I/Tulpa: Learning Curve by Ion Light - HTML preview

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Tulpas are thought-forms. All internal agents are tulpas or soulbounds, thought-forms by definition. In a world of thought-forms, there can be no fiction. If you think it, dream it, read it, or experience it on any level, it is real. Realer than real. The effects of “Active Imagination” are as real as the “placebo effect.” A person is what they think about the most. Want to change who you are, then change what you think about. You can engage the Universe directly, or indirectly through the words of others. Words are the keys that unlock the other realities, because words are also tulpas. The personality that you identify with, that you mistake for being you, is also just a tulpa. You are no more you than an actor is the role he plays. Call this fiction. Call this ‘Star Trek’ meets ‘Doctor Who’ meets ‘Groundhog Day’ fan-fiction. But if you want to go further than you ever dreamed possible, engage it like a long lost friend.

Until the veil is lifted, Travel Light. Ion Light.

Indulging in Tulpamancy led to the creation of Loxy Bliss. Engaging her led to "the Invisible Counselor technique," and "Active Imagination," heralded by Carl Jung. These activities have not only changed my life, they have changed the landscapes of my dreams, and turned Astral adventures into bizarre mixture of reality and fantasy that is incredibly difficult to sort.

I/Tulpa, book 2, version 1.0

From the author: this is a work in progress. This copy is freely dispersed for the purposes of editing, refinement, and discussion. You’re invited to share it. You’re invited to dialogue with me.

How should you approach this book? The easiest way is to see it as nothing more than a Star Trek-Crossover series. Crossover with? Everything, so don’t be surprised if you discover yourself, or your kitchen sink, because it’s all coming out of the wash. A more difficult way of experiencing this: accepting this as evidence of intense psychological spiritual work endeavored by the author, which is accomplished by engaging the unconscious directly. The methodology is referenced, but not detailed; there is enough written on the subjects that you will find your own path. The impossible approach: it is exactly what you’re reading it to be, whether you call it hallucination, or dream, or places on the astral realm. There are places in the astral realm that have been solidified by collective consensus. All is consciousness. “If thought forms are real, there can be no fiction.” (Or so Loxy assures me.)

But, for practical disclaimer stuff, I am ‘pushing’ it as science fiction fantasy, heavy on crossover potential, with my caveat: it is more than that to me. My experiments with tulpamancy, the invisible counselor technique, and active imagination resulted in what you’re about to read. I can’t impress that last part enough. There can be an argument made that I have tapped into some incredible lucid dreaming potential. I have a psychic medium friend who says that where I go is an actual Astral place and it’s just as real as here, made real by Consensus through the collective unconscious. Which means, I can’t take full credit; this is a group project, me, tulpa, everyone. I have only my belief that this is not dreaming. It feels different than lucid dreaming, and it is different than any previous out of body experiences I have had. I am more than happy to put all of it aside and say, this is just an incredible way of sorting information using access to subconscious via tulpamancy. If you are curious about that or some of the other things you find here, you can google them. Don’t just read my adventures; have some of your own. If you find anything profound here, know it didn’t come from me, it came from another source, and you have access to that, too. If you find yourself on my ship, stop and say “Hi, I made it.”

And so we arrive at the part where I am supposed to inform you that the characters and events in this book are fictional at worst and any similarities between real people and places is simply coincidental. Clearly, if you believe my bias, that is not accurate. Are they mental constructs? Maybe. All I can say is that they are who they are and or appear to be, to me, but are not necessarily representative of the persons that my brain has somehow accessed or modeled in the alternative landscapes I have accessed. We change out there. Or we change in here.

If you’re easily offended, this book isn’t for you. If you’re afraid of occult stuff, like astral projection, tulpamancy, active imagination techniques, or summoning the Goddess, touching Ouija boards, well, this is definitely not for you. If you read any of the other books I have made available, this will be fairly PG, but because of one scene, I am recommending a NC-17 rating. I suspect the ‘I/Tulpa’ series won’t stay PG. I have kept to the vision as it was experienced, running diatribe included. Because, isn’t that how we all roll: narrating as we go.

Feel free to contact the author if you have questions. Ion Light, solarchariot@gmail.com or text, 214 907 4070. You have permission to share this copy of the book.

And until we meet, meet again, here or out there, always, Travel Light.