Milady Disdain


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Book Description HTML

The necessity of leaving the only home she had ever known was daunting so soon after the death of her beloved mother, but the new life she was about to embark upon was to prove both exciting and challenging to Patience Kilpatrick. Daughter of a father who had abandoned his family to fight and die for Bonnie Prince Charlie at the Battle of Culloden, and grand-daughter of the Earl who had given his life in the earlier Stuart cause, she had lived a life far beneath her station, and was happy to become governess to the young son of Milady Costain. Her growing confidence in herself, and the twists and turns her life takes as she becomes embroiled in the fortunes of her contemporaries in the glittering world of London's aristocracy leads her into a future she could only have dreamed of.

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Marianne Malthouse

I was born in England, and have lived in Zambia and now have settled in Australia, where I have resided for nearly 30 years. I had 28 happy years with my husband who has recently passed away, but have great support from my son, daughter-in-law and grandson, and having recently retired from over 30 years working as a legal secretary am now writing again. I had two historical romances published in 1984 (Farnham's Folly) and 1985 (Kerrigan's Curse). I have recently published another Regency Romance entitled Milady Disdain which is now available on Free-Ebooks.

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