The Amazing Galaxy-Man - Part One by Brent Bunn - HTML preview

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In a galaxy not so far away, so close in fact, that you are currently in it, there lived a peculiar man in shades that no one ever had much faith in. In his old, rundown spaceship he traveled the stars with his cat Stevie by his side seeking adventure and fame as a self-proclaimed “space man,” and in his travels he had seen things both amazing and terrifying. He had done great things to be sure, but people saw him only as a bad egg and a delinquent because of his reckless lifestyle and never-take-anything-seriously personality. He was truly an enigma, a man of mystery. No one knew his real name, his exact age or even the color of his eyes, as he never took off his legendary black shades. This is a story of discovery, adventure, rebellion, defying the odds, companionship, the importance of self-expression, and above all, having fun. This is his story. He is The Amazing Galaxy-Man!