The Small Ones, the Spirituality in School by José Cruz - HTML preview

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And yes it was an illusion that led to the disease.

Therefore it is quite normal to talk to these friends of Light have

also been like you.

And we now have the task of playing with you and you respond to

anything that does not remember, and always continue to help them

whenever they need her help throughout your life.

Thank you.

Commented the author

José Cruz


Spirituality In School

Lesson 5th

The Human Aura

The ringing of the bell was heard out there call sign for guys

to go to the playground!

The teacher spoke up and said!

Boys like we have here today a very special guest, and he does not

care to continue to answer your questions, even during the break

and it seems you are excited about this.

If you want to give up the range to keep the author does not mind

do you?

Of course not!

From the bottom of the class said someone at the door!

But I'm hungry!

And one girl said!

And I need to go to the bathroom to do Chi Chi that I am a male of

the time.

One of the teachers also commented!

Well the best and make a short break to also go smoke a cigarette.

During this short time the author was talking with some teachers

who were surrounded by those students who gave up the range to

hear and know something else that had to take so many doubts.

Some of them continued to ask questions of the author, such as:

You can see my Aura and what color is it?

The answer that!


José Cruz

You have some very beautiful colors of Aura!

But just not going to say because in time you will be yourself that

will find and keep a secret for you.


That's when I die go to Heaven?

Of course you will, the author replied with a grin.

But the classroom was filled again with arms of in the air and

fingers fully stretched.

Well let's start!

Commented the writer!

Only that can lower your arms during the break because some of

your colleagues, put some questions you would like to explain them

to you, because it is of vital interest to everyone before they begin to

formulate more questions.

So here goes!

The first has to do with the Aura, are aware of what is or has ever

heard speak on this?

Only a few said yes, while others shook their heads as a sign not so.

Teachers were somewhat apprehensive but said nothing.

The author went on!

One of your colleagues asked me something about the human Aura,

just waiting for you said you all were all present.

So this is all that is at the top are things of the earth, plants, trees,

fish, birds, your dog or cat to take home as a pet, like all human

beings have Aura.

What is the Aura?

By chance has even written a book about this Mystery. But I do

not mind adding a little more than what it is.

Everything that the human eye can reach and see the Aura is


The Aura is an energy field that emerges from any apparently

unnamed as is the case of a rock or a human being.


Spirituality In School

For now let's stick with the example of a rock and everyone

knows that already!

The rock as we know is made of tiny particles of solid state power,

that in turn when exposed to sunlight or any other the particles

that are arranged in more compact form, reflecting its color to the

outside of themselves.

The color is such that gives the name of Aura!

As you know the colors represent energy and in case of a stone that

can identify with a darker color around it has an Aura of color dark

due to the type of material of which it presents itself.

You notice that the clearer the stone radiates more light color, as is

the case of precious stones, those who by way of example we can

find the rings.

These stones are more crystalline state, they will notice that its

intensity is higher and give more shining, such as silver or gold from

other crystals.

That is purer for any stone, the greater the intensity of light and

color that stands out in your surroundings and when they are in

tune with your inner vision these colors dazzle the can.


It seems that everyone followed what he said.

So let's now human Auras so much attention in many of you!

Auras are no different from Human stones, because as they are


But only physically

Because like small pebbles have been part of a mountain, and then

leave or leaving the man or the environment as is the case of


The human body after giving by the end of their visit to Earth

begins to disintegrate becoming too small pebbles, such as the bones

of the skeleton.

So far everything is equal.

But from here is that there is now a big difference between what

we call physical matter and that matter is Astral or Sidereal.

José Cruz

For all that is matter is devoid of Soul.

But the human spirit and the soul are made precisely and only light,

thinner and more refined than any diamond can reflect on Earth.

That is the Soul is what we call the Outer Diamond Plan.

And this Plan is a far Superior Plan that we live here on Earth, a

plan of positive energy which in turn is brighter than that which

comes from the Earth that is negative.

Only dark and only the color appear next to the physical bodies and

in the rocks.

Then we have the energy or vibratory field that overlaps just above

the physical body, in this vibratory field can also be called the

Eterico body or Etérico.

And it is precisely here that enters the energy from the Cosmos. That

in turn to enter the field or vibrates and produces the vibration

energy, this power to move this energy field that reaches the brain

when he sends it to the physical body.

And from there we have the energy to move in order to do our thing.

Well! All that energy that circulates in the human body, as I said

comes from the Cosmos, and that's where she comes back again after

performing its function.

How it is then returns to the Cosmos?

Just as entered.

That is!

Energy entered by the various energy centers that we have arranged

the entire human body.

So this energy after making its way around and fed the person, the

same is released to the outside of the physical body through these

energy centers.


Spirituality In School

The biggest and best known are those people that fall in the

following areas in the human body, and each of these energy wheels

These energy centers are smaller in the form of small wheels.

sends out a very light and different from others.

So the first of these wheels made of vibrating energy, are located in

the feet, one on each foot. And its color is usually the darkest of all

presenting the most part brown, due to its proximity to the Earth;

we can say that it is the negative pole, which serves to drain the

excess energy that often accumulates in the body.

