REEL Rangers Adventure: Volatile Moon by Darrell T. Boyd - HTML preview

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The Kettle Point Purge


During the mid-21st century, the consequences of global warming began to wreak havoc throughout Earth. Yet, a most unlikely and unnatural geological event – an earthquake in the state of Michigan - precipitated a perfect storm of environmental, industrial and political catastrophe that changed the game entirely. All attributable to the unique circumstances surrounding Michigan's natural gas hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” industry. The fracking process consisted of injecting high-pressure fluids into well-bores deep underground, inducing fissures in shale rock formations, thereby allowing natural gas to flow freely. This process resulted in millions of gallons of waste water “flowback”, which ironically was disposed of  through underground injection. Compounding this scenario, Michigan illegally accepted radioactive sludge from other states for disposal by underground injection with the consent of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and in collusion with the natural gas industry and state officials. Most problematic, the radioactive sludge, formerly called, Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (TENORM), could not be traced.

A man-made perfect storm of seismic activity developed from thousands of hydraulic fracturing wells, thousands of fracking waste water disposal wells, and thousands of illegal radioactive sludge disposal wells. Originating in the Antrim Shale Basin, the resulting series of minor earthquakes, like cascading dominoes, caused catastrophic damage to groundwater aquifers throughout the state. Toxic and radioactive waste water escaped into Lake Huron to the shores of Ontario, Canada. On day one, millions succumbed to illnesses, before the public was alerted that their drinking water was horribly polluted.

The Canadian government demanded an immediate cessation of all hydraulic fracturing activities in Michigan and access to every disposal well in order to monitor any possible source of pollution to Lake Huron. The State of Michigan, supported by the federal government, refused to comply with the demands of Canada. In a show of force, Canadian Armed Forces mobilized and assembled at Kettle Point, Ontario on the southern shore of Lake Huron. Michigan National Guard prepared for invasion. The United Kingdom intervened to stall the impending conflict. Due to the fact that government on every level failed to protect the environment, a non-governmental authority, was needed to assume responsibility - environmental, industrial and political. A relatively new organization assumed the leadership role, Renewable Elemental Energy Law Rangers – REEL Rangers.

Known as The Kettle Point Purge, a precedent was established to provide a platform for a non-governmental organization (NGO) to supersede sovereign authority. The consent of  all parties elevated REEL Rangers to supra-governmental status. In the following years, hope to restore Earth's ecosystems persevered in the form of a growing global force. The year 2072 marked the 50th anniversary of REEL Rangers. Founded in 2022, REEL Rangers were established in order to advance and support renewable energy initiatives and programs that help to develop, sustain and safeguard the five renewable energy sources: Biomass, Solar, Geothermal, Wind, and Water. During decades of extraordinary expansion, REEL Rangers were recognized by every sovereign entity on Earth.

REEL Rangers Institute was established to advance the goal of ecological sustainability throughout the global community. REEL Rangers developed and implemented pragmatic and innovative methodologies for reducing the ecological impact of communities, corporations, and nations. The Institute established the following objectives:

Promote sustainability projects and foster ecology education;

Formulate methodologies for reducing carbon footprints;

Provide measurable outcomes for sustainability projects;

Promote ecological awareness and environmental justice;

Challenge industries to proactively reduce their carbon footprints.

By 2070, the Institute maintained over 140 campuses around the globe, providing comprehensive curriculums in the sciences and the humanities. Starting at age 12 and continuing through post-graduate studies, students were cultivated to excel in environmental sciences and renewable energy solutions. The Institute encouraged each student to develop strength of mind, body, and character to the highest levels. The Institute fostered a universal Restore Our Earth spirit by inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the REEL Rangers.