Destiny Scorns by Beryl Oduor - HTML preview

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Wendy was disoriented as she did not know where they were and what was happening to her body. It was all feverish and sweaty. She was also light headed which meant that Victor had to have a strong grip on her otherwise she was going to go down. She held her head as she was led through the forest where they were. They appeared at a clearing and Wendy stopped short in her step. She looked at the tall building before her but her head felt like someone was drumming in it. Victor supported her as he gently pulled her to the house. The door was opened as if they were expected and Charles the butler stared at the two shocked beyond words. He stepped out of the way as he greeted Victor.

`Welcome Master Raymond.'

`Call Dr Ryan. Tell him to come immediately,' Victor ordered as he led Wendy up the stairs.

`Yes, sir,' he answered as he followed them with his eyes. Raymond was holding the girl with his bare hands and she wasn't dying out as the others normally did. Raymond was almost like a son to Mr Clay which meant that he too could not touch one without the one being touched feeling that their life was being drained.

He went to Mr Clay's office and looked through the cards on the Rolodex . He found Dr Ryan's number and dialed it. A receptionist answered the phone.

`Matter Hospital, how may we help you?'

`I would like to speak to Dr. Ryan please.'

`I'm sorry, Dr. Ryan is busy at the moment I could refer you to another doctor.'

`No, just tell him to come on the phone it's an emergency.'

`Who should I tell him is calling?' the voice sounded tired.

`Tell him Mr. Henry Clay is calling. Please hurry.' The phone was put on hold. The receptionist took her time. She went to the loo then talked to some of the people who she had missed in the morning. By the time she got to Dr. Ryan it was well over twenty minutes.

`Excuse me, sir,' she said as she approached him. He was moving from one patient to another. He looked up at her and frowned. She had left her desk. But he listened. `There has been a call for you. It's an emergency.'

`Dana, if everyone tells you that it's an emergency. Do you go running to every other doctor?'

`No, it was my break and I thought I should come and inform you personally.'

`Did they at least tell you what the emergency was?' he asked giving up the fight. She always said that she was on a break.

`No,' she saw the frown coming back. She quickly added, `He said the name was Henry Clay.' As soon as she said the name she saw the change on Ryan's face. It was fear or something close to it.

`When did the call come in?' he asked already putting aside the charts.

`A few minutes ago,' she said. They were walking back to the reception area. He picked up the receiver as Dana pressed the hold button. All Dana could do know was watch as Ryan didn't say much.

`Charles, yes, we met.'

`Well, a friend of Mr. Clay wants your services. He came in with a woman who was feverish and looked quite sick. He suggested I call you.'

`She is not like him, is she?' Ryan asked brushing his thinning hair.

`I don't know, but I don't think so. You should come.'

`Who is she?'

`I've never seen her before but then Master Raymond hasn't ever brought anyone here before. She must be important.'

`I'll be there in thirty minutes max.' He hang up and turned to Dana. `Get Dr. Welch to cover my patients. I'm going out for awhile.' He didn't wait for a reply. He was gone.

The ride to Mr Clay's house was a very short one given that he couldn't even remember how he got there. His mind was full of thought. He remembered the last time he was actually summoned to the Clay residence and it wasn't because of a medical situation but a financial one. He had been rewarded well by Mr Clay after helping deliver Diane's baby. She was a strange woman but he never really got to know anything much about her. Then one day she and the baby just disappeared like that. Mr. Clay was away for almost a full year. When he came back he summoned Ryan and gave him enough financial support to start his own hospital.

A long time passed then again he was summoned again. Mr. Clay didn't like the fact that his business wasn't doing well. He like to keep tabs on the things he made happen. Ryan was helped to set up a better business plan and make a partnership with all the right people. Ryan was grateful and that is why now that he was summoned, though not by Mr. Clay he felt obliged to respond as fast as possible.

Charles came out just as he parked his black jaguar. He was led upstairs where he was led to a room and found Victor leaning over a body on the bed. He was wiping her forehead with a wet cloth. Victor stood up and gave the doctor space. Ryan came over to the figure and was surprised to see that he recognized her. She hadn't aged a day since the time that he had seen her last.

