The Codex de Sacretua Of Those Who From The Heavens Came by H.L. Dowless - HTML preview

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Codex De Sacratua

Of Those Who From The Heavens Came




















The Great Golden Age Of Glory

The First Fall Of Mankind

The Superlative Restoration

Mankind's Continuing Descent

The Age Of Empires

The Decent Of Mankind Continues

Our Position In This Present Age

Our Dawning Savior Is Manifested Among Men

Universal War Against The Mutants

Conquest Of The Wicked Mutant King

The Sanctified Restoration Of Mankind Into His Throne Of Achievement

The Golden Age Of Glory Is Restored





























On the first day of Martius, at 1200 hours in year one of the universal millennium; I, O' Grafe'us, went for a springtime walk near my area of residence by Mount Tanawha. I placed those specially prepared leaves of the sacred herb, Kinnikinnick, underneath my lower lip, as I made my way down the mountain on the red clay dirt road where I lived at the time. As the entrancing effects of this herb kicked in, my mind commenced to race. I gazed downward upon my booted feet, as they moved seemingly by their own motivation, for what felt like the passage of an hour in time. I was no longer in control of my final destination, but rather underneath the influence of some invisible, yet extraordinarily powerful force. Suddenly my feet paused by their own motivation, or via some unseen external control.. In a darkening cloud of great apprehension, I lifted my astonished gaze upward.

Before me was an expansive lake maybe three leagues broad; an exact distance I could not clearly discern. I had lived in this area for some three months, and never had given notice to this body of water during my time in the area. Usually lakes this broad hold water that laps the shoreline gently in continuum, but this water was uncomfortably motionless. A haunting misty sapphire aura loomed to hover just above the surface of this crystal clear, yet perfectly stilled reflective liquid exterior.

Though I felt disturbed by what I witnessed, I consciously moved closer to give examination, yet did so with the impression of being motivated by some unseen intelligent force. Was this power benevolent? Were its intentions nefarious? I knew not, but failed to explain my uncharacteristic sense of reluctance. I was being watched by eyes unseen, I eerily perceived. I glanced upward and all around me, noticing nothing, upon which I gazed back down into the strange perfectly stationary water before me. This perception deep inside me motivated my body into an immobile position, while still yet gazing directly into the water before me. Even if I had desired to shift my gaze away from the pool of water before me, I could not have managed to physically do so at this point. Literally, my glare was virtually locked into a fixed position by this imperceptible authority.

I beheld the reflection in the water before me, of the world all around me. I beheld the new green grass. I noticed the red clay dirt road behind me, the vast tree covered mountains in the horizon distance. I carefully scrutinized the cerulean firmament above. As my mouth filled, I spat the black juice of the herb skillfully between my two feet, further intensifying its entrancing herbal effects.

This reflection in the water before me commenced to cloud, then tumble. I perceived that my body was swaying, as if I might soon fall, but still stood solid yet, gazing attentively into the water directly ahead of me as I experienced a perception of literally being drawn inside the reflection on its motionless surface. The general external perception was as if my body was being upheld by unseen hands and arms. A compelling awareness born from some external source motivating me was to gaze directly into the reflection on the water surface at my present state, rather than directly into the water itself. This reflection that had already abruptly clouded, had now commenced to roll. When the perception overwhelmed me that I was somehow being locked within this reflection, the rolling cloud parted gradually.

Though the day was perfectly still and I felt no movement in the air about me, I could discern the mysterious sound of a distant sinister howling wind. When the rolling clouds stilled, and had parted gradually after an unknown passing of time; before me stood an expansive field of new glaucous poppies. These blooms transformed from blue-green into a bizarre menagerie of eerie multicolor. The howl of a merciless wind seemed to originate from the far distance beyond this field, yet not a puff of wind was detected on my face, nor was noticed in the movement of these flowers before me. The distant howl of this wind afar, suddenly became perceptible in its tone, being more like a moan from a massive unseen rising intelligent body.

My heart commenced to race. This sound was moving nearer toward me, and I could not motivate my own forward motion away from it. I was locked into this gaze at a field of poppies in the reflection on this body of still water, heretofore unknown. A discernible voice of horrendous whispers formed in this howl of the wind. It commenced to address me..

