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12. Self-pity

All these are emotions, traits of the spirit. They are

energy. It’s energy you put forth to the universe and


The Great Awakening

announce, “This is who I am. This is whom I choose to be,

at least at this moment, subject to change.”

Twelve on the positive side and twelve on the negative

side. We’ve got our work cut out for us. If we desire to live the life we want to live on our terms, then we better reduce the negative and increase the positive. The formula works

much better that way. You can have quite a few positive

traits, but if you have much negative, then those two wolves spoken about will continue in an eternal fight together, each tearing each other apart. You’ve got to increase one side and decrease the other, and you’ll be able to create whatever life you choose to live.


Negative Emotions


Let’s begin with anger and how to reduce this. Anger is

an emotion everyone experiences. Even Jesus was angry

when he threw out the money changers in the temple of

Jerusalem. Angry at the priests, calling them the “blind

leading the blind.” Yes, there is such a thing as righteous anger. Anger is a natural emotion for all of us, though left unchecked, it can cause rage. But the problem with anger

is that you’ll never have a clear mind and a peaceful spirit as long as you are angry over something. Anger can be

quite destructive as well, tearing down everything you’ve

ever built in your life in a matter of seconds. One second of anger, one lifetime of regret. But anger is like a purge valve; it needs to be released. Too much pressure will cause the whole system to blow, so a relief is needed from time

to time.

The best way I have found to release it is to go somewhere with nature. I’m fortunate enough to live in an area that has 81

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a lot of woods. Therefore, I will go for a walk in the woods, and releasing my anger seems to come naturally when I

am surrounded by such beauty. It’s hard to stay angry that way. Trees are just that: trees. Look at them and study them with the source revealing all its secrets. You’ll find they are perfect life-forms with spirit. Surround yourself by the

spirit of the trees, and soon you’ll forget about the injustice of the world, and by the time you get home, the anger is

released. Job well done. Oh, and by the way, it doesn’t hurt to offer up some forgiveness while you’re out there with

whomever or whatever you perceive to cause your original

anger. By the time you do this, your anger is gone. If it isn’t completely gone, at least it is diminished along with your resistance or negative energy.

Anger is also a lack of understanding and remembrance.

Even though we perceive to have been wronged, we forget

they are our brothers and sisters just finding their own

paths. Some may be in a state of extreme low consciousness.

Step away, forgive, and move on.

Next up to bat is envy.


Envy is looking at the neighbor’s Corvette and saying,

“Hey, I want that.” It’s also looking at your neighbor’s wife, their dog, house, or any possessions they may have that you think you need to acquire in order to find happiness, joy, or peace. That’s correct; envy is lack of peace. It’s lacking 82

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whatever you perceive in this game we call life. It’s getting lost in the illusion.

Most of the time its envy or something we have absolutely

no control over. It’s like being envious of Shaquille O’Neal for being tall when I’m just five foot eight. Its saying, “I wish I could be that.” How do we combat envy? It’s simple.

First, know that we are all eternal life spirits having

ourselves an experience for the benefit of the soul. This

entire universe is an illusion created for us so that we can experience who we are at this level of our being. We are

much greater. Always keep that in mind in any situation

that may arrive in the future.

Second—and I’m quite sure the reader is looking for

something at a more practical level to use in the here and now—what you perceive to be lacking, you have. You

already have it. Here’s an example.

You may see someone who is very happy. Someone

who seems as though they are at peace, and you’ve just had yourselves a bad day. Someone who is head over heels in

love with another and you haven’t tasted love in years. And you wonder how they got to be that way, when you are

quite stuck in a rut. Well, here is the eternal secret and it works not only for envy, but it works for any other negative emotion. What you desire, give away. You’re probably

thinking that I’ve lost my marbles when I make a statement like that. It’s true though, if you want to be happy, cause another to be happy and it will show you that you’ve had


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happiness inside you all along. And then awareness will set in, and you realize that you are a storehouse for happiness and you can give this away at any time in your existence.

You’ve always had it, you just didn’t know it. It’s an amazing revelation discovering something within you that you

hadn’t before. A eureka moment in life when that happens.

If you desire love, then love another, and cause another to feel loved. Hope, then cause another to have it and you’ll be cured of your envy. This formula also works for many other negative emotions.

Life is like a water pump. Whatever energy you set forth

will be replenished within you. If you send out into the

universe the energy called love to others, then your spirit will refill with love. Ah, but there is more to it than that.

