I/Tulpa and the Worlds of Crossover by Ion Light - HTML preview

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This book is mostly fiction. I am ‘pushing’ it as science fiction fantasy, heavy on crossover potential, with one caveat: it is more than that to me. My experiments with tulpamancy, the invisible counselor technique, and active imagination resulted in what you’re about to read. I can’t impress that last part enough. There can be an argument made that I have tapped into some incredible lucid dreaming potential. I have a psychic medium friend who says that where I go is an actual Astral place and it’s just as real as here. Is it? I have only the experiences, and this is not day dreaming, it feels different than lucid dreaming, and is different than any previous out of body experiences I have had. I am more than happy to put all of it aside and say, this is just an incredible way of sorting information using access to subconscious via tulpamancy. If you are curious about that or some of the other things you find here, you can google them. Don’t just read my adventures, have some of your own. If you find anything profound here, know it didn’t come from me, it came from another source, and you have access to that, too.

And so we arrive at the part where I am supposed to inform you that the characters and events in this book are fictional at worst and any similarities between real people and places is simply coincidental. Clearly, that is not accurate. Are they mental constructs? Maybe. All I can say is that they are who they are and or appear to be, to me, but are not necessarily representative of the persons that my brain has somehow accessed or modeled in the alternative landscape I have accessed. That’s the best I can say it. If you’re easily offended, this book isn’t for you. If you’re afraid of occult stuff, like astral projection, tulpamancy, active imagination techniques, or summoning the Goddess, well, this is not for you. If you read any of the other books I have made available, this will be fairly PG. It might not stay that way. I know my brain and I don’t see it future books staying PG, but this one, yeah, it is what it is. I have stuck to the vision as it was experience as much as possible.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions. Ion Light, solarchariot@gmail.com or text, 214 907 4070. You have permission to share this copy of the book.