You Must be Born Again by Sam O. Oluwafemi - HTML preview

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When the LORD created the earth and commanded the earth to bring forth trees, plants, grasses, herbs and all he demanded of the earth, was the earth able to bring forth plants or did the herbs grew? No they didn’t even though God Almighty had commanded them. There was need for watering, they did not grow until the LORD God caused water to spring up and watered the whole earth.

Can a field be green without the rain? Where is springing of seed without a sower?

Can a vine be fruitful without a good vinedresser? No! Neither could I have become who I am today without the great anointed ones whom the Lord Jesus has place on here for my growth and benefits.

I strongly believe if I was the only one on here, Jesus will still send them to me; my big Brother loves me so.

This is a faithful saying and worthy of acceptance; in all things thanks should be given to whom it is due, Sir (Pastor Chris Oyakhilome) I say thank you firstly for leading me to Christ, secondly, for building me up with the word of grace, thirdly, for believing in me, fourthly, for the prayers, fifthly, for the prophecies so much more to talk about. You did not preach Jesus to me; you manifested Jesus to me just as I am manifesting Jesus to the world with great power and authority, bringing the day of the Apostles to the present that all may see and say “It is true”.

I want you to know, you have raised a giant in the Kingdom of our Lord who is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edge sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.

Though we have not meet in physical but, more than three times the Lord has brought me in spirit to you, for impartation, sure words of prophecy and ministration.

What do they see when they see him? A man, yeah a man more than a man, a man who has been transformed totally into the realm of the spirit who is 5% human 95% spirit for the natural to be able to behold him.

Thank you for making yourself available for the Lord for my profiting. Many may not understand what am saying but yet I tell you the truth Sir, I would have never be born again if not the discipline you gave yourself and your yielding to the Holy Spirit to be able to demonstrate his character which is something that is hardly seen these days.

I refused to give to Christ back then because I saw them as people who are religious, praying over the same thing, falling sick and dying like other people, suffering the same things the people of the world are suffering, when I saw them in that dilemma I told myself it’s of no use.

 I am a man that believes in reality not doing something for doing sake but to achieve my aim concerning it.

My questions you had answered by demonstrating the character of the Spirit and manifesting Jesus to me whom I find so sweet and loving today.

To convert a man like me is not by using sweet words to entice but the full proof of the gospel as it was given at the beginning, this you did. I sure know it was not a light thing for you, with endurance, patience and exercise you sorted answers to hard questions about the Gospel. Thank you sir, your expectations concerning me shall not be cut short; I shall fulfill that which you have spoken concerning me.

I acknowledge your love and your labour in prayer, to ensure this great light of mine shines brighter and brighter until it exceed the brightness of the sun in its full energy.

I say thank you so much sir, you have conquered and achieved as a successful man..

To you Sir (Bishop David Oyedepo), a Bishop ‘in deeds’. The only Bishop I know so far was not appointed as a bishop by men. The mouth of the Lord pronounced it and he is still pronouncing it, I heard it from his mouth. “A Bishop in deeds”. How I wish we all have the eyes to see you, I tell people “What the Lord has given to Bishop is much enough to sustain every single soul in Nigerian and yet Bishop will not be shaken (Anointing)”. Someone actually told me about you, though I had no negative thoughts about you then but I am raise to watch what I listen to, I know what I listen to plays a vital role in my life.

The very first day I listen to you, there was a confirmation in my spirit that “He is true”. The few words I have heard from your mouth have blessed me and unveil secrets to me concerning our Kingdom. I am grateful sir. Knowing that I have people like you, add to my joy. Many righteous men prayed to hear what you are saying today, and did not hear it but I am here at such a time as this to hear words from you to make me stronger and stronger.

Sir please keep releasing those words of prophecy, the fulfillment is close and many of us are still sleeping, “The glorious days of the Sons of God”.

The Lord has blessed you so much to the extent of revealing the Glorious days of the sons of God to you which I know is not a common thing. Keep releasing those words sir. We are here already but many are still sleeping.

Blessed are those who are opportune to see your face which I still long for. I prayed to the Lord to take me to you in spirit the first day I laid my hands on Manifestations of the Spirit of God, He did, I saw, am blessed and am glad.

The oldest among the present, a blameless man, wiser than the serpent, harmless as a dove, a man without spot; Pastor E . A Adeboye my big daddy, I call you the oldest among the present because that is who I know you to be. Being the oldest have nothing to do with age but I know that the wise will agree me with me that the Lord will not leave his sheep in the hand of a young man and say shepherd my sheep. “The shepherd of his flock”, a man that have the ability to shepherd his flock. I heard words in the realm of the spirit about you which my mouth cannot utter.

How I wish your congregation know who is standing before them. I love you sir and I want you to know you have been a blessing to me.

So many people to talk about, like T.L Osborn, Kenneth Haggin, John G. Lake, Charles G. Finney etc your seeds are still growing. Thank you all.

“A people who chose to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives”- George Whitefield (The field preacher)