Fearless Flying by Karen Gordon - HTML preview

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A Note from the Author


Hi! Welcome to Vivienne’s world. I’m thrilled you decided to give this series a try.

The book you are about to read is the first of seven novellas in a fierce and flirty chicklit series. I created the main character after reading another series about King Arthur’s court by a fantastic writer named Lavinia Collins. Her stories look at the legend from the female perspective and one of her characters, Nimue, fascinated me. She’s a quiet young woman who everyone fails to notice or discounts because she’s so sweet looking. In reality she is the puppet master. Always watching and learning, she uses her knowledge to control powerful men like the king and Merlin. Vivienne is based on Nimue. Viv is an introvert; smart, quiet, always watching and learning. Those are her super powers. She uses them to get ahead at work but things don’t always work out so well when it comes to her love life.

If you love this book I really want you to stay with me on this journey and read book 2, HiJack. In it Viv has to match wits with the top brass at work including a new boss who is easy on the eyes and definitely off limits. I think you’ll love seeing how she handles the pressures of the executive suites and I’m so excited for you to read HiJack that I want to give you a FREE copy!

There will be a link at the end of this book, follow it and let me know where to send your FREE copy of HiJack.

This will also put you on my mailing list which is a really fun place to be. I never, ever give names away or sell them (cross my heart). You will get occasional emails letting you know about sales, new books, giveaways and even more FREE books! It’s truly a win/win. If this book isn’t your cup of tea, I still want to say that you are amazing. You gave an indie author a chance and I truly appreciate that.

So, I hope you enjoy Fearless Flying and don’t forget to look for the link for a FREE copy of HiJack at the end.

Lots of love,
