The Chronicles of Heaven's War, Book I: Sisters of the Bloodwind


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Book Description HTML

Drawn into a universal war against their oldest brother, Asotos, and a large host of their siblings, Lowenah\'s loyal children careen headlong into an abyss of murder, betrayal, deceit and deadly warfare after only knowing peace and innocence for thousands of millenia. Shattered by Asotos\' and his hordes\' rebellion and accusations against their mother, Lowenah, they valiantly take up this fight to the death if need be, to defeat this evil man and his cohorts, even if it costs them everything. Fighting on all fronts, even they, too, bare their arms on behalf of humans besieged by Asotos and his minions. If Asotos should win out, all creation in Heaven and on Earth will suffer his evil torment for as long as they exist. The goal of Lowenah\'s children? To drive him out and open the

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