Jesus had a wonderful parable in regards to this;

For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling

to a far country, who called his own servants and

delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five

talents, to another two, and to another one, to each

according to his own ability; and immediately he went

on a journey. Then he who had received the five talents

went and traded with them, and made another five

talents. And likewise he who had received two gained

two more also. But he who had received one went and

dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. After a

long time the lord of those servants came and settled

accounts with them. So he who had received five

talents came and brought five other talents, saying,


The Great Awakening

‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have

gained five more talents besides them.’ His lord said to

him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were

faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over

many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ He also

who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord,

you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained

two more talents besides them.’ His lord said to him,

‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been

faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over

many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ Then he

who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord,

I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have

not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered

seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent

in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’

But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked

and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have

not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed.

So you ought to have deposited my money with the

bankers, and at my coming I would have received back

my own with interest. Therefore take the talent from

him, and give it to him who has ten talents.‘For to

everyone who has, more will be given, and he will

have abundance; but from him who does not have,

even what he has will be taken away. And cast the

unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There

will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (Matt. 25:14–

30, nkjv, emphasis added)


Evan Ansot

Jesus used talent as the example in this parable. A

talent was a form of currency in those times. But you can

substitute talent for any emotion in this as well. Any positive or negative energy can be substituted in this wonderful

parable. Therefore when you send forth love, the soul, or

God, will replenish you. According to Jesus, it seems to

double. He was a very wise man, so who am I to disagree

with him? It’s like that water pump with the flow turned all the way up. If you want positive energy, then give it away.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? As you send, so shall you receive.

Oh, this next one here is a biggie. It is the root cause of negative energy. Every other negative energy that exists can trace itself back to fear.


The original fear in our existence is when our spirit first perceived separation from its source, the soul. There we all were, encompassed in the love of the soul, when the next

thing our spirit and mind know is that we no longer are

one. Let me explain.

Let’s use the example of light as pure energy of the soul.

It’s nothing but light. Light is all there is. But the soul didn’t know what light was because there was no reference

to compare light with. Therefore the spirits had to leave

the soul and enter into the darkness to give it something to compare itself to.


The Great Awakening

Another example: when you are in love, it’s a wonderful

feeling. But when you are in love forever, you forget what love is. You’ve forgotten what it is like to not be in love, so you lose sight of all the qualities of love. You know of nothing else. Therefore you leave love in order to come

back to love and rediscover what love really is. If you are constantly in some mode or another, you forget what it

really is. You step out of something in order to once again return to it so you can once again experience what that is.

Therefore we all left the light, or love, or the soul, to once again discover what it really is. So we had to experience

love’s counterpart, and that, my friends, is fear. And that reason is why when we fall in love our first emotion is to fear losing that newfound love. We’ve experienced losing

love in the beginning and never gotten ourselves away from that feeling. It’s a difficult feeling to shed, losing love. And that created the original fear.

From that feeling, all other fears came into play. The

fear of losing something is the biggest fear. Losing a

job, husband, possessions; the list is endless. Along with that, you have the fear of an outcome, the fear of losing

control of something, and the fear of anything. Fear begins to dominate, which leads to all other negative emotions.

Fear is the root negative emotion. It was with us in the

beginning. Fear is number one in negative energy. It will

keep you from achieving anything in life. But there is a way to overcome this.


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There is a way to defeat fear. The first thing we must

do is to take a certain situation that currently has fear in it and know that we are all eternal. No harm can come to our

spirits. Once the spirit and mind are done with this body

we return back to our original source, the soul.

Now that we’ve remembered that we are all eternal, the

next step is also remember that this life and every other

life we have lived, are living now, and will continue to live in the future is a holographic illusion based on time and

space. It’s not real. None of it is. So whatever we perceive to be real isn’t. Whatever fear is facing us is nonsense. Always remember this: nothing is as it seems.

We made an agreement with the source when we left

it that our memories would be erased every time we took

on a new body. Our deeper mind—our spirit mind—

remembers, but our body mind doesn’t. Or more accurately,

our mind remembers, but our brain, which is just a huge

data processor for this life and this life only, doesn’t.

It’s all about perception. It’s not real.

So it’s much easier to face fear when you know it isn’t

real. And there is the next step: to face it and overcome it.

We go to a job interview. We don’t know the outcome,

so automatically there is fear. Anxiety and nervousness both come from fear. We face it as we pretend to be confident

during the interview process and make it through it.

Overcoming our fear and suddenly, miraculously, the fear

is gone. The truth is, it never existed in the first place. We 88

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put it there because we didn’t know the outcome. We blew

things way out of proportion. We probably lost sleep over

it the night before.

