The Broken Vows by Jane Kiarie - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


“Another drink please.” He shouted at the bartender.

He scanned the crowd for the beautiful blonde woman with the piercing blue eyes. He had noticed her the moment she stepped into the lounge bar. Even amid other women dressed in what he would term as scanty outfits, her quiet and classic beauty stood out. The bartender passed him his drink, and as he slowly sipped the burning whiskey, Mason observed her. She was hurdled at the corner of the bar surprisingly alone. Her gaze roamed around the crowded space and briefly rested on the dance floor.

The lounge was square shaped, had a colonial style and a natural grandeur. The combination of coal tones and ash gave it a dark, sinful look which Mason thought suited it just perfectly. The jazz music was playing harmonically and was quite soothing. As he sat in his stool, Mason absorbed his surrounding and the noise it presented. The laughter and shouting though somehow annoying brought life. Coming to this lounge hadn’t been on his top agendas today, but at James insistence, he had finally caved in. Speaking of James, where was the guy? The last time Mason had checked, James had gone to the bathroom, but that was twenty minutes ago.

This night, in particular, he was grateful that James had brought him along. Left to his own devices, he would probably have been home alone brooding over his work. Ordinarily, Mason was not a bar kind of guy. He preferred scenes because they allowed him time to think.

“Hey man.” A tap on his shoulder forced him out of his thoughts.

“Where have you been?”

James sat in the stool next to him as he brushed his hair with his fingers.

“Went to the bathroom then Emma called. I have to get home. Otherwise, she will have my head on a platter.” He said in disgust. To any other person, James statement would have seemed like a complaint, but Mason knew better. The man was clearly obsessed with his wife. The two had been married three years and were joined to the bone. He knew that James appreciated Emma’s bossy nature because he loved being under her thumb.

“Okay. Go ahead. I sit here a while longer.” He said swirling his drink.

His gaze inadvertently scanned the crowd for the blonde woman and as if on cue, their gazes collided. He starred much longer than was necessary prompting James to look.

“Who is she?” James inquired.

“Don’t know. Just another girl in a crowded bar.” He shrugged hoping James would ignore the little occurrence.

“Okay man. Whatever you say. I have to leave. But be careful. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”


He playfully shoved James away causing the smaller guy to stumble. Laughing, James saluted him as he walked across the dance floor towards the exit. Mason averted his gaze from James’ retreating body and continued watching the blonde woman. She was having a vodka tonic prompting Mason to speculate that she was not a heavy drinker. She did not appear old, and if he were to guess, he would guess that she was in her early thirties- thirty-one or thirty-two. She seemed oblivious to the guys around her who were trying to catch her attention. Her skin was olive and glowing which Mason guessed was from a recent tan. Her competent appearance gave her a cooperate look. Her hair was held up in a bun with few strands hanging loose. Mason watched as she ran her tongue across her red pouty lips that he wanted a taste of so badly.

His eyes never strayed away from hers and as if being pulled by a force beyond her, the blonde held his gaze without wavering. Mason’s didn’t look away despite the lurch in his heart. He knew that something powerful was happening between them.

“Want a refill?” The bartender asked forcing him to break his gaze for only a second.

“No.” He hoped his voice didn’t sound too gruff. His whole body was burning. He was as hard as a rock prompting him to shift uncomfortably in the small stool. Returning his gaze to hers, he noticed that she was on her feet with her handbag firmly in place. He couldn’t let her leave. The connection they had experienced tonight was too powerful to be ignored. He acted without thinking. As fast as he could, he crossed the dance floor and caught up with her before she could reach the exit door.

He abruptly blocked her path causing her to stumble. However she regained her balance quite fast.

“I am sorry.” He said.

“It’s okay.” She muttered slowly extracting herself from his firm grip.

“My name is Mason Jones.” He said extending his hand.

He knew that he was being foolish, introducing himself to a woman he barely knew. But the moment called for idiocity. She seemed hesitant, and for a moment he thought she would ignore his hand, but fortunately though reluctantly she shook it.

“Nice to meet you, Mason.” She said smiling at him and exposing her white set of teeth. She was more beautiful up close than he had thought.

“I have to go.” She said abruptly.

“Why?... Wait.” He said as she maneuvered past him towards the exit. He kept up with her strides.

“You didn’t tell me your name.” He said in an almost whiny voice.

“My name is of no importance.”

Mason had to give it to her; she was a fast walker. As they approached her car, he placed his hand under her elbow stopping her abruptly. She tilted her head and looked at him.

“Don’t leave. I know you felt the attraction because I saw you checking me out also.”