`It's good to see you again, Diane,' he said as he put his case down.

`This isn't Diane,' Victor said. He had taken Henry's place pacing in the room. `She is Diane's daughter, Wendy.'

Ryan smiled as he saw that the child who had been such a problem  to the mother had grown up to be a woman. `Okay Wendy, I'm Dr Ryan and I'm here to find out what is wrong.'

Wendy stirred. She was incoherent. She was sure she heard something that she was Diane's daughter but Victor knew she wasn't. Why then would he say that. She looked at the man at the edge of the bed. She tried to move away mumbling, `Nothing's wrong.' She couldn't even hear her own voice but apparently Victor heard her.

`You aren't fine Wendy, let the doctor find out what is wrong,' Victor's voice sounded like he was in the next room. She was too tired to try to argue with him on this. She therefore closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep forgetting what was happening around her.

`How long has she had the symptoms?' Ryan asked.

`What symptoms?'

`The high temperature and the fever.'

`The fever started today, I don't know about the high temperature.' Victor paused, `Is it important?'

`Not so much as the tests would confirm my theory. I think that she has an infection but without much to go on I will have to test for the likely ones if I knew where she is from,' Ryan fished. He saw Victor frown.

`I don't think that is important.'

`Then tell me if you noticed anything different about her as of the last few days,' Ryan said gesturing about as if he's out of options.

Victor thought, `She has been very tired.'

`Getting up later than she normally did and sleeping a lot?'


`Anything else?'

`I don't know.'

Ryan raised his eyebrow, `Aren't you close to her?'


`Okay,' he sighed, `I will have to draw some blood and see what she is suffering from.'

`You will do the tests yourself and destroy the documents as soon as you are done with them?'

`I know the procedure.'

Victor exited as Ryan was looking for a syringe. Charles was also in the room but hadn't said a thing. He watched Victor go. `You know her?' he asked the doctor.

`Yes, I delivered her from her mother.'

`I thought she did look familiar.'

`Almost twenty years ago. The first time I actually came here. You weren't here.'

`Oh, I remember. We were sent away to live at the other villa that he owned. I opened the door to her mother and Mr Clay,' Charles said coming close to look at her. Ryan injected her and drew blood. He then put it in his case and stood up.

`I'll be back in about two hours with the results.' He let himself out. Charles was left alone. He went to her and whipped the sweat from her forehead. The door opened again and Victor walked in. Charles thought of leaving but Victor had changed clothes and was adjusting the cufflinks. Charles didn't know where he got them from but he didn't ask.

He walked in confidently as always and looked at Wendy's image before he said, `I have to go contact Mr. Clay.'

`He will be coming then?'

`Yes. Dr Ryan is supposed to do whatever possible to make her better.'

`What if she wakes up and asks for you?'

Victor thought, `Tell her I have gone on a quest and will be back in a few days. Should the question about Diane arise, you should tell her that she came by a long time ago but under no circumstances tell her that her mother is Diane.'

`Very well sir.' And he left again. After a long time Greta came in to the room. She was walking in cautiously because she didn't know what to expect. Charles looked up at her.

`Who is she?' she asked.

`Don't know but it seems she will be staying with us for sometime.'

`Mr. Clay is coming?'

`Yes, Master Victor has gone to fetch him.'

`Did you tell him about Tim?' she asked sounding worried.

`No,' he said as he turned to Wendy who was still asleep. `She will need proper attire. Get Mercy to go buy some new ones. She loves to shop.'

`How will she know which ones the girl would prefer?'

`Tell her she is shopping for herself. They are probably the same size.'

`Yes,' the anxious pause, `When will he come? I need time to convince Tim to go to his father's without arousing any suspicion.'

`He likes it here?'

`Very much. He says the swimming pool is the best part.'

`Okay then, get to it.'

It was exactly two hours when Ryan came back. Charles was waiting and escorted the doctor upstairs.

`How has she been since I left?'

`Not any better but not worse also.'

