The Interlocking System of Arrogance 4th Ed


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Book Description

Arrogance is deceitful, deceptive and underhanded and will trap within its interlocking system anyone who is naive or stupid enough to enter into its functions. Arrogance was the basis for the fall of Satan and Arrogance was the basis for the Sin of Ishah and also of Adam. Therefore, Arrogance was the beginning of the downfall of the fallen angels and also of mankind in the garden. Arrogance permeates LIFE on this earth in more ways than are imaginable and will take the believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ and remove him temporarily and more often permanently from the Plan of God for his life. In addition, Arrogance prevents the unbeliever from even understanding let alone fulfilling his purpose in this life of making a proper DECISION for or against Christ.

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Dr. Frank P. Ferraro

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