From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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this moment. He ran up to them. “Hey, hey, madam...! What in God‘s world do you think you‘re doing?”


“Mind your own business, Rambo! This is my bitch! I deal with her!” “I‘m not your bitch, Diana!”


Without saying one more word, the man lifted Kayla, removed her from her transport wheelchair, and carried her; her body from the waist up on his shoulder, her head hanging from his back. She lifted her head so that the witnesses of this bizarre spectacle didn‘t think that he was abducting her right off of the arms of her guardian.


Diana vainly tried to struggle her away from him. He wanted to use no violence against the lady. He thought that treating a woman violently was an act of the worst kind of cowardice. He simply placed her hand firmly against Diana‘s head, paralyzing her, allowing moving nothing but her wobbling chubby arms. “You son of a bitch, let go of me!” she yelled.


“My mother has nothing to do with this, so I would appreciate it if you kept her out of this,” he sweetly replied with a smile on his beautiful face.


Another passerby looked up at them. He saw Diana fighting against “Rambo”, dialed 911 on his mobile phone, said a few words to the operator and ran away from the scene. He didn‘t want the protagonists of this incident to know that he‘d been a witness of this sad show until it was too late for any of them to take any reprisal against him. Five minutes after, his red 2006 Ford Wind Star had completely disappeared from the parking lot.


The cops arrived less than ten minutes after. The mysterious man let go of Diana before the officers could even notice that he was holding onto her to keep her from hurting him. They ran to the scene. At first, everything looked like a kidnapping to them, and Diana wanted to maintain that erroneous notion to be able to take her home and beat her to a pulp—until Kayla explained to them what really happened. “She started slapping me on the parking lot, right here, in front of everyone. Before she did that, she grabbed me by the neck. I assumed at first that she did that in an attempt to calm me down, but then she started squeezing it, and I assume she didn‘t plan on letting go until she‘d see my face turning purple. She threatened me all of the while that she was doing this.”


Diana shook her head in her disbelief and heartbreak as she listened meticulously to every word that Kayla said. Solely by testifying against her on the parking lot, Kayla had just opened the doors to a destiny in jail indefinitely for Diana. Diana shed tears. She had no idea of what to say.


“What do you have to say for you, madam?” said Officer Jenkins.

“Nothing,” Diana said.


“Is what this young woman saying about you true? Did you really slap her repeatedly in the face and strangle her, right here on the Save-A-Lot parking lot?”


“Yes, it‘s all true, and I‘m sorry that I did all of this. I‘m not asking you to give me another chance with you and let me take you home with me today, Kay,” she said, crying. “All that I can ask and will ask for you right now is that you don‘t hold any resentment against me; that you forgive me.” She started sobbing. Her repentance was genuine. She couldn‘t possibly have even contemplated putting on a show after what she‘d done. Diana had a temper of one-thousand demons, but she really wasn‘t an evil person, just someone that had been abused as a child. Her older sisters started abusing her physically since she was five and the abuse ended when she was fourteen. She didn‘t know of any other way of expressing her discontent or disagreement than being aggressive with the person that she was interacting with. Kayla didn‘t