Trouble by Emily Sommers - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


I wake and look over to see Sophie asleep in my arms. The sunlight is pouring through her window; I must’ve slept throughout the whole night here with her. Shit, did I fall asleep after she went down on me? FUCK. I can’t believe I did that. And she didn’t even wake me. FUCK.

I’ve never met a woman who has me so sexually turned on. Usually, I’d meet a girl, and just fuck her. I wouldn’t even let her stay the night. No fucking way, id kick her out by telling I have to be somewhere real early in the morning.

Yeah I am asshole. But I don’t ever want another woman thinking I’m some fucking hero. Because I’m not. I’d rather them hate me. I don’t want them to develop feelings for me. Just a quick no fuss fuck, and then I’m on again with my life. I don’t do relationships.

Well not anymore.

Not after Sarah…

Fuck. I can’t think about that. I can’t think about her.

I look back at Sophie and I know that she has me. I’m starting to fall for this girl. And I can’t stop it. How did this even happen? Why did I keep perusing her knowing I don’t do relationships? Sophie is a sweet girl, the most stunning one I have ever laid eyes on.

Ever since the first time I laid eyes on her I was blown away by her exquisite beauty. Sure I’ve met beautiful girls, but Sophie isn’t like any other girl. I cannot take my eyes off her. She is the most beautiful looking woman I have ever seen. Fuck any supermodel; fuck any girl I’ve ever dated. Bar none If only she knew it. The way other guys stare at her. They way other girls even stare at her. Here she is telling me I’m the attractive one. Ha, if only she knew.

But it’s not just her beauty. There is something so mysterious about her, so kept, so hidden. I noticed it even more when she was at the charity event. And she asks me why I donate money to the event. Does she think I’m just that shallow, to throw around money at any charity? The charity means more to me than she’ll ever know…

I knew the charity meant something to her and now I know. I can’t believe she grew up with that life. I can’t believe another guy laid hands on her and forced himself on her. And I can believe her dickhead ex did that to her.

When she told me the story I wanted to go find both those guys there and then and beat them to a pulp. What kind of animal does that to a woman? FUCK. I was ready to kill when she told me what happened. All I could see was red, but she was able to calm me. I don’t know how she did that.

I’ll kill anyone who even dreams to touch her like that. Sophie is an angel. I have to protect her.

She has a million walls up, but she is as down to earth as they come. There’s some vibe she gives off that makes you see she doesn’t care about any of the materialistic bullshit. She has substance. She’s real. She has depth of character alright.

Fuck. I don’t even know what this is. Am I having feelings for her? Fuck. I don’t even do feelings. I just do sex. But there’s this animalistic urge to claim Sophie as mine. And in ways that are so explicit, it just makes my dark hard thinking about it.

I’ve never seen an ass so plump and smooth. Never seen breasts so naturally large on such a tiny frame. And those exotic features. Oh my god.

I thought I could walk away. But as soon as she let her guard down and danced with me that night at the charity event, I could finally see the light in her. The glow, the warmth that she keeps hidden. It was beautiful to see. When she smiles I swear she could light up a fucking Christmas tree. I wish she would let her guard down more. I can tell she has trust issues. Who could blame her after what those fuckers did to her.

And I’m pulled to her. Like a moth to a flame. I don’t do relationships, fuck I don’t even get jealous. But just seeing another guy look at her makes me burn. What the fuck is that anyway. Does she even know how hard my dick gets around her? Does she even know the effect she has on me? She brings me to my knees.

Maybe I’ll be able to walk away. After all, I leave in two days. I won’t ever see her again. She’ll find someone else. What troubles me, is that I know Sophie is a good girl. I know what she did with me tonight, is not something she does with just anyone. She isn’t the type to go home with a random guy. I can tell. I’ve been around girls long enough to spot the difference.

I don’t want to hurt her, but by staying longer with her, I’ll just continue to hurt her. And I’d rather walk away now before either of us gets in too deep. But I can’t. I can’t seem to walk away. What the fuck am I doing?

What would Sarah think?