Ginia: The Planet's Cry by William Holloway - HTML preview

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A television was showing a late-night talk show called the” Bob Owen Show”.

Bob: Thank you for tuning in, I am Bob Owen and this is the Bob Owen show. For those who are just tuning in, our topic for tonight is "Do our planets actually have feelings?". It has been an interesting conversation and we have heard many points of views from believers and skeptics. I have with me a very special guest tonight. He is one of the highest officials from our beloved Temple of Nature on Unison Continent. High Priest Quan Lee.

The crowd applauded and cheered as High Priest Lee waved at them and sat down.

 Bob: Thank you so much for being here.

Lee: Thanks for having me Bob.

Bob: Tonight, you have heard many points of views from our topic of discussion. With you being from the Temple of Nature, what kind of insight can you shed here?

Lee: It has been interesting indeed. Some people had some astounding points. With me being the High Priest of the Temple, I can assure you our planets do have feelings and it has been communicating them to us. We're just too blind to see it.

Bob: What kind of feelings do you think our planet have towards us?

Lee: Honestly Bob, our planet is fed up with us.

Bob: Why do you say that?

Lee: Just think of it. Every time a natural disaster happens that is our planet displaying its emotions upon us. You ever notice that every time a war starts, or something tragic happens, a natural disaster takes place? Our planet was doing great before mankind settled on this beautiful planet 100,000 years ago. Same with Earth, this planet is no different and humans have been treating it like crap. Just like they do on Earth.

Bob: So, you are saying Mother Nature would kill thousands of people just because she is mad at us. That is cruel don’t you think?

Lee: Yes, Mother Nature can be cruel, but not as cruel as human nature. Have you watched nature at its finest? The way the animals interact in their own habitat is amazing. You will notice the only time they kill is if they are hungry or if personal territory is invaded. Of course, humans are the same, but humans kill animals for sport which is causing a lot of species to become endangered. We kill each other over race, political disagreements, sex, religion, social status, gangs, sexual preference, etc. The list goes on and on. We pollute the air, land, and water. There are wars going on where thousands of innocent people are having their lives ruined and even losing their lives because two country leaders can’t settle disagreements between themselves. There is no change taken place, so yes, Mother Nature and the planet is fed up. You never know they could be plotting against us right now.