In Which Time Stands Still by Bill Hibberd - HTML preview

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The Author “Bill Hibberd’s note


I wrote the short story “In which time stands still” because, having written the article “3D Time Environment” I felt that I had touched on a complex subject but that I had done little to explore, and even less to explain, the logic or rationale behind the idea.


What I am trying to convey is an argument that embraces all the mysteries of today’s science whilst, at the same time, supporting the great thinkers that have helped us to understand our space, our planet, our religions and our science through our history.


I have come to the conclusion that our universe probably did start with a ‘big bang’ although I am not convinced that a big bang is necessarily a big explosion with fire and brimstone.


I have also come to think that having erupted into its post ‘big bang’ state, the universe is compelled to return to its pre ‘big bang’ state.


For us ‘time’ is a linear experience. Why?


Why is it an unarguable constant that, for us, time can only be experienced, not explored? Why does it only allow one-way travel? Why do we always refer to the passage of time as if it were time that moves rather than us that is moving through time?


I have come to think that time is a static environment, of itself inert and static. I believe that our experience of time is a product of our ‘relative’ movement through the space from which our universe erupted and, with that in mind, I believe that time exerts a drag on our universe, constantly clawing at the content of the universe at both a macro and a micro level as it reduces our relative motion back to a ‘zero’ state thereby returning it to the pre ‘big bang’ state.


I believe that from within the universe this effect appears as gravity on a macro scale and as the ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ forces on a micro scale.


I have, therefore, concluded that Gravity is the physical manifestation of the effect of time on our universe.


Having drawn the connection between a pre ‘big bang’ state within which time is static and by definition inert, and the physical manifestation of the effect of time dragging on our universe as gravity, I have been able to embrace the physics of ‘black holes’ where great mass is acknowledged as having great gravitational ‘pull’.


It is my belief that when enough matter is concentrated so that the drag of time is sufficient to ‘slow it to a stop’ within the pre ‘big bang’ state then that matter leaves our universe.


Interestingly, once I had reached these conclusions I found that the model created had the disquieting effect of offering rational solutions to some of our most pressing questions.


The more I thought, the more the model resolved itself.


Lacking the mathematical ability to prove or disprove my logic, I was compelled to write it down so that others may be tempted to explore my thoughts.


Please read this with an open mind and enjoy the ideas at whatever level leaves you feeling safe and intact.


If you have the inclination and the ability to explore, prove or disprove what is proposed here, please do so with all that you have at your disposal?


I personally would be delighted to see the result of explorations of this idea.


Bill Hibberd 2006