`Ah, the same as I had presumed when I got the results for her blood work. Where's Victor?'

`He left some time after you did.'

`Well, if my assumptions are correct then I don't think that we need to worry about her at all. Her immune system is doing the job for her. Her white blood cell count has increased tremendously.'

`I was told that you were to do whatever possible to make her better.'

`But in this case doing nothing will be much better. If we give her something we don't know how she will react to it in the final run. She will be fine in two or three days.'

`But you will do whatever you can?'

`Of course.'

They started to walk back to the front door. `Dr. Ryan, forgive my intrusion on this aspect but I don't believe that I really met Diane, you say?'

`Oh, when I came here, I only met two people.'

`Jacob and his wife. They didn't join us at the summer house. So who's the father?'

`That, I don't know. I would have said that it was Mr. Clay's but then you are never too sure about that, are you?'

`Not with Mr Clay, no.'

The following day Wendy woke up and for the first time took notice of her surrounding. She was nude underneath the covers which surprised her because she didn't remember removing her cloths. In fact, she didn't remember much. She looked at the huge room she was in. The bed was large enough for three people to sleep in and the covers were made from a very soft material something that she had never seen before. She sat up not covering herself since she was obviously alone. The room was beautiful. She doubted whether the queen's room looked half as good as this.

She stepped out of the bed and turned to take the sheet to cover herself. She stood up straight and for a second felt faint but the episode passed. She walked around exploring the room. She must have died because everything seemed too good to be true. She pressed a switch and was surprised when the lights came on then she switched it off again. She did this several times until something else caught her eye. The mirrors were so clear not like the once she had or had seen before in other places.

After finishing with the room she went and opened a door and looked out. It was a long corridor. She didn't still know if she should go out but then where did the other door lead to. She closed the first door and went to the second one. It was a white room. She wondered how they kept it white like that. She walked to the first bowl hanging on the wall and then the second huge bowl connected to the floor, studying them intensely. She touched the gray things and water came out she realized. All she had to do was figure out how to turn them.

She went to the shower area where, standing right in the middle, she opened the theshinny gray thing. Water came to her from all the directions drenching her in two seconds but by then she had already let out a scream and was running out of it she almost fell at one point but managed to stay steady until she got to the main room where she found a slightly older woman was standing turned to face her.

`Miss Wendy, I was expecting you to still be in bed.' Wendy didn't answer. `Are you feeling alright?' she asked. Wendy nodded. `My name is Greta, and I'm here to tell you whatever you need to know.'

Wendy put out her hand to her and saw her hesitate but she took her hand anyway. `Nice to meet you Miss Greta.'

`There is no use of the word Miss.'


`No, what I mean is that you can only call me Greta.'

Wendy let go of her hand as she thought then said, `Well, I don't see why there has to be a Miss in front of my name.'

`Mrsthen?' she asked humorously.

Wendy smiled and Greta noticed that she had a great smile. `I would prefer you just call me Wendy.'

Greta realized that she would really get to like this girl. For the first time she saw how wet she was. `I can see you already figured out how to use the shower.'

`That thing like a waterfall?' she asked incredulously. Greta smiled and took her hand. She explained what everything in the little white room did. She even had to explain the toothbrush but Wendy only had to listen once. She left Wendy to take her shower then she came out with a bathrobe.

`You really are a quick learner!'

`Well, I've had worse teachers than you.'

`Really?' she asked wanting a conversation. If Wendy wanted to speak, it wasn't against the rules but she couldn't ask questions especially the ones relating to her past. She was in the meantime taking out clothes from the wardrobe which Mercy had bought.

`Yes, Victor is one of the worst teachers I've ever... Where's Victor?'

Greta remembered how she was supposed to answer. `He went on a quest.'

`Oh!' she bit her lip in deep thought. `When will he be back?'

`A day or two,' Greta smiled reassuringly. `He told us that you are to be as comfortable as possible.' she added.

`Victor said that?' she asked unbelievably.

`What would he have said?' she asked knowing that she had made a mistake.

