The Truth Against Errors by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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The Faith That Saves

Many people “believe” in God. Filthy sinners “believe” in God. Filthy “Christians” “believe” in God. Even demons “believe” in God. From the scriptures, we know that anyone who believes in the Son of God will be saved (John 3.16-18). At the same time, from the same scriptures, we know that not everyone who calls Jesus Christ, LORD, will be saved (Mathew 7.21). Some “believe” but they will not be saved while others believe, and they will be saved. There is a faith that is dead faith. There is another faith that is true faith. Dead faith does not give salvation. True faith gives salvation. What is the true faith?

True faith in God is living and active. Living faith bears fruit. Faith in God is not only felt and spoken but is action oriented. True faith in God is evidenced by obedience and love. Faith without works of love is dead. Faith in God means to believe with your entire being that the LORD Jesus is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, the Way to the Heavenly Father, the true Shepherd and, the King of kings and LORD of Lords (Romans 10.9-10, Rev 19.20, John 10.11,36).

Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world

Jesus Christ saves mankind from sin and death (Mathew 1.21). Those who believe in Him as Savior go to Him in repentance for the forgiveness of their sins and, power to stop sinning. During the time of the LORD’s earthly life, the people of Israel “believed” in God, but their kind of faith could not save them. John the Baptist challenged the people to believe in God by bearing fruit of repentance. John the Baptist preached the faith of repentance (Mathew 3.2, Acts 13.24, 19.4). The LORD Jesus preached the faith of repentance (Mathew 4.17). Repentance for the forgiveness of sins is the gospel that leads one into the kingdom of God (Luke 24.47). A true believer bears the fruit of repentance (Mathew 3.8, Acts 26.20). The one who has truly believed is the one who has repented from his sinful way of life.

Repentance is the faith that saves.

Any other faith that does not produce the fruit of repentance is dead faith. Faith that does not cause one to stop sinning is dead faith. If you believe in God and are still sinning, or having the tendency to sin, then you have not believed at all.

It is only on the grounds of the faith of repentance that one really becomes part of the church of Christ. It is only on the base of the faith of repentance that one can be given water baptism (Mathew 3.11, Acts 2.38 ISV). Without repentance, there is no water baptism. John the Baptist preached repentance unto baptism. A repentant sinner receives forgiveness from God and cleansing in the blood of Christ (Acts 3.19).


Jesus is the way, the truth, and life

Jesus is the only One that can lead man to the heavenly kingdom. No one can get to the Heavenly Father except through Him. Anyone who rejects Him has rejected the Heavenly Father. Those who believe in Him as the way to the Father follow Him. He is the reconciliation between men and the Heavenly Father (Romans 5.10-11). This reconciliation brings:

Peace and Joy: The believer finds a profound peace and joy after receiving forgiveness of his sins. He begins to offer praises to God for salvation.

Awakened conscience: The believer’s conscience gets awakened. He is no longer comfortable with sin.

Hunger for God’s word: The new believer starts to have a hunger for spiritual food (the word of God).

Desire to obey God: The new believer begins to obey God’s word.

Those who believe in Him as truth and life lean on Him for knowledge and life.

Jesus Christ is LORD and king

He is the LORD and king over all. Those who believe that He is LORD of Lords and King of kings submit to Him and obey Him. Those who obey Him will inherit the kingdom of God.


Jesus Christ is the true Shepherd and only Master

Jesus Christ is the one who leads man to perfect restoration. He who seeks perfection must follow Him daily in total self-denial, obedience and trust. His disciples must keep their eyes on Him.


Jesus Christ is holy

He is the holy One. A true believer must deny sin and pursue holiness. Only those who live after righteousness and holiness belong to Him. He died to save us from our sins so that we can be holy as He is. To believe in Him means to take after His righteousness and holiness. To believe in Him means to change ones’ mind, deeds, and desires to His.


Jesus is the Author and Perfecter of our Faith

The LORD Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Our faith is on a journey. The journey starts when we repent of our sins in faith that Jesus is the Way to the Heavenly Father and the Savior of the world. Our faith progresses when we deny ourselves and follow Him as the Master and Shepherd of our souls. Our faith reaches completion when in sufferings, we obey him perseveringly till the end even at the cost of our lives.