Beyond by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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What is Worst? When you don’t bother to look Beyond; Consciously negating all Probabilities...

What is Best? When you lead your Potentials to create Landmarks, as you journey through Probabilities…




Romance is opening the closed gate of Consciousness, to welcome Innocence of childlike Simplicity. People can’t truly be romantic. Often; they promptly trade innocence to barter Success. One needs to Fail his or her Ego, to make romance Triumphant; journey Beyond… But; it is deemed bad commerce. People succeed, romance fails; love is traded profitably…




Familiarity innately aligns with Similarity. Consciousness is wired to feel deep intimacy with Repetitiveness of preferred Reality. Continuity breeds security of familiarity. Blissfulness is often; a Perpetuity of similarities. Only Suffocation of slavery of repetitiveness can install painfulness for Emancipation. Blessed are those, who romance with idea of Pain as Portal of novelty for alternative probabilities. They journey Beyond…




Eyes asked the ears, ‘Do you see, dark clouds are coming; it shall rain?’ Ears replied, ‘I don’t hear any thunders; it cannot rain!’ The ears asked, ‘By the way, can you hear how beautiful music someone is playing?’ The eyes replied, ‘I can’t see anyone around; there cannot be any music!’ The ears are blind; the eyes are deaf. Both are geniuses; of Single Dimension; of solitary suitability. Multidimensionality is always around; if ever, Self-Validation could look and listen Beyond! But then; Self happens; can subconscious self-validation not happen…?




I can’t appreciate what I don’t understand. I don’t understand; not knowing is no culpability. Ignorance and its prompt denial is innate; visceral. However, conscientious criminality is in flamboyantly Showcasing the personal stupidities as public wisdom of ultimate order and ridiculing others for not appreciating its ‘embedded’ worthiness. Most people unconsciously Advertise their ignorance this way. Solipsism is a Software, which comes pre-loaded with the Hardware and operating system of body-mind. The journey Beyond beckons. Novelty of probabilities engenders knowledge. But; people don’t journey; they squander potentials of probabilities…




Love what you do; do what you love. This visceral intelligence of Habitual cyclicality is brain’s design for safety of sustenance of Survival optimization. This, however, is euphemism for Unconscientious slavery. Excellence too comes through this cyclicality. Brilliance is also therefore, Slavery of consciousness. Emancipation doesn’t differentiate between Best and Worst; good and bad. Freedom of consciousness seeks journeying Beyond all habitual cyclicalities…




The wise and visionary say, conflict and contradiction; its suffocation of stagnation, is essential for novelty and alternative pathways to open up. This is how journeys Beyond happen. Anyways; conflict and its probable painfulness are neutral and innate situations of reality; as it stands. We assign value of ‘unease’ into it. If we could see the utility and worth of conflict, we may very well welcome it; to lead our potentially prospective journeys Beyond…

