The Holy Grail Book 1 (As above so below) by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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The Kingdom of Heaven

Three hours later they reassembled at the courtyard of heaven. The Ancient of Days had spent the time of his recess at his temple, regathering his strength. Communing with the Divine Source. The heavenly host were all milling about, exchanging thoughts and feelings on the information they had just received. Some of them had known very little of the material, and many were all receiving this first hand. The information had blown them away. Not to mention the feelings being displayed by their Creator. In their entire existence, they never believed that they would see the Father of all things break down the way that he had. The entire audience was full of anticipation of what would be the next series of revelations to be revealed by their Creator.

The Ancient of Days confidently strolled back up to the podium on stage and immediately continued his message, “I’d like to thank you all for allowing me to release my long-felt pain. Words cannot begin to describe the intense amount of healing that just occurred within me. Thank you very much for listening to me, and just being here.”

The heavenly host all bowed their heads in thanksgiving. They only wished to serve their Creator, and his creation. Thus, is their sole function for their existence. To heal, and to love all that there is. To be able to help their Father filled them all with immense joy, and love. They could only praise and be thankful for being of service.

The Ancient of Days allowed them to give their thanks. After a brief period, he continued onward, “Thus began the two bloodlines of Abraham, and with it, the true Holy Grail.”

“Many on earth, and in heaven, know a perceived history of these two sacred lines. That from the line of Isaac began the nation of Israel. From the line of Ishmael began the Arabian nation. The trials and the tribulations of each nation. But there is a secret history that not many know of.”

The viewer appeared behind the Ancient of Days and portrayed two trees of enormous height and width, side by side. Each had millions of branches reaching out to the heavens, yet they were separate from each other. None of the branches reached out into the other tree. There seemed to be an invisible wall dividing them.

Above the tree on the left was a massive red heart. Above the tree on the right was an equally massive black club. The same type of symbols used in playing cards. Above both trees are a yellow star. Below both, a coiled snake.

The Ancient of Days paused the screen on the two images and spoke, “The trees of the lines of Ishmael and Isaac. Above the tree of Ishmael is the black clover, or club if you will. Above the tree of Isaac is the red heart. The sun above both trees represents myself, and the snake below represents my adversary Lucifer. As you all know, if you are going to understand the spirit, you better learn proper symbolism. For that is how I speak to humanity, through my symbols.”

“After the two lines intersected in the life of our beloved Abraham, they would branch off into two different directions for the next 1875 years.

“Isaac had a son named Jacob. One night while he was sleeping, I paid Jacob a visit, and changed his name to Israel. Which means he who struggles with God. Or he who struggles or wrestles with himself. Jacob, or Israel, as I changed his name to, in turn had twelve sons. The twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would forever be known as the Israelites. The nation of Israel.

“The tribe of Israel would once again travel down to Egypt, just as their father Abraham had done. While there, they would eventually become enslaved by the pharaohs. This enslavement would last through many generations. The reason that Egypt made the Hebrew tribe of Israel as slaves, was that there were so many of them that they feared their numbers. The Hebrew were very good at multiplying their numbers. I had greatly blessed the descendants of Abraham. It was a part of that eternal blessing that I thrust upon this man. And for that blessing, the Israelites paid the ultimate price.

“Yet there was something else that was behind this enslavement of the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. A sinister dark force was at work here.”

The Ancient of Days looked at his archangels and said, “As my servants Michael and Gabriel can attest to, the children of Abraham have always been targeted by the forces of Lucifer and his allies.”

“Ever since the eternal covenant between Abraham and myself, the dark forces of the enemy have been on the attack against this man, and his many descendants. Their first attempt at extinction occurred in the land of Egypt.”

The giant viewer appeared in front of the massive audience, and showed many images streaming before the eyes of the heavenly host. It showed thousands of Hebrew men and women being used as slaves. Tugging ropes to pull enormous blocks into place, laying the foundation for cities. The next image showed many in the tribe working the crop fields, toiling for hours under the intense heat. The following image displayed many Hebrew being whipped and beaten. People being chained, tortured, and left to rot out into the Egyptian sun. Children were shown being branded like cattle. Babies taken from their mothers and thrown into the Nile River. Parents being separated from their children. Hebrew people standing on platforms, while Egyptians bid on them. A massive slave market. Thousands being bought and sold daily. Families seemed to be a thing of the past. It was an inhuman existence by any standards. It looked to be a hell on earth.

The only thing that the angels of heaven could do was to look on and weep for the way that humanity treated each other. This barbarity was a foreign concept to the spiritual beings who had always followed the light in all their words and deeds. The violence that humans displayed upon each other when under the influence of Lucifer was astounding to the heavenly host.

“The sons and daughters of Abraham and Isaac had become a threat to mother Egypt, so she enslaved them,” said the Father of all things.

He continued, “Yet they never forgot the promise I gave to their father Abraham. That I would grant them the land between the Nile and the Euphrates. The land known as Canaan.”

