Understanding the Laws of the Realms
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Author: Norman Sabadi
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Pages: 81
Published: 10 years agoRating: Rated: 4 times Rate It
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Book Description HTML
When a clinically dead man comes back to life after 3 days, with great trembling he opens his mouth about life on the other side. What did he say that made the world shake with awe? This thought provoking book goes beyond just an argument of facts. It speaks of the facts. Norman Sabadi has skilfully delivered the ultimate truth about TRUTH. Perhaps you have a cynical question about God! Well you may have just stumbled upon your answer. No one tells it better than the TRUTH. In this book you'll get to discover the truth in a new light... When a question about God is asked, the question deserves an answer. Do you have one or may be two? I invite you to find out for yourself what the answer may be...