Oh, son of man, mere flesh born from a woman's body, cursed be the ground beneath your feet! In this you are innocent. You, the ever faltering mortal, shall bear no additional blame.”

My heart raced as though it would leap from inside my breast. My breath heaved. I wanted to tare hysterically from the sensation of trepidation born from this menacing voice, but my limbs were virtually petrified. All that I could do was remain steadfast, while forward gazing into the reflection of the poppy field before me, scanning the distant horizon as I searched for the source of this horrid wind, and the ghastly voice. Though I was terrified, I simultaneously angered at what I perceived as this farce of demonic wind, and the voice behind it. In spite of my terror, from shear rage I compelled myself to speak in my own defense.

Who are you?,” I asked, in calm voice underneath heaving breath, and a racing heart that felt as if it might leap from my very breast at any moment.

The voice in the wind made no immediate reply. A bit of time passed, I know not how much. My anger was aroused once more again.

I say.., who are you?,” I firmly demanded into the wind with more determined force, and a louder voice.

“I am the wind, oh man of flesh, born covered in repulsive filth from a woman's body. Who are you to demand an answer from one so great as I?”

I gazed into the reflection in the water of the poppy field. I could see only woods in the far distance on the other side. No source for the wind had revealed itself. Time transpired that felt like hours. I could not perceive my feet as standing on the earth beneath me. Every awareness was as though I had been physically lifted up. Soon I gazed all about me, discovering myself now standing in the midst of this poppy field before me in the liquid reflection. The wind moved the trees in the distance beyond the field of flowers, yet I felt not this movement on my face. The voice of thunder in the wind soon revealed itself again, though presently it was much nearer.

“Oh, son of man, flesh born of a woman's bloody excretion, wherefore art thou?”

I glanced all around me, now beholding nothing but a boundless expanse of poppies. Once I could discern trees in the far distance before me. Now I could discern only an endless field of poppies that transform in constant repetition from gray-green, into a disturbing menagerie.

“Oh, son of man, flesh composed of a woman's turf and a man's seed, corruptible unto all things surrounding. Ye waste before the light of the sun, the fruit of the land, the water of the mountain stream. I say ye waste before thine own acts of debauchery, yet still exist in complete ignorance of the fact, even into this very day of new technology and scientific revelation; though in your own eyes, thou art wise! Wherefore art thou, now?”

I feel as if I know, yet I do not!,” I screamed above the gradually increasing howl of the wind.

Thou one of impeccable weakness, and lack of wisdom, look to the left!,” thundered the sinister voice on the wind.

I glanced to the left, strangely finding myself in the playground of my distant youth. Before me stood a ball field filled with the children whom I once felt so near to, from that distant time now lost to yore. I gazed around in astonishment, seeing a close childhood companion, C.L., dressed in denim coveralls and rugged brogans. All of us were donned in that same attire back in those days, as a matter of fact.

My best friend, Fish, was there wearing his thick rimmed spectacles, standing by C.L. He was already beginning to gain weight and wearing powerful, though somewhat shaded prescription glasses, appearing as the bottoms on lightly browned beer bottles in heavy frames. His flat topped, greased up jet black hair, curled downward across his forehead in the front. His reflective highly polished, black brogans were heavy in appearance, giving him a strange likeness to a comical Frankenstein monster.

Soon raced up Brownie The Blonde as we called him, who was vastly overweight, but loved sports of nearly every sort.

What's the matter? Can't catch the ball? You can't catch the ball, my little children? Well guess what?, I have the ball.., here!,” he announced as he held a worn out soft ball high. “Come catch me, if you can!”

A crowd of boys and girls raced after Brownie. One of the girls caught me in her glancing eye. Her name was Meridith Butuiller. She was my first love. She still appeared the same as she did way back then. Instantly I discerned the long forgotten magnetism that was once between us. I nearly broke down into tears when I heard her speak after so many ages forward from the day.

I yelled her name, but she raced onward as though she heard not. I felt as if my breast would suddenly explode, and I would release a river of tears. I contemplated racing backward to escape from this scene. I glanced backward toward the area where the poppy field once was, but saw nothing.., nothing but this ball field, and a small one room school building sitting quietly in the live oak stand by the field edge, this one of my earliest youth.