His statement caught her by surprise a pink blush snaked its way up her cheeks. He wanted to kick himself for causing her discomfort. She lowered her gaze as a couple walked passed them. He could see she was contemplating and weighing her options, but her uncertainty gave him the confidence to continue pushing further.

“I noticed you immediately you walked in, and for some reason, I could not stop staring.”

She looked at him, and he could feel himself drowning in her beautiful blue eyes. They had a quiet moment as their eyes drowned in each other. He could not explain this moment. He just knew that he felt more alive than ever and the lines between right and wrong were quickly blurring. With the long stretch of their heated gazes, their heads started dipping towards each other and slowly, their lips locked. The kiss was slow and short-lived. She pulled away.

“I can’t do this. I don’t even know you.”

“You don’t have to know me to feel the pull of attraction.” He whispered.

She looked at him contemplatively, and he could see the wheels turning in her head.

“I don’t know… I have a proposition for you.” She said.


“One night. I just need one night to forget.”

He had no idea what she wanted to forget, but he was happy to oblige her.

“There are rooms in this hotel. We can book one.” He suggested. Her nod though small made him feel like he had won a million bucks. He didn’t know whether what he was about to start would only be a one night stand or an event that would dictate his future. But tonight he didn’t care.


Holding her small hand, he pushed the door to their hotel room open. He switched on the lights as he ushered her into the small yet neatly kept room. The bed looked comfortable enough, and the dim lighting gave it a romantic ambiance. Had it been in different circumstances, he would have allowed them time to talk, but she had made it clear that she was not in the mood to talk. However, he needed to know her name.

“What is your name?” He probed.

“Olivia.”She replied.

She initiated the kiss. Her mouth was pressed into his as their lips molded together. He thrust his tongues and tasted each other hungrily. His kisses trailed into her neck and up her ears as he seductively bit her earlobe. She let out a breathy gasp encouraging him to continue with his exploration. They were in a tag of war, each wanting control over the other. Her back hit the wall with a slight thud. He buried his face in her neck his hands roaming down to her ass. They tore each other’s clothes off. Her slight frame cradled his now painful erection and he had to bit on his lip not to cry out. Olivia released her hair from her bun as Mason watched in fascination as it tumbled down her back. He rocked his pelvis against hers and trailed kisses up her neck whispering in her ears.

“You look very beautiful.” He croaked out releasing her breast from the constraint of her brassiere. They were perky, and her nipples stood erect. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Setting her down the bed, they both grappled the remaining clothes and flung them across the room. His mouth was on hers as he slowly kissed down her neck to her nipples. Mason captured one nipple in his mouth and twirled the other with his hand causing her to gasp and arch her body in an act of pleasure. She brushed her fingers into his thick black hair as if hanging on. Mason ripped through the packet of foil he was packing, and after sheeting himself, he slide into her. The rhythms were slow at first giving them both time to master mastered each other’s bodies, but Mason quickly picked up the pace as they twined into each other until they lost their minds.


The buzzing of the phone woke him up from his stupor. Mason grabbed his phone from the bedside drawer. Shit! Three missed calls from Abby and five messages with a series of angry emojis. Jumping out of bed, Mason collected his clothes and quickly dressed up. Olivia was watching him with a guarded expression. He tried to think of something appropriate to tell her, but every thought that came to mind seemed too cliché. He wanted to ask for her number but thought against it. This was just a one night stand, and both of them seemed content with that arrangement. Fortunately, she spoke out before he had an opportunity to make a fool of himself.

“You seem in a hurry. What is the time?” She asked her voice a bit groggy from sleep.

“It’s 4 am. I need to leave. I didn’t intend to leave things as they are, but I have a bit of an emergency.”

She sat up as the sheet slide down her body exposing her breasts. If Mason wasn’t in a hurry and regretting his decision last night, he might have been tempted to get into bed with her. But for now, he had to be content with the view. She wet her lip and combed through her tousled hair.

“I think it is best that you live now. I will sleep in and check out at six.” She said.

With a slight nod, he rummaged through her clothes searching for his pair of socks. There was a stretched awkward silence as the enormity of what they had done fully settled in. He didn’t know her, and she didn’t know him. He looked at her uncertain of how to say goodbye. What did one do after having sex with a total stranger? Should he kiss her goodbye?

“This is awkward.” She said smiling up at him shyly.

“Very.” He concurred.

“I guess I will see you around.”

They both knew that their paths were unlikely ever to cross again, but it was a polite way of saying goodbye.

“Yeah, I will see you around then.”

Having made up his mind, he leaned in and gave her a slight peck on the lips, it was not sensual- it was a kiss of two people saying goodbye.