The Scroll by Deshina Davidson - HTML preview

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“Whoever wins the victory will receive this from me: I will be his God, and he will be my son”

- (Rev 21:7)

Sometime in 1987, the LORD GOD began to favor me with visits in my sleep and in visions. He had very complimentary remarks for me and concluded that I was above board, “Good.” For this one quality, He asked that I name my prize.

I had not experienced such behest before, but I knew He really meant well. It dawned on me to prove Him if He really was loving and could bless! So, I asked that He blessed me with, “Half the world!”

God being God, He rather replied: “I'll give you everything!”

Flabbergasted, He requited of me the particular gift I wanted. Wondering what to request, a familiar voice sounding like my late grandmother's said, “Say money.” And I not thinking said that.

Thinking God would be angry now, I was again flabbergasted to the contrary when He asked, “How much money?”

Not believing my luck, I thought deep in my little mind's eye for what would beat even the most magnanimous Being – if indeed this was really Almighty God! So I asked for: “Two hundred billion Dollars!”

And God being God again, He rather replied, “I'll make it three hundred.”

At this juncture, I sat up and wiped my eyes. Could I really be talking with the Almighty God of Heaven? Or was I just dreaming? I then began to ponder over what I could do with three hundred billion! How could it come about? Where was it stacked in the world? It blew my mind!

God must be pulling my legs, I concluded. Here was I – a necessitous wretch – suddenly offered KING! Who ever heard of such? How was it to be? I started thinking. Then I backed out as I could not make it out.

As though God was all the while reading my mind, He then asked, “How would you like to be so blessed?”

As then a miserable university undergraduate studying Finance, I quickly replied, “In business.”

“But you have no business,” He retorted. And I withdrew again defeated.

That self-same spirit of my grandmother's again interjected that I say, “In luck.” And encouraged again, I did that.

Overwhelmed again, God said He heard. He assured me He would grant, “Everything!” as said. What things He made me realize included a mixed bag of blessings. Some of which is: wisdom, health, wealth, glory, power, honor, knowledge, kingship, dynasty, etc…which summarily would result into my adoption unto Son-ship with Him as “Jesus Christ!” The logic being that everything God had belonged to Jesus Christ His Son. And if I had to inherit all these as “victor”, I had to incarnate into this Son Jesus. Thereby I became blessed and anointed the anticipated coming 'Jesus Christ' or 'Messiah.'

God also then concluded I would have to, “Suffer first;”

Thereafter that day and episode things grew worse and worse still. Everything promised turned a delusion and a mirage. I had learning difficulties, virtual disappointments, ill-luck, hardships, sight impairments, hallucinations, poor health, psychomotor disturbances, and closed-doors. It was a deluge of unpleasantness at first for several years until December, 2015, with every favor promised of God (or by man) jinxed and prone to fail like as Job in the Bible. Given the odds I fought very frantically in an attempt to breakthrough from all the spirits that jinxed me, to no avail.

I sooner also realized I had become demented and paranoid with spirits in riotous communion with me to the extent that I was confused. My doctors said I suffered Schizophrenia, but God rather claimed to have poured His “spirits” upon me to conform unto the Son. I was in God's sense under tutelage.

Later in some of our constant communions, God sealed a “Bond” in “HOLY TRINITY” with me, Himself and the Holy Spirit! And this “Covenant” was never to be broken or reversed eternally by the Three. It made me officially the “Christ”, and the clasp of the hands was the insignia of it.

As days entered into months and months into years, I persevered in spiritual and medical treatment. At some much later time in counseling, I discovered most so-called “normal” people I told my plight of being Jesus Christ and of controlling all that belonged to God, thought it odd and outrageous and wrote me off for a joker. They claimed Christ will not come again as a pauper and a nonentity from the earth below, but in the clouds above gloriously from heaven. They rather aptly tagged me the “anti-Christ”, and would have nothing to do with me.

I often times went back to God dejected and confused, and someday the Spirit took me to the book of Jeremiah 27:5, which goes: “By my great power and strength, I created the world, mankind, and all the animals that live on the earth; and I give it to anyone I choose.” With referring to this and other Scriptures interspersed all over the Bible as I studied – as: Revelation 12:5, Rev. 21:7, John 10:24 - 38, Isaiah 53:10-12, Hebrews 12:2, etc., etc. - and my articles (which are compiled in this book), I was ever pacified or reassured in the instant that I was not the “anti-Christ” as labeled, but indeed the Christ!

This work should go to prove this claim in that its seals document the contents of The Little Scroll that was handed down to John by the Holy Spirit in Revelation, chapter 10 (but commanded kept secret until as revealed now). It is same as the Lamb of God alone could take from 'Him who sits upon the Throne' and open (Revelation, chapter 5). Its seven-seal contents are the charter for The New Earth promised by God variously in the Holy Bible. These seven seals are short discourses in solution to seven problem areas of man, formulated by me with the help of God while being mentally sick. Some submissions have earlier been published at the instance of the Spirit in certain tabloids and broadsheets, however to little impact. They are now compiled together under this heading, after God has restored my health and with the charges to: “order and establish the Kingdom of God on earth” ; and to “further the advancement of knowledge.”

My testimony would be incomplete if I do not instruct that whatever errors, commissions, or omissions are inherent in these essays are mine. I personally have had to study hard and with great difficulty to expound whatever I skimmed off books and through discourses under the Holy Spirit's influence. Note also that I'm not certificated in all these subjects, nor have ever studied them all formally neither in my carrier, nor at any point in my life. God however has helped my understanding and insights, being my Guide. I do not therefore affect perfect knowledge on any of these subjects, and is subject to err. God nonetheless considers me sufficiently knowledgeable after haven gone through literature and the grind mill of His tutelage to come out “Doctor” from His school.

This work may engender controversies– God after all Himself enjoins us to come and let us reason together … (Isaiah 1:18). If anyone has a comment to make, let them contact the author:

twitter: @christdeshina facebook: deshinadavidson

Telephone: +2347013663494.

Enjoy while reading and keep faith.

Deshina Davidson (December, 2015).