“Son of man, born of woman, the seed of debaucheries spawn…, behold!,” screamed a raven in a voice of thunder as he flew overhead.

I snapped back around, now discovering myself in a different part of the ball field nearer to the stand of woods on the opposite side. The children were playing ball still, but a few of the characters had now changed. A large dark brown air filled ball of rubber was resting on the ground, about to be kicked by a very uncoordinated male youth dressed in a soured smelling, checkered flannel shirt with worn holes all in it, and faded denim coveralls.

He backed off to kick appearing as though he were underneath some sort of stress mentally. As he did so, another youth who I instantly recognized as myself, glanced at him, then back toward the ball. When the rather clumsy youth ran forward, the one who appeared to be myself raced up in an instant, snatching the ball the very second that the clumsy youth's foot released, sending the bumbling weak appearing youth flat upon his back. He lay upon the grass struggling to breathe.

Home O!,” one of the boys who I failed to recognize raced up and yelled at him as he lay motionless.

Another very gaunt youth who the others called Boney, ran forward suddenly, bending over and getting directly into the clumsy youth's face as he lay on the damp grass face up.

Ole Home O there, what ya tryin' to do? What on earth ails ya?”

Another one who the others called Edge, since he could sharpen any knife blade razor thin; suddenly laughed, speaking up to throw in his own verbal attack on Home O still laying motionless there on his back.

Where did ya go, ole Home O? The damn ball is over there. What happened to you?,” he laughed out loud, gazing around for approval from the others.

I remember! I remember!,” I suddenly commenced screaming as I glanced backward, but the scenes continued on before me as though the characters were never once aware of my presence.

Once again I felt as though I wanted to race away. When I turned behind me a vicious, though very powerful three headed hound stood, rising up on his hind legs, growling, snarling, and proposing violence as he lurched repetitively toward me.

I turned back around only to discover myself standing in my place of work. I was employed as a card dealer in a local casino an hours drive from where I presently lived. Ahead of me I could see both the dim lights of the room, and the bright lights of the card table. Every now and then the illumination would flicker as the springtime lightening flashed hard on the outside. A motley crowd had gathered around this one specific table there in the center of this room.

One character dressed as a cowboy in his leather boots, his hat, his vest and his pants. This man had a look of serious determination on his face, gazing in fixation at the dealer's deck as he deliberated his next card. He glanced down at his own hand, then upon the card face up before the dealer. He tapped the table twice with his right index finger. The dealer who appeared in exact likeness as myself, then laid the next card down before him.

The person standing beside the cowboy was a voluptuous, large breasted, bleached blonde, dressed in an old traditional styled Spanish Can Can dress, with a lacy front sagging to the point that her massive breasts almost dropped out upon the card table. She eased forward toward the dealer with a half intoxicated glare in her eyes.

Take a nice look at this set I got here just for you, big boy. Now wouldn't you just love to get your hands all around at least one of 'em?”, she slurred as she shook them before his face. “ We can make arrangements for it later on, if you will coordinate me a big win right here on this table tonight,.” she spoke with a steely smile as she slapped an opened right palm down solidly upon the table surface. “ If you allow me to win right here on this table, you can win on another table later on tonight, and then we will both be big winners before the rise of the sun! Now wouldn't that be so nice, there big boy, both of us being winners tonight? Boom boom for a little boom boom..; oh such a pleasant trade, now what about it?”

The lights flicker again, but with more energy this time. A violent clap of thunder discernible on the outside through the thick wall of the casino, and eventually a complete halt of the lights indicated that the casino had literally been struck by lightning directly into it's electric transformer. The purr of massive outside generators had yet to initiate. There was a stir among the crowds, and a scream of women in groups who began racing about upon the casino floor. The pit boss commenced to yelling into the pitch black darkness.

Get your cheques covered and locked! Everyone, get your cheques covered and locked out, immediately!”

I heard the glass covers drag over the cheque holders, and the locks snap down. As the dealer in question pulls his glass cover over, he slyly palms a small black disc shaped, hundred dollar cheque. He carefully slides this cheque into the blonde's slightly opened right hand.