`Oh, something like the morning runs are vital, fifty push-ups and sit-ups and when I come back I would like you to show me the different fighting tactic that you have perfected so far.' she noticed Greta was staring at her in shock. `What?'

the former cleared her mind and continued in the search of a appropriate outfit. `Well have you ever been sick during his lessons?'


`Then let me tell you something,' she turned to her holding the clothes in her hands and brought then to her. `He was very concerned about you and it is safe to say that the lessons are postponed until further notice.'

`He was concerned?' she asked in a dreamy voice.

The former noticed. Wendy's eyes sparkled. `Yes.' A few seconds later it disappeared and she turned to the cloths. `Put these on.' she said and was handing them to her one by one as she wore them. They then walked out with Greta at the lead.

`Where are we?' she asked.

`We are in Mr. Clay's house.'

`Who's Mr Clay?'

`He is Victor's boss as well as mine.'

`I thought Victor worked for Queen Diane!' she stated.

`Queen Diane?' to Greta this was news. She stopped short.

`One of our leaders?' there was confusion in Greta's eyes. `King Gorham and King Nathan the rest?'

`Wendy, to be honest,' she paused, `I don't know what you are speaking about.'

`Victor said I was in danger...'

`You are safe here.' she started walking again. `Victor will explain it better himself.'

`I suppose he will. He was after all the person who rescued me from the guards.'

Greta thought that she had said too much already. The rest of the way to the dinning room where a place was already set for breakfast. She left her there after telling her that she could eat whatever she wanted on the table. Then she left her there. Wendy picked the black tea  and a slice of bread which were the only things that she recognized. She then went after Greta. She entered the kitchen and found a room full of people. Greta was among them.

`What are you doing here?' she asked as she approached her. `You were supposed to eat in the dinning room.'

`I couldn't sit there all by myself,' she said as she tilted her head to the side in disbelief.

Greta could see that she needed to be around people. This was strange to her since both Mr Clay and Master Raymond seemed to cope well without the company of others. `Okay fine, you can sit here,' she pulled out a high stool for her. The others gave her a questioning look.

Charles was the first one who came to introduce himself to her. `A pleasure to meet you too, Charles,' she replied smiling so easily. The others didn't think it safe to go to her because they figured that Charles might be getting immune to her kind. There was a strange silence in the kitchen given that it was full of people.

`How do you like the residence?' Charles asked. From the corner of his eyes he saw Greta frown. He knew the rules better than anybody else.

`The house, you mean?' Charles nodded. `I love it very much. It's even bigger than Queen Diane's castle.'

`Queen Diane?' Charles asked. Greta raised her eyebrow and the rest of the group in the room listened attentively.

`Don't you know that she is one of the most powerful leaders of this time?'

`I'm afraid I don't.' He watched her reaction. She wasn't so happy about that. `Perhaps you could tell me.'

Her eye sparkled and a smile appeared on her face. `Queen Diane, she's my role model. She rules the kingdom alongside King Gorham and King Nathan. She's the one in charge of the security of our people and leads the army to war when it arises.' She realized she had everyone's attention. `She had conquered many kingdoms but we call them colonies. She is rumored to be the most powerful Queen that ever lived but her period of rule is coming to an end. She didn't have any girl-child therefore someone else had to be chosen from the closest line to the Queen's line and be trained to take her place.'

`You?' Charles asked interested.

`No,' she said. `My family is not along the bloodline of any royal families.'

`Is bloodline important?'

`Very much so,' she sat attentively. `Bloodline is everything. When you are from any royal bloodline, that is, one of your ancestors was a King or Queen, then all the best opportunities lie in your grasp. That is why I was only a book-keeper until Victor decided to train me.'

`Train you?'

`Yes, I wanted to be a royal guard but I was not of royal blood. That way there was no one who would have even taken any interest in me. I did apply though but was turned down. Victor came along and viola somebody wants to train me and the Queen has given her consent.'

`The queen has to give consent?'

`Yes,' she sipped her tea remembering that she had some in the cup in front of her. `To me I think that she was the most powerful of the three but then that is my opinion. Queen Diane chooses or agrees to someone's appointee. She has to make sure the person is loyal and won't betray the kingdom.'

