Thought & Belief - The Inner Human by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Humans think and form beliefs.  That much is clear.  But we want to truly understand our inner self, and why we humans are the way we are.  We want to know how the inner human is designed, the functions of the various components, where decisions are made, where thinking occurs, why we think the way we do, how memory works and where memories reside, why dreams are so weird, where beliefs are held and how they are formed, how thinking and beliefs become distorted, why so many people cannot recognize obvious truths, why people are so divergent and polarized in their views, and how we are supposed to interact with God.  These are just some of the issues this book will seek to explain.  They are difficult ones, to be sure, and this book is not a casual treatment of this subject, so you can expect real answers to these questions.  For starters, if you believe thoughts and beliefs occur mainly in the brain, you are about to be very surprised.


Humans have long sought answers to deep questions regarding their thoughts and beliefs, since these are about the inner core of human life.  But most who have sought to explain the inner human have been looking in the wrong place.  We cannot simply look inside ourselves since that would be using self to try to explain self.  And looking to psychology and science will fall far short since most science denies the existence of a soul, and therefore can only deal with the physical interfaces of the body.


We must therefore find true meaning from the only expert source, which is why this book looks to the Bible, where real answers to our deepest questions about the inner human can be found.  There is no better source of truth on the subject of the human soul than the Bible, because God designed this immaterial part of humans, and only He could explain it.  So to understand this subject, we must look to the Designer for answers.


This book will challenge the Reader's thinking and question some of your core beliefs about the workings of the inner human.  Otherwise, why would you want to read it?  Those materials which can explain what the Bible says about this subject are the ones which are truly useful in understanding the inner human and how we think and form beliefs.  And internalizing truth from the Bible can also serve to rehabilitate our thoughts and beliefs, and ultimately bring us closer to God, resulting in an inner peace from God which surpasses all understanding.  That is the ultimate cure for all issues related to human thought and belief dysfunctions.  Taking a look at the very long list of self-help books and attempts by innumerable "experts" to explain the inner human apart from the Bible, it is easily seen that such attempts have generally been failures.  Mostly enormous failures.


The information contained in the Bible which enables us to understand ourselves is amazing and revealing.  And it is not just about ourselves, but also those around us, those who have preceded us, and those who will come along in the future.  If you have wondered why people can be so polarized, why they can be so diametrically opposed in thinking, why others cannot see what you clearly see, why people think in ways that do not appear to be real thought, why there is such a political and social divide separating people from each other, or simply what makes humans different than animals, then this book will be worth reading.  It explains what the Bible says about the inner human, and will do so without apology.  The conclusion you should reach is that the Bible is the ultimate self-help book since only it can explain the immaterial human -- the real you.  


Let us start by exploring what the Bible says about how the material body interfaces and relates to the immaterial and invisible inner human.