Finally, the way to overcome fear is to love. Love

overcomes every other emotion. It is the original emotion

spawned from the source. In reality, love is all there really is out there. Then love gave birth to everything else just as the soul gave birth to all that is, both negative and positive.

See the perceived fear for what it is, an illusion, and then love the process of it. Remember who you truly are, and the fear will disappear and so will the resistance in our formula we’ve created. Faith goes up, resistance goes down, and the chance of any intended results goes up with it.


Another emotion which causes massive amounts of negative

energy or resistance is guilt. This particular energy will shrink your spirit to the point where no positive energy can come through from the soul. Guilt is the great roadblock.

It tells you that you aren’t worthy of any blessings from

the source. It’s the root emotion for regret, inferiority, and doubt. Left unchecked, it will lead to depression and

possible suicide. Many people on this planet live in guilt; therefore, it needs to be rectified. We can’t continue down this path of guilt. It can only lead to destruction.

So how do we combat guilt? Forgiveness is the key.


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Forgiveness is easy to say but hard to do, especially with ourselves. It’s much easier to forgive another but far more difficult to forgive ourselves.

Let’s begin with the word sin. It is ingrained in our mindset that sin is evil and dark. We live in a society where many people have been taught that we are sinful in nature.

That basically we are evil beings searching for redemption.

And that the only answer to our sinful nature is to trust

in the Lord Jesus. This is a grave error perpetrated on us by a church, which seeks to keep our power unto itself. If they can convince us that we are sinful and the only way

to remove that is by going to church and doing what they

tell us to be saved, then they have our power that was given to us from the source. Therefore, it make us feel guilty, and makes us think that they are the only beings allowed to

remove that guilt. And that, my friends, is why our society is such a mess. Oh, and don’t forget to tithe that ten percent!

Let me explain further.

Each and every one of us in the beginning comes from

the original source, the soul. The power of the soul lies

within us all. The soul is what is known as the “kingdom of heaven.” The soul split into spirit, mind, and body to know itself. Each one of us spirits has this soul within us. All the power of the universe is ours. There can be no other way.

Now if a different belief system comes along and

convinces us otherwise, that we aren’t the soul and that we need to go to them in order to retrieve it, then they have 90

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taken our original source away from us. That must end in

order for us to move forward in our discovery of ourselves.

Back to guilt. Remove the word sin and replace it with the word error, and everything changes. What that does is it removes the judgment of sin. When we “lived” under

this illusion of sin, it took our power from us. When we

live under error instead, well then, it isn’t so terrible, and it’s far much easier to forgive ourselves instead. See where I’m heading with this? Just making it simpler for all of us to forgive ourselves.

After all, when we commit errors in our lives, it’s

generally because we did the best we did at the time with

the knowledge we had, which in many cases isn’t much.

When we don’t have the complete and total knowledge of

a current situation, it’s far easier to commit an error. And much simpler to forgive yourself for making the mistake

you committed. Therefore, forgive yourself for the error you committed. No need for judgment, no need for sorrow, no

need for guilt. We did the best we could at the time with

the knowledge we had, which wasn’t much. Especially since

our teachers didn’t know much themselves.


Besides fear, deception is our enemy’s number one tool.

Deception has been used since time immemorial. It

creates wars and causes nations to fall. Deception betrays trust. It’s an extremely large negative emotion, which


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causes negative energy to be released on a massive scale. It can lead to resentment, anger, regret, and sorrow.

Deception can be disguised so well that you can be told

ninety percent truth and ten percent lies, and those lies

could lead to your downfall. It’s extremely clever in that you could be totally trusting in your source for truth and still be led down the path of sorrows. Deception is the darkest and most negative energy there is. So how must we deal with

this? Let’s find out.

First, don’t lie. Let the truth be told though the heavens fall! It doesn’t matter if you’ve made a mistake and now you must own up to it. Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. At least in doing so, you now won’t have to lose energy over worrying about being discovered.

When we lie, we have to keep track of our lies so we can

remain hidden. But the problem with that is that truth will follow you to hell and beyond. You won’t be able to shake

it from your own mind. It will always remain no matter

what the situation or circumstance. Lying lowers your

consciousness and blocks any positive energy from flowing

through your spirit from the source of all things, the soul.

Therefore, tell the truth in all things.

That’s deception from within, and we have much control

over that part. But deception from without, from another, is an entirely different matter. And how do we deal with that?

How can we tell we are being lied to?


