for me,” he said.

Topaz removed the lid of the tray in front of Lazar and again placed a small amount of powder inside. This time a steaming bowl of pasta and sauce appeared. He then contin­ued around the table until everyone had chosen a meal.

“Let’s begin,” said Professor Dexter. “There are a num­ber of matters that your mother and I would like to discuss before we leave tomorrow. It looks like we’ll have to go very early in the morning to capitalize on the best, space travel­ling conditions. Firstly, Zavier, you may not come on our journey with us.” He held up his hand to stop Zavier from protesting. “It’s dangerous enough with Quartz out there somewhere, without worsening matters by taking one of you teenagers. I won’t patronize you by calling you ‘chil­dren,’ because you handle yourselves like adults when your mother and I are away. But I’m not going to minimize the danger either. Inspector Jazelle said Quartz could be after revenge and he may decide to use one of you to get to us.”

“If that’s true Dad, aren’t we at greater risk by staying here on our own?” asked Amega.

“Good point.” replied Dexter. “Your mother and I have thought about staying here with you. We both feel however that we don’t want to let Professor Quartz upset our plans. We need the approval at tomorrow’s Intergalactic Con­ference. To cancel our trip tomorrow will literally set the release date back on our brand new invention by weeks!”

Lazar cut in, “We understand that, but couldn’t you just wait until next month?”

“It’s not that simple,” said Mia. “Your father and I have invented a new way to travel. As you know, travelling at ‘astrospeed’ has enabled travel between most planets, stars and even galaxies in a matter of hours. But to reach the outer galaxies, travel still takes days or even longer. The IFMU often arrives too late in a medical emergency. Every extra minute that it takes to get to remote regions, can literally cost lives. So we have been working on a mode of travel that quite literally, takes minutes.”

The teens looked amazed. “Did you say minutes?” asked Zavier, “Cool.”

“How does it work?” asked Lazar.

“How is it possible?” cut in Saffyre.

“It’s complicated,” said Dexter. “You all know about send­ing objects to another destination by laser power….”

“Of course,” replied Amega. “Professor Tourmaline invented it about one hundred years ago.”

“Exact ly,” cont i nued Dex . “In fac t we ca l l it ‘tou r ma l i ni ng ’ for that reason.” He took out a small, long shaped appliance that looked like a torch. “This object works in a similar way. Only instead of directing an infra-red beam at an object, we have discovered a powerful infra-blue beam to direct at humans. We call it the ‘travertine-porter’. With this small appliance we can transport people immediately to almost any destination, no matter how far away.”

“But how can people travel safely in a laser light?” asked Saffyre.

“You can’t in your usual state,” answered Mia. “The trav­ertine-porter enables humans to safely dematerialize into the laser-light and rematerialize safely at their chosen destina­tion.”

“Wow,” said Lazar. “It sounds incredible.”

“Yes. Your father and I have tested it in our laboratory, right here in the apartment, and we have just returned from testing it at RIST’s, main laboratory in the Jatax galaxy. We’ve even tried it on each other and we think it’s ready to present to the conference. We’d love to demonstrate its power for you, right now, but for safety reasons we need the prototype fully tested by the appropriate team first.”

“The point is, we can’t wait another month,” said Dex­ter. “We don’t want to put you at risk either. We’ve sent a message to Inspector Jazelle to send a support unit here to protect the four of you, until we return in around 36 hours. Until the team arrives, and I want to make this clear, espe­cially to you Zavier, no-one is to leave this apartment. Only your mother and I. Understand? ”

Zavier looked gloomy but he nodded his head. “Okay,” he mumbled.

“And the rest of you?” prompted their father.

One by one, each of the teens nodded.

Professor Dexter appeared satisfied. “I’m comfortable about going now. But remember, you must wait until the support team arrives before leaving here. Now you may enjoy the rest of your day. Your Mother and I are going to get some rest, we’ve had a long trip and we need to get going again in a few hours. We won’t wake you when we leave, as it will be in the early hours of the morning. We’ll say our goodbyes now. Take care!” They gave each of the teens a hug and left the room.

The rest of the day went smoothly and they received word that the support team would definitely be at the apart­ment in the morning.

After their evening meal, Zavier was still gloomy, insist­ing that he should be allowed to go with their parents as he alone had the muscle to take on Quartz.

“It’ll take more than muscle,” snapped Lazar finally. “It’ll take a brilliant mind and that’s something Zavier, you don’t have.”

“That’s right, insult me,” said Zavier. “But you’ll see that I’m right. Some day I’ll save us all!”

Amega could see a fight brewing. “Why don’t you two have a Starlight duel on the stage? That way you can virtu­ally kill each other, rather than literally,” she added dryly.

“Cool!” said Zavier. “Up for the challenge Laz?”

“You bet,” replied Lazar. He grabbed a remote control and pressed it. Immediately a curtain drew back to reveal a mas­sive wide plasma screen. In front of it was a smooth wooden floor. Lazar clicked on ‘Starlight 3D challenge,’ entered their names, and then stepped onto the stage with Zavier. A light beamed down from the ceiling making Lazar appear in a red challenger outfit and Zavier in green.

A voice boomed through the surround sound speaker system: “Select your dueling objects now….”

“You choose,” offered Lazar generously.

“The electric chabazite,” said Zavier immediately. He was particularly fond of the neat dagger-sized object which could shoot an electric bolt at an opponent.

For the next few minutes the girls watched enthralled as Lazar and Zavier swung their chabazites skillfully. The plasma screen recorded all of the points which were scored each time an opponent was hit and showed all of the action. Skillful plays were immediately replayed.

“You’re lucky it’s only virtual reality Zavier,” Saffyre laughed. “Otherwise you would have been hit by 34 zaps of electricity by now.”

Zavier turned to glare at her, which gave Lazar a free hit at his chest.

Game over,” boomed the voice through the speaker. “Lazar has won by inflicting a deadly blow to his opponent and by having the higher score.”

“Not fair!” yelled Zavier. “How about a rematch, we’ll play with the voltage on low setting, so it can be felt?”

Lazar frowned, “Are you sure?” he asked.

“You bet,” said Zavier.

They took their positions on the white lines and waited for the virtual voice to command them to start.

This time Zavier was quick on his feet and zapped Lazar on the arm. He winced.

Lazar brought his chabazite down quickly and caught Zavier on his ankle. He yelled. Saffyre and Amega laughed.

For the next five minutes they scored evenly with Lazar getting some fine hits on Zavier’s neck, back and legs, while Zavier hit back on Lazar’s shoulder, ankle and foot.

Finally Lazar struck a great bolt at Zavier’s chest again. Zavier shot backwards and fell, taking the full force on his behind.

“That’s enough,” said Zavier wincing painfully. “I’m going to my room; see you girls in the morning.”

“Let’s all go,” said Amega. “I’m going to read for a while.”

Early next morning the girls had just used their Transformer, when the boys joined them.

“Mum and Dad got away safely,” Lazar told them.

He had just finished speaking when the plasma monitor flicked on. ‘Message on way… .Urgent…’ flashed across the screen. A giant image of IPU headquarters appeared, this time with a long line of lights illuminating its tower.

Inspector Jazelle appeared. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this,” she said and took a deep breath. “The Amega Astrospeed has completely disappeared.”