Roses of the Dreamer by Benjamin Granger - HTML preview

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In a time long ago an inventor was sitting by in his workshop, thinking about his next great idea for a machine that someday might possibly change the world.

While he didn’t know exactly where to begin, he became very inspired by how the world was being shaped around him.

He was hard at work thinking about his next idea for something that could inspire others possibly inspire his whole town and the villages beyond it. He was at the point where his mathematical calculations might amount to only more confusion, but one night he developed a plan.

He was in his small workshop devising a unique equation that would literally solve the quantum mechanics of time travel.

Although he knew that half of his inventions were beyond imagination before companies and nearby apprenticeships could ever dream of such things, he at least knew that he was doing something for the sake of helping the advancement of science.

But, he also knew that his time was short, and although he had all these ideas stirring in his head from time to time both the church and the government of the Italian peninsula believed he was out of his mind.

He was planning on giving up, but the time would come soon for him to sign over to the demands of the church and his government or else he would have to face grave consequences.

The project for the time mechanism equation was written perfectly within his book, but the authorities were already coming to take the book away.

He didn’t have much time before he would soon come in to find out the secrets that were hidden in his workshop. The equation was written inside the leather bound book and he was hoping that someday it would be passed on for another century, possibly to his ancestors, but he unfortunately was out of answers for the future because the church had already taken him away at the moment.