NEW EARTH 8 : Will Humankind Survive or Perish?


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Published: 6 years ago

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Book Description

In 2089, on a terraformed Venus [not Mars], an amazing discovery is made that can save Earth’s global system from collapsing, but the finding threatens to start a war of worlds. Here on New Earth drama unfolds. Amidst the new world's pristine natural settings, adventure awaits in the challenges of covert rescue and recovery mission that crosses the wild planet. A mystery presents itself in an astonishing, shocking discovery regarding the origins of humankind; a secret which when revealed will forever change the fundamental perception of planet Earth and of the human race. A woman of peace and a man of war fall in love only to become mortal enemies when ideologies clash and worlds collide. When a power struggle ensues for control of Neagi, the survival of two planets is at stake.

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