“That I would make a nation of these people. That kings would arise from the seed of Abraham. And that most important of prophecies, that all the world be blessed from his seed.

“The Hebrew people located in Egypt never forgot the God of Abraham, and never will. In other words, they’ll never forget me. Not on planet Earth, or any other.”

“They also properly believed that I would deliver them from this evil that had been cast upon them by my adversary. That I would indeed lead them out of the land of Egypt, and into their promised land of Canaan. They believed in this because I had sent to them a prophecy, telling them that I would send unto them a deliverer. A man born during a certain year, and a certain season. A man whom shall forever be known as Moses.

The viewer appeared. It showed the face of a forty-year-old Moses. The angelic audience let out a collective shock at the sight of the man. It showed a man with red hair, electric blue eyes, and light skin. The same exact features as that of Adam and Abraham. A pattern seemed to be developing in this most fascinating story.

The Ancient of Days spoke up, “Notice anything familiar about this man? Yes, Amos had once again incarnated into flesh. This time to liberate his people. He had in his previous life created a race, now it was time to liberate that race. Once again, as we’ve done time and again, we made an agreement between God and his soul. And once again, my good servant agreed to carry out my burden. As he always faithfully does.”

My good and faithful servant Amos, who in a previous life had agreed to sacrifice his son for me, had returned. This time to rescue his people.

“Now I will not cover the entire story of how Moses liberated the Hebrew nation. That story is well known, on Earth and in Heaven. How I sent the ten plagues to Egypt, and how Moses led those whom both him and I liberated, to Mount Sinai. Where I made a covenant with the entire nation. Issuing my ten commandments, and giving them a set of laws that they could live by.

“As I made an agreement with their father Abraham, I also made one to his children. I would be their God, and they would be my people. This happened four hundred years after the death of their father Abraham.”

“From that point forward, the Hebrew tribe would be known as the Israelites. No longer slaves, but as a free people living and occupying their promised land of Canaan.”

“Meanwhile in Arabia, Ishmael had twelve sons, who would become known as the twelve tribes of Ishmael. Later to be known as the Ishmaelites, which evolved into the Arabian race. They spread out into the northern, and western portions of the boot of Arabia, and greatly expanded their numbers. But let’s go back a bit.

“When Hagar and Ishmael first departed from Abraham, they became unwelcome strangers in a strange land. Like Adam and Eve, they had to isolate themselves from all others to survive. Which they did.

“In time Hagar would find for her son, an Egyptian wife. For nothing else would do for her son of promise. In this marriage, and a few others, twelve sons were produced. As I said earlier, the twelve tribes of Ishmael.

The viewer appeared to show images, correlating with the story as it was being presented.

“The twelve tribes of Ishmael would be opposed by all their neighboring tribes. The Ishmaelites would have to fight for their very lives to survive. And boy, did they ever!”

At first the tribes fought each other. But when a larger threat would arise, they banded together and defeated enemy after enemy. Until finally, the whole of Arabia was conquered by these Ishmaelites. Who then changed their names to Arabians.

Four hundred years after settling into this territory, Ishmael’s descendants had all but conquered it. Warriors by blood, they defended all that would become there’s. Bonded together by a warrior’s instinct, taught to them by their father Ishmael. And by a belief in the God of their father’s Abraham and Ishmael. The Ishmaelites grew strong in the land.”

“Many of the sons of Ishmael were desert nomads. They became known as the Bedouin. These people were strong in the faith of the God of Abraham. It would be out in the desert that the Ishmaelites would sustain their belief system. They never forgot the faith of their fathers. They never forgot their God. That belief system extends to this present day. Ask any Arab in the world today who Abraham is, and who Abraham’s God is, and you will get an earful. Only they tell the story a little bit differently. The Arabians will tell you that it was Ishmael who was the child to be sacrificed at Moriah, and not Isaac. And that it is Ishmael’s line whom the promise of the Messiah shall be produced from. And if that is what they wish to believe, then so be it. It only strengthens their faith even that much further.

The Father paused, took a deep breath, and continued, “At about the same time frame, the tribes of Israel and Ishmael, would build for me their holy temples. The sons of Isaac at Jerusalem, and the sons of Ishmael at Mecca. These would be my two holy sanctuaries on earth. A place where my children could come to me in prayer and worship.”

The viewer appeared to show the Kaaba in Mecca, and the holy Temple in Jerusalem. Showing the splendor of each. The image on the right showing thousands flocking to Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. The image on the left showing thousands circling the Kaaba in Mecca. It was a glorious sight for the heavenly host to take in.

The Ancient of Days allowed his host of angels take it all in and continued his sermon, “As shown in these images, it is quite possible for humanity to come and worship me. Despite the workings of the enemy, my children long to follow their Creator. They desire to follow my teachings. There is an inner compass that directs them to me, if they would but listen to it. And eventually, they will.”