The Art of War for Dating by Spencer Michaels - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: It’s In Her Genes!

Genetic Programming


Whether we want to admit it or not, human beings are to a large


degree victims of our genetic programming. No matter what a woman


says or how civilized, cultured or progressive she tries to be, she has


very specific evolutionary characteristics that she’s attracted to. This


is great news for us because all we have to do is embrace those


characteristics and we’ll have women falling all over us. A major


character trait that females of all species are programmed to be


attracted to is status. In the animal kingdom females are told by


Mother Nature to mate with the dominant males of her species. It is


no different for human beings. When female animals go into heat,


they search out the strongest males to mate with in order to preserve


the race and create strong offspring. When a woman feels excited


and wild over a guy she’s feeling the same genetically programmed


response that an animal feels when it goes into heat. She can’t help


these feelings. The female animal in nature goes for the seemingly


unattainable, powerful, untamable male. No matter what she says or how much she tries to fight these instincts it’s simply factual that they


exist inside her. All of this information is encoded in her genetic




Women need to feel this wild, uncontrollable attraction. They don’t


logically choose it – they feel it or not. You can buy her flowers for the


next ten years and it won’t matter unless you make her FEEL this


attraction to you. Women don’t care how things work; they care how


things make them feel. In all of the romance novels and soap operas


women have been devouring since they were kids, the leading males


are always untamable, strong men who sweep women off their feet.


This is the quality that many “jerks” have. Women don’t like the fact


that the guy is actually a jerk – it’s just that jerks have a tendency to


have more of this primal, uncontrollable dominance that the weaker,


“nice” guys don’t have. They can’t help it fellas. They are simply


responding to Mother Nature. Estrogen is a drug that induces feeling.


It makes women want and need to feel everything. Testosterone is a


hormone of aggression/achievement and dominance. The sooner we


realize and accept these facts, the easier time we’ll have


understanding the dating world. So what exactly are some of these traits that she’s genetically


programmed to desire?


Physical Strength


Women are genetically programmed to desire a physically strong


man. Now don’t go running off to buy steroids because this doesn’t


necessarily mean that she wants a guy like the incredible Hulk. In fact


when a guy gets too huge muscularly many women see that as a


compensation for other weaknesses. What they do desire is a fit man,


who walks with his head up high, with his shoulders back, showing


complete confidence. I will teach you many techniques in the book


that will make women see you as a physically strong creature.




Ambition is a great attribute to have because it helps women


rationalize why they’d be with a “weaker” man. Major ambition is


usually enough to tell a woman that at some point soon, you’ll be the


dominant male she’s looking for and as long as she has the patience


to wait, she’ll give you a chance. I remember watching Jerry Maguire listening to Renee Zellweger say, “I love him for the man he almost


is” and thinking “What a bitch. What’s wrong with the man he is right


now”. Then I realized that she couldn’t help it. It was her genetic


programming that wanted him to be the strongest man he could be.


Yes I know it’s just a movie but it’s a perfect example of how women


think. His ambition to be the strong male was enough to keep her


interested. Another reason that ambition is so attractive is because


women are programmed to look for the instinct in you that wants to


be dominant. Most men assume that they need to have lots of money


and power to get women when in fact; you don’t need to be rich or


“powerful” right now to attract women. Women are equally as


attracted to the trait in you that desires to get rich, powerful and






Never be blatantly boastful. Once you develop a real self-confidence


it will shine through in your actions. Any man that feels the need to


talk about how great he is in bed or what a great athlete he is will


seem weak. Women have a built in radar that let’s them spot the


difference between real and fake confidence. Instead show with your actions what an amazing person you are and always be humble


about it. I will teach you in this book how to always appear humble


while secretly sneaking in brags in a way that women can’t detect




These are just a few of the characteristics that women are genetically


programmed to desire. Let me stop the list here and move on the


next chapter where I’ll begin to tell you how to start making these qualities a part of your very being.