100 Dates and a Wedding


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Published: 6 years ago

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Book Description HTML

100 Dates & a Wedding narrates Valérie’s dating experiences in London and shares the lessons she learnt from them. She narrates the worst of her dating experiences London offered and the lessons she learnt from them. She shares without concession, her disillusionment, her joys, and her own ambiguities without concession.100 Dates & a Wedding is a romantic Frenglish (mix of French and English) journal which will make your heart laugh out loud; it is filled with raw emotions and evinces the garbage culture in which we live today. Beware! 100 Dates and a Wedding doesn’t bash on men, it spreads an inspirational message through Valerie’s dates: you definitely need to kiss a few frogs before getting that happy-ending story full of sparkling stars.

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