`How would she know? I mean she can't read minds, can she?' Charles asked.

`No,' she chuckled. The others in the room smiled at that. `That is the main reason why they chose royal bloodlines only believing that their ancestors blood runs through them.' She shrugged and took another sip. It was real good except that it was cold.

Greta came and took the cup from her hand, `Let me warm it up for you.' She watched as she put the cup in a cupboard-like box and watched as the cup rotated for about a minute all the time wondering how that would warm it up but she waited patiently. Greta came and put the cup in front of her. `Careful, it's really hot.' She didn't see Wendy pick the cup up because footsteps approached and Timothy his son walked into the room.

He hadn't looked when he said, `Mama, I need the keys to the truck...'

But he was interrupted, `Ouch!' Wendy cried. `It's really hot,' she said as she looked up at her.

`I told you to be careful.'

`I didn't expect it to be that hot. You put it in a box.'

`It's called a microwave.'

`Microwave,' she said thoughtfully. `What does it do?' she asked.

`A dozen other things besides warming food. I'll tell you all about it. I have to talk to my son.'

`Your son?' she asked without really asking and turned around to see a twenty something year old guy looking at her with interest.

Mama Mia! Were the first thoughts in Tim's mind. He looked at his mother then back to the woman sitting in front of him. He walked to her, `Hi, I'm Tim,' he said flashing her a smile. He had a great smile and was quite handsome in a boyish kind of way.

She took his hand and shook it, `Hi, I'm Wendy.'

He was actually lost for words. Greta came around and grabbed his arm as he started pulling him away, `Come on Timmy.'

`It's Tim mama,' he objected as he turned to follow her. `See you later Wendy.' He waved backwards and they disappeared round the door.

As soon as they were out of earshot she turned angrily at him. `I thought I told you not to come to the big house!'

`Mama, I just wanted the key.'

`Well, you should 'ave called.'

`And have you walk all the way back to the house to give it to me?' he asked. Greta bit her lips and realized that wasn't practical. But Tim had continued, `And besides I think I know why you have been keeping me away from the house.'

`Stay away from the girl, Timmy.'

`Ma, I'm in college. Do you know how many girls I've...'

`Eh eheh,' she interrupted. `I don't want to know your escapades besides, she's not your type!'

`Mama, how would you know my type?' he asked incredulously. `You've never met any of my girlfriends!'

`I know,' she sighed. `Just stay away from Wendy, okay?'

`She's the only person here who is around my age.'

`You wouldn't have anything in common with her, trust me. Besides, Mercy is also your agemate.' She put the key into his hand and left him in the hall as she went back to the kitchen.

The rest of the day went well except for occasionally when she felt faint. She was shown around the house and everything was explained to her as best as they could. It took time but eventually everyone else warmed up to her but not enough to ask her questions about where she was from except for Charles and a little bit from Greta.

By the end of the day she had been briefed on almost how to use everything. She went back to her room and looked more closely at the clothes that had be bought for her. She looked at the trousers and was told that she could wear that anytime and not just riding. She asked Greta to show her what she could wear in order not to look out of place and the following day's dressing was laid out for her before she went to bed.

The following day she woke up and headed out of the house for a run. That had surprised Greta who had gone to check up on her and found that she was not in her room. She went running back to Charles but he had seen Wendy heading out. They watched from the window as Wendy did her laps but after sometime they saw Tim approaching her.

`Your son is going to be a problem,' Charles said.

`I can't tell him that he can't see her. He will need a reason or worse try to do what I object to just to see what the outcome will be.'

`Hmm,' Charles was thoughtful. They watched as the conversation went on and then it ended and Wendy came back to the house. An hour later Wendy was with them in the kitchen eating her breakfast. Tim as predicted came to the house and after some time managed to convince Wendy of taking a walk with him.

They walked outside and as soon as Tim knew he was out of earshot, he started talking. `So where are you from?'

`Not around here obviously,' she smiled as she put her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

`Well, I know that. I was wondering why exactly you are here.'

