The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The Problem of Evil


To say that evil is a problem is an understatement.

If you doubt the capacity of the human race for evil, take a moment to watch the news sometime.

However, is it possible to say that someone is being evil without also assuming that there is also some standard of good?

If there is no real standard of good, then there can be no evil. All that would exist in a world without standards would be meaningless actions, none any better than the other. In such a world it would be foolish to expect justice for anything, for nothing could really be considered as wrong.

However, if there is some standard of good, then, wouldn’t it follow that the opposite of this standard would be evil?

In world subject to some standard of goodness, it would only be natural to long for justice…for goodness.

The next questions are natural ones. If there is a higher standard, who created this standard?

If there is a higher law, who was the chief justice who handed down this law?

Could a higher law be a product of evolution?

Well, caring for the weak is usually celebrated as a virtue, but this and other virtues don’t really fit in with the evolutionary theory that only the strongest specimens survive. Caring for the weak, showing love and mercy to your enemies doesn’t help you get ahead. Might and cunning is what you need to survive in a world full of animals. Think of it, allowing the weaker genes to survive would only weaken your own genetic line and eventually ensure your own extinction.

If there is a higher standard standing in opposition to the evil instincts found in the human race, wouldn’t it make more sense that this standard would come from a source outside the human race?

Could it be that there is more to this universe than the madness we see on our televisions?

I have faith that there is, that faith is the foundation of my hope.