Date with Purpose by Tracy Montgomery - HTML preview

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your current financial status, sex, sexual orientation, creed or beliefs, race or lineage.

In short, self-realization can become a battle between three forces: your inner demons, your current environment, and that little shining soul-self that’s pining to break out.





Ron’s Story


Ronaldo, or “Ron” as everyone called him, was a compulsive womanizer, and proud of it.

He half-jokingly called himself “God’s gift to women”, and tried to hit on and “score” with every skirt and pretty thing

that passed his way. Never mind if some of the women cried upon discovering they were just one among the many. Ron could always find ways to appease their battered self-esteem by pleasing them in bed, and telling them how pleased he was with them.

Hidden behind his macho rake persona, Ron also had a battered self-esteem.   With each passing year, Ron grew more and more dissatisfied and restless with his life. “I was OK at the start,” he said. “It felt great to know I was a man who could control so many women. But then I started feeling this emptiness inside me.”