That's why people instinctively when they are more nervous or

strained to walk barefoot on the sand or grass.

Up from feet to head, we find the second, but the first major energy


It is located in the pelvic area or wherever the boys have the sex

and the girls called pi pi.

This center is where Pelvic Energy focuses most of the energy we

have to spend to carry things or do heavier work requiring physical


It is also energy that passes through and is on that wheel, that boys

and girls are made by the father and then growing in the womb of

their mothers.

The color is vivid red which is the same color of blood when you are


Then we have another large center in the area above the navel, more

precisely two fingers under it, is called the wheel Umbical Center.

Reflects its orange color, and is one of the most important centers

that people have.

It is by him that is a more subtle energy, which is more or less

thinner than in previous centers, and it is through this energy that

you can make the decisions they want.

Climbing further up the human body, we find another major energy

center, located at about the so-called pit of the stomach.

It is named Solar Center.

José Cruz

As its name suggests he identifies himself with the Sun

He is absorbing most of the sunlight that keeps the physical body

warm through the cells.

As the sun has a yellow color.

Then we have in each hand a small wheel energy, which can both

receive sunlight as the center earlier, such as light can expel through

the handś palms.

Many of you sometimes feel a slight tingling in the palms.

This is due to a certain amount of energy being accumulated at the


The colors you can get out of these centers are clear or white.

It is also through these centers that people most developed in terms

of energy can make use of this energy we call love to treat or cure

people who are sick.

We continue to climb the mountain of the human body!

Just above the solar energy center, is housed another major energy

wheel, the more the wheel produces more energy, like all the other


When they run very quickly feel such colonies.

This wheel is called Heart Energy, and which relates to the heart.

It has a beautiful green color. And as you know the color green is

related to nature and you love nature.

In order to love nature must be through what the heart feels.

So is this energy center to be close to the heart that it captures the

influences of the same, making you more loving, loveseats and more

for those who have been dating.

So this is the energy center of the passions and loves.

We climbed a little more and find a wheel of energy.

This besieges in the area of the throat and called the center of the

larynx, and through it you can express it is through communication.

On Earth can be through gestures or other actions as a way of

giving to understand what they want, or through speech.


Spirituality In School

Also when they want to communicate over power to the Cosmos, as

is also done through this center.

Due to the strong influence it has with heaven, its color is the same

of him.

That is blue.

Climbing this ladder a bit more of the human body, found in

another rung up the center through which passes the energy with

which we can see human Auras and other small creatures of light,

as the friends that the girl was to comment on the bit.

On the most developed in terms of energy, they make use of this

center or wheel power to guess what may be happening in the


Many of you perhaps have heard the name of this center which we

call the Third Eye, because this center is in the middle of the

forehead just above the eyes.

While the eyes look out that this third view is more like an eye-

shaped wheel also serves to look inward, into the head can be seen

in screen type, all the colors that exist in the Universe as well as

our Souls.

The color of energy due to the ability to reach beyond the blue of

heaven and even go where the human eye cannot see is identified as


We climbed some more and found an energy center three fingers

above the third eye.

It's called the Angel Centre.

For it is through him that people communicate privately with other

beings of light in other more developed the Higher Planes of the


It is like a telephone line, when you want to know anything in

particular link from below through vibration of light to those more

knowledgeable beings in the universe.

The color of this center depends largely on the type of phone call

you make.

Now come the end of our climb!

José Cruz

The last of the energy!

The energy center located at the top of the head, better known as

Crown Center, is one that brings people together to the Cosmos, or


So have the finest possible colors.

What can be violet, white or pure crystal?

Much depends on what people do or think.

Its functionality allows you to send Telepathic messages to other

humans or animals.

It was through this center at the beginning of mankind people

communicate with each other, long before it was perfected speech.

And yet over the millennia most people were lost due to abuse this

appetite to know more things they should not.

That is why today very few people can communicate telepathically.

The higher animals such as some domestic still continue to

communicate with them through this method.

So to say we can also communicate with the animals and them us

the same way.

Very good!

As I have been describing how the energy travels around the circuit

and human becoming light later on, as they have realized. It is this

same light after being externalized through the various energy

centers and after passing through the pores of the skin, already

carrying everything the body does not need more, then the note is

called sweat or perspiration.

This sweat is a telescope is seen full of substances that are harmful

to the maintenance of the human body.

Hence one can see that these bacteria meticulously previously used

and which come to the surface of the pore, also bring liquids from

the energy centers, which have a positive temperature as they rise

into contact with the atmosphere.

Type a pan that is on the stove with hot water so that when we lift

the lid when the steam rises.


Spirituality In School

The same happens with these fluids, with each color representing

the wheel energy and so that makes up the human Aura and


Aura is the identity of any person, animal or thing.

Because through it and more precisely in humans where the

technique is more developed, it is possible for those who are

qualified and available to it, Showing the colors on the Auric

energy centers and determine physical health problems, mental or


And then leave for treatment or cure.