Two Trees in Eden by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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It was a cool evening in Eden. As usual in the evening a bluish colored mist, the Shekinah Glory of God, permeated the atmosphere in the Garden of Eden and the hearts of the First Couple. Adam and Eve were enjoying the peaceful setting in which they were living. The Angels of God rejoiced over the New Creation God had recently formed out of chaos.

Light was a new concept where chaos had ruled the darkness before Creation. The beauty and splendor of Heaven and the Hosts of Heaven were present during those days of Creation and the days immediately following.

There was plenty of time for Adam and Eve to enjoy the life they were now sharing with each other. It was Heaven on Earth. Adam and Eve had everything they needed to sustain them in the Garden of Paradise. There were plenty of delectable and delicious fruit trees in the Garden which provided them with everything they needed to sustain them and keep them alive.

There were various fruit trees in the Garden which God had planted in Eden for the First Couple. All but one of the trees in the Garden of their Delight had been placed there to sustain them and to remind them of their Creator, God. Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from one of the trees in the midst (middle) of the Garden. That Tree was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Tree of Life in the middle of the Garden was to be their main source of food. Yes, there were many other trees in the Garden, and their fruit was to be eaten daily. The fruit which the Tree of Life produced was the fruit which gave Adam and Eve spiritual life. Through the Tree of Life they communicated with and worshipped the giver of Life, God. As long as Adam and Eve were eating the fruit from the Tree of Life---Life sustained them.

On the other hand, Gold told Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or they would SURELY DIE. The consequence of eating the forbidden fruit would be spiritual death. The fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would bring them tragedy and death if they ate of the Tree.

It was almost time for Adam and Eve to spend some time with their Creator in the cool of the evening. Every evening there was a time set aside for Adam and Eve to communicate with and worship the Father. The love of the Father was something the First Couple experienced from the beginning as they walked and talked with God daily. Nothing unpleasant to the eyes or to the hearts of Adam and Eve had ever entered into the Garden at that time.

There was a Serpent God had created who was called the “most subtle beast of the field.” Although he goes by many names, we know him today as Lucifer, or Satan. Adam and Eve were given charge of the Garden, and God instructed them to dress and keep the Garden and to guard it from all intruders who would do them or their garden harm.

As Adam and Eve were preparing to commune with the Father that evening, the Serpent entered into the Garden. The Serpent approached Eve, and began speaking to her in the Garden. He quickly drew her attention away from her plans to communicate with God. Pointing to the Tree which produced the forbidden fruit, Satan said to Eve “YEA, HATH GOD SAID, YE SHALL NOT EAT OF EVERY TREE OF THE GARDEN?” EVE SAID TO THE SERPENT, “WE MAY EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREES OF THE GARDEN: BUT OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREE WHICH IS IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN WE SHALL NOT EAT OF IT, NEITHER SHALL WE TOUCH IT, LEST WE DIE.” THEN THE SERPENT SAID TO THE WOMAN, “YE SHALL NOT SURELY DIE, FOR GOD KNOWS THAT IN THE DAY YOU EAT THEREOF, THEN YOUR EYES SHALL


Eve looked at the Forbidden Tree and saw that it looked good for food and was pleasing to the eyes. Eve perceived the Fruit on the Tree was able to make one wise. Eve listened to the voice of the Serpent and ate of the Fruit of the Forbidden Tree. After eating the Fruit, Eve handed it to Adam, and he likewise ate the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree.

Through this act of disobedience, all mankind was tragically plummeted into a dark realm that would only bring chaos and destruction to the human soul and psyche of the entire human race. Adam and his descendants would no longer experience the peace and security the Tree of Life produced. Partaking of the fruit of disobedience always leads one toward the Path of death and destruction.

Suddenly, Adam heard a voice in his Garden calling out to him saying, “Adam, Adam where are you?” Adam was accustomed to hearing God’s voice in Eden in the cool of the day as he anxiously waited to commune with his Creator. However, now he was experiencing many adverse feelings and emotions which he had never before known or felt. Adam did not understand the gravity of what he had done. He was feeling fear, condemnation, torment and hopelessness, just to name a few. Because of all these negative feelings Adam had never before experienced, he hid himself from the Lord.

The beautiful blue mist in the Garden had departed and there was nothing left but turmoil and chaos where peace and serenity had once ruled. Mankind would spend several millennia in the bondage of sin until God Himself would send a solution for their suffering. The Creator, Jesus Christ, would Himself bring salvation to those who would believe and receive Him as Lord and Savior through His sacrifice on the Cross.

The spirit of man can be likened to a garden. From the seeds you plant in your garden (spirit/heart) you will reap a Bountiful Harvest, whether it be good or bad. The spirit must be guarded with all diligence because out of the heart (spirit) the issues of life proceed.

Through the sacrifice of Christ, mankind is able again to eat of the Tree of Life. However, there are still two trees in each person’s garden. Unfortunately, many Christians still eat from both trees. God’s people are destroyed by their lack of knowledge. The knowledge that comes from partaking of the forbidden fruit can, and will, bring nothing but heartache, sorrow and more temptation. The process of spiritual and physical death began when Adam and Eve took their focus off of the Tree of Life and ate the Forbidden Fruit.

Searching to gain knowledge and wisdom from the Forbidden Tree will always bring about failure. Because it is satanically inspired, the Forbidden Tree only produces fruit which God rejects. Searching for true Knowledge and Understanding which comes only from the Tree of Life will produce a Harvest of Life Everlasting. We must always stay focused on the Tree of Life if we are going to be Fruitful in Christ. Outside of the Tree of Life there is no Everlasting Life, only death and destruction.