A Djinn, Lotta Fairies and Sundry Gods by Gregory Edward Flood - HTML preview

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About the Author


Gregory Edward Flood is the author of Seven God Limit and The Last of the Dire Dwellers, both available from Koios Books. He has gone through three literary agents, all of whom died on him. He’s afraid to get another one because he doesn’t want to be responsible.

But during his had-an-agent days his work was passed around to all the major publishing houses. Their reactions all pretty much went like this: “Great new writer. Wonderful, strong prose style, gorgeous sense of place, fascinating, unusual characters, cutting edge fantasy concepts and, uh..we can’t publish this.” One editor held on to one of his books for a year-and-a-half before letting go of it (“but we might still want it for our paperback line.”) Gregory pretty much gave up after the last agent. But then the eBook revolution started and he decided that, since all those high-end New York professionals said his work was so damn good, he’d try going the digital route.

As you can see, he had much greater success this time.

You can find Gregory on Facebook and LinkedIn and you can find his novels and other work at www.koiosbooks.com.