It's All About Loving a Soldier by Neelam Birthare - HTML preview

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Chapter 2- Meeting the Real Man…..!!!

After the first semester exams I was getting bored, soporific during my winter vacations, I didn’t have the caliber to bear those melodramatic television soaps which my mom relished with great enthusiasm as if she is watching an Oscar awarded movie. So my only savior was social networking.

This particular friend request was in my list from past two months, I didn’t pay any attention because I usually don’t have a tendency to date two men simultaneously. After all typical Indian women believe in remaining as a one-man-woman for life long.

Thanks to my latest break-up and mom’s daily soaps that I dared to accept this special request. The profile picture was ordinary but the guy was definitely different. He was a part of “The Indian Army”. This thing was no where mentioned on his profile but I knew it by applying my intelligence mechanism –nothing but common sense, he was a friend of my friend, technically a mutual friend and the guys where batch mates- so naturally after seeing his haircut, body- built and of course the A-class level of personal description in the “about-me” section of his profile; made me conclude he is not a civilian. Hence friend request accepted…..!!!

You might wonder that what’s so special about army guys that girls usually accept their request without a second thought.

Okay….!!!! So here comes the report _

A man in uniform is often the first kind of crush for most of the women. He is desirable for those special qualities known as officer like qualities. He is quite sophisticated, well-mannered, cultured when it comes to dating a woman. He is obviously a superior hunk as he is even more precious than a reel-life hero because he is the man who has a motto of ‘service before self’. Integrity, honesty, loyalty, initiative, cooperative, confidence selflessness, discipline, Courage, social adaptability, determination, liveliness, stamina_

-In simple words he is a real-life hero.

Every person desires for a better life partner, someone who makes you feel complete, and someone who can understand your pains and heel you by his or her presence. Human are born to live together and being with a complete man is a fantasy. The guy in a uniform is often perceived as a prince of a fairy-tale who has the charm that can turn you on and get enchanted. Being too much fascinated by the bollywood movies of Akshay kumar and Hollywood actions of Arnold, I just accepted his request with a mere desire to know him more. It was the inquisitive mind within me who initiated the conversation with a ……hi…..!!!