I just knew that somehow you were going to come through!,” she slurred as she moved closer toward him. “ Meet me at the Native Lodge there on main street tonight, around 1300, in room 109,” she whispered above the melee. “ I am all alone except my two permanent, but very healthy love buddies here with me, so don't you waste time worrying about it. I'll be expecting you to be there, big boy,” she said as she turned with a smile, “and soon!” She moved away from the dealer and was swallowed up quickly by the melee all about, and the heavy darkness of the entire building.

I remember that!,” I screamed as I turned around. “I remember that. It was only last week since that incident occurred!”

I walked into a naturally lit room in a hallway that the workers described as being the Shoshone mile. As I stepped across this threshold, suddenly I found myself strolling about on a golden sanded beach. In the ocean water toward my left, aimlessly floated numerous motor boats and sailing vessels on the surging waves. Seemingly the boats were empty. I glanced around in the direction where the casino floor once was, beholding only a vast, golden sanded beach.

The wind howled with a force like that of a hurricane. Blue fire streaked across the darkened sky above the water.

“Behold!,” the voice on the wind spoke. Thunder clapped as the words echoed.

I turned to gaze around me. All up and down the beach torn bodies were scattered as far as the eyes could see. Surely there must have been thousands of dead. I turned toward the inland areas, spotting roaring columns of flame far into the distance beyond. The entire seaside metropolis just beyond the golden sanded beach, appeared to be consumed in raging distant flames.

I don't understand!,” I screamed toward the horizon across the sea. “What is the meaning of this?”

“Behold and comprehend,” knelled the voice on the wind from the distance. A violent clash of thunder followed. “I was here in the far distant times past. I live now, and will be alive for all eternity. Observe and understand, listen to learn.”

Far out into the bay, the harbor hooked. Across the hook sat another metropolis, mysteriously thriving into an abundance. In that distant direction, a warning was blared upon what sounded like a horn. The command was for all residents to take cover.

From a darkened sky that now had opened, fell a torch shaped missile. As it was swallowed up by the high rise buildings on the sea shore, the ground beneath my feet shook violently, and I heard a terrible noise like deafening thunder. A massive column of black smoke rose into the heights of heaven. I perceived a brilliant flash of piercing light, and then a horrifying stillness that followed.

What was I to make of this? What else could be said? Lightening flashed across a purple sky and rolling thunder followed. My heart raced as I snapped around. The thunder voice blared on the howling wind.

“Son of man, born of woman, flesh and blood. I behold all. I know all. Do you comprehend the meaning of what you have experienced?'

I know not!,” I spoke into the wind as tears of terror poured down my face.

You have witnessed scenes from your past, long forgotten intimate moments. You have witnessed more recent times, with your own slight of hand, and your secret debauchery. Now you have bore witness to your own future, the long ignored future of your land that is destined to manifest, no matter how much mortals my disregard the powerful suggestions informing them otherwise.

The closing scene was a gradual development, oh thou man born of woman, commencing with a flagrant national disregard for the long established value system, the attack on the institutions of family, church, and constitution. The national moral base crumbled, oh son of man, born of woman. Men became lovers of themselves, and other men. The holy word was forbidden to speak of these transgressions, since word of the divine insulted those consumed in debauchery and the lies of demons.

Out of this disregard for morality, theft of citizen resources was encouraged by government. Leadership courted the masses only for their votes, then turned against them when the corporations placed enough gold in their reach. Laws allowed wanton exploitation of innocent citizens, banks manufactured scenarios feigning justification for taking people homes, callously throwing innocent families with crying babes, out into the dismal streets. Leaders falsely accused citizens of avoiding tax, then charged them ten times the amount claimed, confiscating homes and property in lieu of a calculated inability to pay. Many more innocents would consequently wind up on the streets. Husbands were against wives, wives against husbands, mothers and fathers against children, children against mothers and fathers. Men were lovers of themselves, while being haters of all that is holy and divine. Men were murders of the innocent and lovers of the most perverse debauchery.

This forbearance of all that is holy and the love of debauchery, extended unto nations and international relations. There