The Great Awakening

Discernment—there is your answer. Fine, so you ask,

“How can you discern truth from fiction?”

It all lies within us. All the truth of every life we’ve lived, the life we are living now, and the life of our futures lies within us. It’s all there. Just go right ahead and tap into that unlimited power source, and discernment comes easier.

Well, that’s fine, you say, but how does that relate

to whether or not you can tell if you are being misled

presently? Start by looking into the windows of their spirit: their eyes. Look deep within them, and you will know truth from falsehood.

Second, look deep within your own self. Your gut feeling

will also tell you. We’ve all felt that feeling when someone is deceiving us. Something inside of us is saying, Don’t trust it, don’t believe it. That’s the future you telling the present you that you are being misled.

All our spirits lie within us. Past, present, and future. They continually communicate with each other through feelings.

So when you receive that gut feeling that something isn’t

right, well, that’s you telling you to walk away from your present situation. Your future you knows the outcome

of such things, and it wasn’t pretty. Look within and use

your tools.

Third, as we grow in our spirit, we will be able to decipher others’ feelings rather well. We will be able to pick up on things, which up until now have been hidden.


Evan Ansot

We are all beings of energy. And when we are engaging

in conversation with another, our energies merge at some

level. Your being will be able to pick up on theirs and be able to tell if it’s positive or negative energy being sent in your direction. Trust that feeling, and you will know the

truth. And always remember that the kingdom of heaven,

which knows all things, lies within you.


Doubt is the number one cause for our prayers to remain

unanswered. We doubt that God will answer us. We also

doubt our own abilities. We do this because of the lack

of knowledge of who and what we really are. A seed of

doubt will become a tree of resistance. And its fruits will produce inferiority.

We just don’t believe we are good enough. We are not

worthy of the many blessings due us. We believe that we

are not sons and daughters of the living God; therefore, we are on our own. This is another path that leads to our own destruction, both within and without.

As I’ve mentioned before, we are told all throughout

our lives that we are not worthy of God’s, or the soul’s,

many blessings and that we are a lesser being. Children of a lesser God. Children of some fictional God who sits on the throne and separates the wheat from the chaff. And that

if we do good deeds, we might, just might, be able to slip ourselves into some kingdom of heaven out there, wherever


The Great Awakening

“out there” is. What hogwash! They tell us that we have to wait and find out after our lives are over. And God help

us if he’s not satisfied with our lives in servitude. Then we get thrown into this bottomless pit of fire and brimstone, which is basically something a dictator would do.

Pure nonsense! That sounds more like the actions of a

tyrant rather than a God of pure love. It sounds more like God as Adolph Hitler, and the rest of us as Jews on our way to the gas chambers. Does that sound like a God of love

to you? It’s strictly unbelievable what we are being taught nowadays. Our eyes have been closed to the truth for too

long. It’s time for us to learn the good news. What Jesus

said about the religious leaders of his day holds true for the leaders of today.

For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men;

for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow

those who are entering to go in. (Matt. 23:13, nkjv)

Yep, that pretty much describes many religious leaders

of today. How can they teach about the kingdom of heaven

when they don’t even know what it is or where it is at? They have their reward.

And the good news is this: we are created in God’s own

image and God’s own likeness. Therefore, we are sons and

daughters of the living God. In other words, we are created individual spirits that all come from the same source, and in each one of us, we carry the same characteristics as our 95

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source, the soul, or God, if you will. Now if you can find yourself a house of worship that teaches that doctrine, then by all means stay. You’ve found yourself a nice home. But

they are few and far between.

So the best way to remove doubt is the best way to

remove any other type of negative energy or emotion that

flows through your spirit. Remember who you truly are. We

are not simply our bodies. We are not our minds. We are

not our spirits. We are all those things and more. We are

soul, spirit, mind, and body all rolled into one. Our source is God, split into different parts of body, mind, and spirit.

But we always have been and will always remain the soul.

As Jesus declared, “The father and I are one.”


There have been times in my life and many others when

you perceived to have hit rock bottom. That there is no end in sight. When the cleansing potion of weeping just wasn’t enough. That you didn’t have the answers to the problems

in your life and felt completely and totally helpless. The end was near, and you felt you couldn’t do anything about it.

When I was a young boy of thirteen, my parents divorced,

and after the divorce was finalized, they split up my brother and sister. We lived in different states, so therefore, I felt completely alone, shut myself in my room, and wallowed in

sorrow. It was a lonely feeling, this sorrow. Sometimes, life can be quite cruel.