`Why are you here?' she looked at him and he immediately knew that she was not about to answer questions about herself.

`I'm here to visit my mother.'


`Yes, she's my mother.'

`What about your father? Where is he?'

`My father doesn't live here. They separated when I was a child and I take turns staying with both of them.'


`Divorced could be more precise.'

`That isn't allowed where I come from.'

`Really?' he turned to look at her. That to him was unbelievable to him. `What the hell would one do if you can't stand the person you married?'

They laughed. `Well, separation can be accepted only in the extreme situations.'

`Like what?' he asked. They stopped walking in the middle of a field.

`Well,' she said thoughtfully. `When the marriage is affecting your job, it's allowed.'

`Your job like what?'

`Ruling the people, giving out judgments.'

`So only the very high in society can get a separation approved?' he asked fascinated.

`Yes, but even then it is scandalous and nobody likes that.'  They started walking back to the house. It was a very slow walk. A car was coming around very fast. It stopped at the driveway in front of the house. Tim didn't know who they were but as he glanced at Wendy he could see the glow on her face. They two figures started walking towards them. Tim could see them dressed exclusively. Wendy and him were standing between the front door and the car.

They approached with eyes mainly on Wendy and the older one took the lead. He put out his gloved hand toward Wendy. `Miss Summer, my name is Henry Clay and I'm so glad that you have joined us here.'

She shook it firmly. `Mr. Clay, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much.'

`I doubt that,' he smiled. It was like his teeth sparkled in the light and his eyes had those wrinkles that come about when someone is really happy. His hair was graying at the sides but his posture suggested that he was very fit.

Wendy immediately took to Henry and for some strange reason he reminded her of Gorham. `You are right but then I really do appreciate you having me here. You have a beautiful house Mr Clay.'

`Thank you very much.' He turned to Timothy as if seeing him for the first. `Mr. Hayman, I suppose that school is going on well.'

`Yes sir.' he answered though he was a bit confused.

`Excuse me,' Mr Clay said then started walking away.

`Wendy,' Victor's voice took over.

She turned to him. They didn't smile at each other. `Yes sir?'

`Are you feeling better?'

`Of course.'

`Hmm,' the pause as if searching  words. `You are to join us in the main office after you are done here.' he turned slightly to Tim and barely nodded then left.

They were quiet for a long time then Tim said, `I have no idea what just happened.'

`We met the owner of the big house. I thought your mother worked here for long?'

`Yes but I have never met the owner. I would have thought that he'd be somewhat older.'

`He's not that old.'

`Now I see I was wrong. What about the other guy?' he asked Wendy.

`He's Victor.' Wendy turned to look at the house. `I really should get going, he never likes me late.'

`Sure,' he answered then watched her jog into the house.

Wendy looked for the main office and eventually found it. She knocked at the door and heard a loud voice welcoming her in. She found the both of them sitting in the office. Mr Clay was sitting at the head chair while Victor was sitting opposite him. There was an extra chair at his side and Wendy headed towards it. She was signaled to sit on the chair which she did.

There was a long awkward silence and as far Wendy could tell Victor didn't seem to want to be in the room. Finally Mr Clay said, `How are your parents, Wendy?'

`My parents?' she asked as she looked slightly at Victor not knowing what to do. He wasn't looking at either of them. What had Victor gotten her into? She asked herself. `My parents were fine the last time they sent me a letter.'

`Well, they are not fine now.'

`What do you mean?' 

`When the guards came to get you at your house and Victor came to rescue you, he didn't explain why.' Wendy waited patiently. `He didn't tell you because he didn't have the authority and because you disappeared without notice they are after your parents.'

Wendy could have swore that she heard Victor growl but decided to ignore it. `Can you get straight to the point here. I know that though Victor was working for Diane he was initially working for you. So why did I need to be rescued?'

`Because you were going to be tortured for information, if you survived then you may be exiled but if you were not then someone would be sent to try and kill you.'

`Why would someone try to kill me?'

`Because unknown to everyone else, you were Queen Diane's daughter and the rightful heiress to her