Rumors of Christmas by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Where did we come from?

How did we get here?

These are valid questions for us all to ponder, however, here we will only consider the questions as they relate to the story at hand.

This story began life as a play called, “Memories of Our Town, Gladstone.” It was performed at our local train station museum in the summer of 2019. After that productions was complete I was considering the future of the script. After a bit of thought, I decided that even though it was originally a summer show, this story line would actually make a good Christmas story as well. With that thought in mind I changed a couple of the songs, a few of the details, and re-titled the story, “Rumors of Christmas.”

This is the story you are about to read.

I’ve also included some photographs from the original production for your entertainment and/or aggravation.


-Kelvin Bueckert