Dr. October, Master of Scientific Sorcery in Rogues & Ruins by Timm Gillick - HTML preview

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One magical disaster can change your life, three however...

What started as a normal Halloween soon turned tragic once Doctor October augmented a ritual with a power supply. He had everything correct, or so he thought: candles at the cardinal points, a large summoning circle ringed with salt, the proper sacrifices of wine and food. But it wasn't correct. Was the translation wrong? His computer took the text from the ancient tome and compared the words with other, non-magical contemporaneous texts. The result was not only an English translation so Dr. October knew what he was getting into, but also the correct phonetic pronunciation guide for the original text to ensure the words were spoken correctly.

But something was wrong.

The ritual called for a blood sacrifice. He had learned wine was an acceptable substitution, as was bread for the flesh requirements. But for the source of energy, he decided not to use a goat. Granted the goat would provide all three necessary components, but the animal would never survive to the end, and Dr. October had taken the Hippocratic Oath.  Sacrificing a live goat was out of the question.

That's where his love of science came in. He calculated the exact power requirements based off the size of an average goat at the time the tome was written. He then spent a month in preparation, building an organic robot that approximated the same energies flowing through it as a living animal.

But the calculations had been wrong. No, the calculations had been right, but the date was wrong. To open a doorway to another dimension, one required the power provided by sacrificing an adult goat. However, on Halloween night, the veil between dimensions is thinnest, and far less power is required.

He had essentially used a sledgehammer to tear through a paper screen; rather than opening a doorway, Dr. October broke down a wall.

Things escaped. Things that had no business being in this dimension. Merely looking upon some of these creatures would drive a normal person insane. Dr. October was no mere mortal, and he stood watching in horror as these creatures slipped through singly and in groups. He named these monsters Breachers. He did what he could to repair the damage, and was able to seal the dimensional breach before the worst dimensional creature, the Asrtokraken, was able to step through

Enough of the lesser creatures managed to penetrate the breach to give Dr. October worry. He captured a small creature that hadn't escaped the lab. After months of testing, The sorcerer was able to send the creature back to its own dimension using a special Vortex Pistol that projected a beam of the necessary spells in an instant. Larger creatures required a larger charge, and he only had fifty units available before he was forced to perform a ritual to reload.

Dr. October tracked down other mages and scientists throughout the world.  He used their assistance to track down and return these creatures from whence they came. For one of the more intelligent beings worked towards re-opening the breach on Halloween night, with the goal of bringing the Astrokraken across!