Story of a Secret Heart


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Pages: 127

Published: 8 years ago

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Book Description HTML

This is a story about a girl’s broken heart. It’s about breaking up... and breaking down. It’s about the roller-coaster ride of a breakup and all the funny little stories in-between... Dating again, meeting new people and partying is all fun and games until you unknowingly slip into a world of drugs and prostitution that you didn’t even know existed, and your life starts to spiral out of control... When you know you don’t belong in this new world, full of beautiful women and millionaires, all you can do is laugh and hang on tight...*Version*=1&*entries*=0

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Cassi Ellen

When I turned 30 I was single, alone and heart broken on the other side of the globe. I wrote this book as sort of therapy at the time, but after people started reading it and said it was actually good, I thought maybe others might like to hear my story.